Tidal La Assoluta system

As regards your listening experiences: all the binding posts in your Tripoint Audio Troy signature NG are completely isolated from each other. So there can be no crosstalk between components connected to different binding posts. However, I am wondering: are you perhaps connecting multiple audio components (including the Farad) to one binding post of the Troy NG? This could have created some kind of crosstalk between these components and might explain your bad sound. In addition, may I ask which grounding cables you are using?
Yes, I know that the Troy Sig NG ground posts are completely isolated from each other. Since I typically use 2 grounding cables on one post (sometimes three), I try to match them logically based on the functions.
I do not mix power, digital and analog lines. The grounding cables I use:
Power grounding cable to the wall: Tripoint Thor groundig cable.
Digital line: Pink Faun Ultra streamer, Lampizator Pacific DAC, and power line: preamplifier PSU, JMF 302 power filter distributor: Tripoint Silver, Silver SE.
Analog line: 2x Engström Lars2 monoblock and Engström Monica preamplifier: Ikigai Kinzan grounding cable

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