This is great news!
I've tried quite a few isolators in the past, but they were out of my system in no time because they made the sound dry or bright in addition to the noise reduction. Aardvark was the only one that had only positive effects. These are essential for me now.
I ordered two more 15mm thick copper platforms to double the thickness of the platforms under the streamer and DAC to 30mm as you suggested!
And not just out of curiosity, but from experience, as I experienced the magical effect of these copper platforms!
I ordered two more 15mm thick copper platforms to double the thickness of the platforms under the streamer and DAC to 30mm as you suggested!
And not just out of curiosity, but from experience, as I experienced the magical effect of these copper platforms!
I am confident that you are going to be very happy once you have doubled up the copper platforms! Keep us posted about your experiences. Interesting to hear how much of a sonic difference the additional two copper slabs are going to bring.
I am confident that you are going to be very happy once you have doubled up the copper platforms! Keep us posted about your experiences. Interesting to hear how much of a sonic difference the additional two copper slabs are going to bring.
Audiocrack, I would like to ask you a few things:
One is what ground port do you use for the copper platforms and how big of a threaded hole do you need to make on the back of the platform for those? If you put two platforms on top of each other, do you ground both, or is one enough?
I haven't attached the copper platforms to the Tripoint yet, but the new copper plates will arrive soon, and then I'll prepare the old and new plates for it.
The other question is, how did you clean the copper platforms so nicely? What did you use for it?
Audiocrack, I would like to ask you a few things:
One is what ground port do you use for the copper platforms and how big of a threaded hole do you need to make on the back of the platform for those? If you put two platforms on top of each other, do you ground both, or is one enough?
I haven't attached the copper platforms to the Tripoint yet, but the new copper plates will arrive soon, and then I'll prepare the old and new plates for it.
The other question is, how did you clean the copper platforms so nicely? What did you use for it?
Audiocrack, I would like to ask you a few things:
One is what ground port do you use for the copper platforms and how big of a threaded hole do you need to make on the back of the platform for those? If you put two platforms on top of each other, do you ground both, or is one enough?
I haven't attached the copper platforms to the Tripoint yet, but the new copper plates will arrive soon, and then I'll prepare the old and new plates for it.
The other question is, how did you clean the copper platforms so nicely? What did you use for it?
If you put two copper slabs on top of each other grounding one copper platform is enough: conductivity through copper works perfectly.
I typically attach a grounding binding post to the (top) copper slab, that is the copper platform on which I place my various audio components.
As regards the thread for attaching a binding post: I use copper binding posts specially made by Miguel Alvarez of Tripoint Audio. You need (of course) to adjust the thread in the back of the copper slabs to the size of the binding post you are actually employing.
If you put two copper slabs on top of each other grounding one copper platform is enough: conductivity through copper works perfectly.
I typically attach a grounding binding post to the (top) copper slab, that is the copper platform on which I place my various audio components.
As regards the thread for attaching a binding post: I use copper binding posts specially made by Miguel Alvarez of Tripoint Audio. You need (of course) to adjust the thread in the back of the copper slabs to the size of the binding post you are actually employing.
Eduardo informed me this morning that a second Aardvark ultra isolator is on its way from Argentina to me. He was so kind to burn in this isolator for approximately 150 hours. So I presume on my side no (or very little) playing in is needed anymore. I am really happy about that because I am currently already playing / burning in another new top notch device in my LA set up. The latter has been played for around 180 hours now but surely needs another 200-300 hours before it can be considered fully broken in. Burning / playing in two new audio devices simultaneously makes it (of course) extremely difficult to judge the performance of each unit.
Hope to receive this second Aardvark ultra isolator in the beginning of next week.
As mentioned earlier I have planned to play with (in total) three isolators:
1. An Ultra connected to my Wadax reference server
2. An (second) Ultra connected to my switch.
3. A Classic connected to my router
Will install this new Ultra isolator later today because I am currently in the middle of playing / burning in another new device in my LA set up. With the latter I have so far played 215 hours.
Half an hour ago I inserted the second Aardvark Ultra isolator. I wanna go step by step so the Aardvark Classic isolator is not yet connected to my router. First impressions are - as with the first Ultra isolator - very positive: in my LA system these small devices are apparently very effective in blocking noise. As a consequence I experience very clearly more calmness / serenity, more fluidity, the tonality - in particular the highs - has become more beautiful and last but not least - I suppose because of the additional calmness / serinity - more air around the musicians / instruments.
Really love what these Aardvark isolators are doing!
The copper platforms arrived yesterday and approx. I put it on the existing copper platforms 3 hours ago, so I doubled it. I was hoping the sound would continue to improve, but what I heard was shocking. More silence, wider and deeper soundstage. And fluidity with beautiful tonality. Incredible! All this in such a way that I had to pull the cables and devices out of the system in order to be able to insert the platforms. So further improvement is expected as the troubled things settle down.
The copper platforms arrived yesterday and approx. I put it on the existing copper platforms 3 hours ago, so I doubled it. I was hoping the sound would continue to improve, but what I heard was shocking. More silence, wider and deeper soundstage. And fluidity with beautiful tonality. Incredible! All this in such a way that I had to pull the cables and devices out of the system in order to be able to insert the platforms. So further improvement is expected as the troubled things settle down.
I am not surprised to read your first experiences and further I am very glad for you! For many audiophiles casu quo WBF members it is possibly hard to believe how good these slabs - made out of pure, oxygen free copper - are as platforms for our various and beloved audio components. And placing two of these copper slabs on top of each other is a typical case of 1 plus 1 being more than 2.
As mentioned before, I am (seriously) thinking about using three copper platforms under my Wadax reference source components. However I have invested a lot of money in my LA set up lately and I am not looking forward to invest a serious amount of money again at the moment.
Please inform us - once your cables have settled - about your final conclusions. Enjoy yourself.
Well, I actually bought 3 copper platforms, one each to double the platforms under the streamer and DAC, and one under the Engström Monica preamp. But what about us music fans? They are infinitely patient and infinitely impatient. Of course I tried the 3 copper platforms under the Pink Faun ULTRA streamer.
When I doubled the copper platforms, I started under the streamer first. Noticeable change immediately. Then I doubled it under the DAC, which is an amazing change.
Does this mean the dual platform makes more profit under the DAC than under the streamer? Or has the platform doubled under the DAC already benefited from the double platform of the streamer? Good question.
Anyway, I decided to put the third copper platform under the streamer. The change is interesting. I didn't experience what I experienced with doubling. I might have taken it off right away if it wasn't so very heavy. But I was patient. (sounds better than being lazy). And behold a miracle! The improvement is slow but gradual. It does everything like the double platform, only more delicately. The double platform quickly and spectacularly prepares the dishes from the ingredients, and the third copper plate spices them up to make them delicious and tasty.
Happy for you that are enjoying yourself so much after inserting (more and more) copper platforms in your audio system. In the past I experimented in my LA set up with three high purity copper slabs as platform as well as three high purity copper slabs for mass loading. Both these steps resulted in significant sonic benefits, inter alia I experienced more density.
Have you already started with grounding your copper platforms with your Tripoint Audio ‘grounding’ stations and grounding cables? Believe me, such a step will increase your enjoyment in a even more significant way than adding the third copper platform under your streamer.