My experience was more inline with ...
BTW, Roy Gregory was not the only professional reviewer that was seriously impressed with the Tidal Akira. Jeff Fritz wrote the following:
"The presentation of the Tidal Audio Akira loudspeaker was unique at High End 2015 in being fronted by an all-Tidal system: amps, DAC, preamp -- you name it, Tidal produces it. The advantage was that Tidal founder Jörn Janczak could get exactly the sound he wanted, because he controlled all the variables (well, he hadn’t built the room, but he had exhibited in it before, and knows its acoustics). The sound was Tidal’s best yet at a High End show: clear, open, ultraprecise, never harsh.
The Akira lifted a veil from the Tidal sound, which at High End has always been at least very good. For instance, I felt that cymbal crashes were true to life, without the whitish splash that many speakers produce. Another hallmark of the design was the perfect blend of the five drivers’ outputs, with no hint that disparate drive-units were handling different parts of the audioband. Imaging? Superb: a Norah Jones and Willie Nelson track produced accurately formed images on a wall-to-wall soundstage. That track also made clear that the Akiras were tonally neutral, reproducing these singers’ distinctive voices without wavering. And their room-energizing bass showed that the Akiras had real dynamic punch when that was needed. My takeaway: Tidal’s best speaker yet, and by no small margin." (Jeff Fritz)
Thanks, Audiocrack...Jeff's comments are interesting to me given that my main experience (as we've discussed) was at AE with their older Tidal Sunrays + dual Tower Subs, preamps/amps...and i found it extraordinarily revealing in a GREAT way...but i found on certain test tracks i have heard on dozens of systems...a bit 'white' as Jeff hints in his comments above.
It seems that i have observed as many designers have sought for detail, retrieval, and all the technical exactitude, the balance sometimes goes a bit white-ish (I recall CJ had this with their ACT 2 by some people's standards...) but once they get that part right and they continue to advance, the tonal quality comes 'back' to the middle...which CJ certainly did with the GAT (all the detail, clarity, low noise floor of today and all the midrange magic of old). Perhaps comments around Magico have some similarities (someone just mentioned they felt the new M series actually sounds more similar to the older Mini and M5...but with even quieter noise floor, greater detail, linearity, etc, etc.)
Perhaps Tidal have done same? What do you think, since you have been an owner of the Sunrays and and have heard the latest Tidals?
Thanks, Audiocrack. Where do you feel that the LA has surpassed the Tidal Sunrays? Curious as to where the improvements are coming from.
Preliminary impressions under unknown circumstances are always somewhat tricky. Promise to come back to you asap after some serious listening in my own listening room and with my own equipment. What is already very clear to me: much better info retrieval, clearly better and deeper bass and the LA sounds so much purer. Jorn, their designer, considers the LA by far the best speaker the has ever created.
Wonderful...will you drive with your Kondo equipment or something else? Also, are you going to audition with the tower subs?
Audiocrack, just wondering if you happen to have any technical specs on Akira especially frequency response, sensitivity( which Tidal don't like to quote for some reason!) and min impedance? Also, are you using the Kondo Kagura and if so, would be very interested in your thoughts on its sound and also which preamp you are using with it? Many thanks.
Hello Ashandger, at the moment I do not have any technical specs on the Akira. I am sorry. I have been much more focussed on the LA. Furthermore and as you rightly noticed, Tidal has indeed never been keen to disclose technical specs as eg sensitivity and the impedance curve. Tidal is of the opinion that a lot of manufacturers are providing inflated numbers.
I am going to combine the LA main towers with the following Kondo equipment:
a. Kondo M1000 mark i preamp. I prefer the M1000 mark i to the M1000 mk ii. The former is using is a fully tubed power supply, the latter is partly solid state.
b. Kondo Gakuoh single ended power amps equipped with Western electric 300b tubes.
c. Kondo KSL Sfz step up.
d. Kondo IO-M cartridge.
I used to own the 211 Kondo Gakuon amps as well but sold these amps a while ago because I preferred the 300b Gakuoh amps in my system. I have not have heard the Kagura amps yet. However, the - non Kondo San - techniques used for the Kagura amps differ from the - Kondo San inspired - techniques used for the Gakuohs and I am far from sure that I would prefer the former to the latter. But I do not know for sure as I never heard the Kaguras. My strong impression is - as mentioned earlier on this forum - that Kevin of Definitive Audio prefers the 300b Kaguohs on his Vox Olympian loudspeakers to the 211 Kaguras (the Gakuoh amps were used by him when he developed his Vox Olympian speakers) and I would not be surpised at all if I would concur with him once I have been able to listen to the latter. So I am not really in a hurry to give the Kagura amps a listen because I still love my Kondo Gakuoh amps very much. The real question for me right now is: will my 22 watts (or so) Gakuoh single ended amps be strong enough to let the (high sensitive) LA main towers really shine? The LA main towers will be set up in my listening room at the end of this month.
Hi Audiocrack, really appreciate you taking the time to provide great feedback. I actually spoke with Kevin a while back about the Kagura and as you guessed right, overall he prefers the amps you have over the Kagura. BTW, Key Kim published a rave review of the Kagura on Stereotimes a few weeks back so overall I suspect its still a great amp but just not as good as the Gakuohs. Also, you may find the review of Vox Olympian by Roy Gregory on Audiobeat useful as he tried them with Kondos and Lars Type II and he was highly impressed by latter. If I ever decide to go for Akira I would also be looking for an exceptional valve/Hybrid amp to drive them hence my questions about sensitivity, impedance etc. Really looking forward to your feedback on the LA once you have them in your room. Happy listening!
Hi Audiocrack, really appreciate you taking the time to provide great feedback. I actually spoke with Kevin a while back about the Kagura and as you guessed right, overall he prefers the amps you have over the Kagura. BTW, Key Kim published a rave review of the Kagura on Stereotimes a few weeks back so overall I suspect its still a great amp but just not as good as the Gakuohs. Also, you may find the review of Vox Olympian by Roy Gregory on Audiobeat useful as he tried them with Kondos and Lars Type II and he was highly impressed by latter. If I ever decide to go for Akira I would also be looking for an exceptional valve/Hybrid amp to drive them hence my questions about sensitivity, impedance etc. Really looking forward to your feedback on the LA once you have them in your room. Happy listening!
Hi Jazzhead,
I got feedback from two persons that visited the Munich high end show this year that were not impressed with the Tidal (Akira) set up. One of them was you, the other person an audio insider who is of the opinion that the Tidal Sunray set up in Munich a couple of years ago was one of the best of the show (so someone who can really appreciate the Tidal sound). I do not want to question your judgement at all. The main reason for posting all the (very positive) comments of various professional reviewers in this thread is the following: apparently experienced audiophiles hear completely different or maybe value various aspects in musical reproduction so differently that their overall opinion varies so strongly. It really intrigues me that the opinions can differ so strongly.
If the combination of the LA and Kondo amplification and works out well in my listening room, I gladly invite you to come over Jazzhead and listen to this set up.
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