Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

Have you heard Tang’s AS2000 with Altec 817 using same recording anywhere in any room?

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that does not dismiss that any of the digital I have is playing way better in the new room than any source I had in the old room

I'll preface my question below that it has nothing to do with the ongoing vinyl/digital debate

What changes if any did you make to the digital set-up itself that further enhanced the performance that you have realized; or it simply the same set-up benefited by room dynamics? I may have missed the specifics if previously mentioned. Thanks
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So if one system digital sounds better than vinyl and in another vinyl sounds better than digital, you will draw the conclusion both are equal and system dependent, rather than use your wider system knowledge when vinyl has sounded more realistic than digital in any system?
Your going down a road with a logic that is somewhat flawed. If I understand you corecrly. I hear you say, In any system you are able to develop a vinyl setup that is better than digital. I can't fault the thinking that if I put my efforts and reaources into vinyl, it would become.the best source. That is what I have been saying. But that does not prove vinyl is better than digital. It just means you worked toward making it better.
I'll preface my question below that it has nothing to do with the ongoing vinyl/digital debate

What changes if any did you make to the digital set-up itself that further enhanced the performance that you have realized; or it simply the same set-up benefited by room dynamics? I may have missed the specifics if previously mentioned. Thanks
I changed a choke in the crossover and put the stereo in a new room. The platform and footers are the same. But they are on a carpet, not a stand. The cables are all the same. The power is through a Torus RM20 in a dedicated 12 awg wire instead of a WM45 with a #10 branch to a duplex.
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If I understand you corecrly. I hear you say, In any system you are able to develop a vinyl setup that is better than digital.
No you are not understanding correctly, I am saying the best digital systems will never beat the best vinyl systems. The top 5, or top 10, systems if you go around will always be the good analog ones

However, digital can easily sound better than the vinyl if compared next to each other in the same system, and the vinyl either hasn't been set up correctly, has some bad component in the chain not to your liking, or is using bad to meh records. Just comparing next to each is a good data point at times but does not take away from the bigger picture.
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Exactly - it is a question mark asking why, and the answer was/is the system and records, not the table. You should try to understand what a person is trying to say across posts rather than fixate on one statement. Writing on mobile, I can see how the quoted statement can be misinterpreted devoid of any background
You should try just saying what you want to say in a clear, concise manner.
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Not enough times. I have heard it through Trinnov and without it in the same system, when I was not experienced with good records, but still remember not liking digital records in it (was blind tested) and liked the analog ones. I tried in a good horn system with the Accuphase F25 but not without it. In both there was a bit of lack of emotion. with accuphase, dollar represses sounded very good...maybe his frequency curve suited them. I don't have much conclusions based on these two. I am not interested in ADC so not investigating further.
Accuphase F25 is an analog active crossover…no ADC inside.
No you are not understanding correctly, I am saying the best digital systems will never beat the best vinyl systems. The top 5, or top 10, systems if you go around will always be the good analog ones

However, digital can easily sound better than the vinyl if compared next to each other in the same system, and the vinyl either hasn't been set up correctly, has some bad component in the chain not to your liking, or is using bad to meh records. Just comparing next to each is a good data point at times but does not take away from the bigger picture.
What music is played. And are these mostly $1M systems based on horns?

I meet a lot of people that are digital with vinyl they don't use because they can't hear a consistent difference. These are very nice $300k systems. Sometimes when you measure for a trend, you throw out the worst and best to get a more accurate general trend.
Also, since we're talking about playback performance based upon the pinnacle of execution, have any of the finest systems you've heard when playing digital used a file coppied from a master tape, recorded with a extreme pro setup such as Bruce would make. Then played it through a top flight digital playback chain?

I have heard people say done properly, it's hard to tell what's the digital filinW.and what's the tape. So if the tape plays better than the vinyl, why wouldn't that digital file properly procured, supersede the performance of the vinyl.
Also, since we're talking about playback performance based upon the pinnacle of execution, have any of the finest systems you've heard when playing digital used a file coppied from a master tape, recorded with a extreme pro setup such as Bruce would make. Then played it through a top flight digital playback chain?

I have heard people say done properly, it's hard to tell what's the digital filinW.and what's the tape. So if the tape plays better than the vinyl, why wouldn't that digital file properly procured, supersede the performance of the vinyl.
i have a number of these HD transfers; the actual source tapes and original vinyl are better. the digital is not fully transparent. the vinyl is more complete. but HDTT digital is very good....and good enough. and sure, it can fool people unless you can actually do a head to head compare.

the vinyl is a much bigger challenge for the tape than the digital transfer. it takes the very finest tape playback to surpass the vinyl.

but any anecdotal result is possible. there is no proof out there to get your hands on.
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I meet a lot of people that are digital with vinyl they don't use because they can't hear a consistent difference.
I suggest stop meeting these people unless they are giving you a contract for their power supply. Then upgrade their power and tell them wow now your digital really sounds better than your vinyl. They will love it.
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Another way to look at it is people who have top notch, digital and top notch vinyl many times find they are very close. Close enough that the source material starts becoming to defining factor.

If that be the case and other influences such as power or room can have a profound impact, why worry about whether it's a digital or vinyl source. Spend your time worrying about how well is your room set up and how well have you addressed feeding that system. You won't know the difference if you're not making a direct comparison. Yet, I still hear day after day incredible performance, from a new room, and a choke.

It is probably far more important to do something such as changing your speakers and amps than it is to fret over a digital or vinyl source. @bonzo75
Wouldn't you say moving to horns and SET would be far more impactful than the difference between digital and vinyl.
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No you are not understanding correctly, I am saying the best digital systems will never beat the best vinyl systems. The top 5, or top 10, systems if you go around will always be the good analog ones

However, digital can easily sound better than the vinyl if compared next to each other in the same system, and the vinyl either hasn't been set up correctly, has some bad component in the chain not to your liking, or is using bad to meh records. Just comparing next to each is a good data point at times but does not take away from the bigger picture.

Maybe you have not listened to a "properly set up" digital system either?

You probably cannot give a single example of a CD that sounds good!
Eating my popcorn.

(Not really, just drinking my coffee.)

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