Abbas dac 2.1 se

I would imagine it will go for way more on final bid. I did find a pair in the US fairly cheaply but again had to wait.
Thanks Artnet. There’s an excellent tube vendor here in Michigan “Vintage Tube Services “. He is on a break currently and will reopen for business in early March.

He consistently has a huge inventory of very high quality vintage used and NOS tubes. I’ll see what he has available and proceed from there. Fair pricing and excellent service.

I hope that your 3.2SE DAC arrives soon.
I cannot take credit for the tube recommendations. I was merely the messenger. via Abbas. However, I can suggest at some point you try a 5V4 rectifier in place of the 5Y3 on the analog section board. My 3.2 SE came with the Sylvania 5Y3 and as reported earlier the sound is simply terrific! Abbas strongly advocates trying various tubes to tailor and fine tune to taste.

A few days ago I removed the 5Y3 and placed a National Union 1951 5V4. Well, "terrific" got a bit better (At lease for my particular system). By direct comparison the 5Y3 has a softer/gentler presentation, yet still dynamic. the 5V4 is a little bit more punchy and sharp (But not edgy)/more attack. It does not seem to give up any of the excellent note sustains and decay of the very smooth 5Y3. The overall effect is high articulation and resolution while retaining the IMO outstanding naturalness and truth of tone and timbre.

Obviously Abbas is correct in saying one may be preferred over the other in a given system. Inexpensive exercise to undertake as these really good NOS American tubes are very reasonably priced. You can not go wrong with either rectifier in the 3.2SE. In my set-up I choose the 5V4. Next step for me will be acquiring the Tungsol 6080 and compare them to my Raytheons. I'm nearing 300 hours and I suspect the Blackgate capacitors have formed/matured. The sound quality is just superb and I'm having an absolute ball listening to music.

Anyone who is reading this thread and possibly considering the 3.2SE I say do it! This DAC is a musical gem.
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Tubes working in fine harmony.
The signal chain.
Pro-Ject RS2T transport >Abbas 3.2SE DAC>Coincident Statement Line stage 2 chassis. Beneath them are the Coincident Frankenstein 300b SET mono blocks.
Very nice setup, Coincident very wise choice, Chapeau!
Thank you. 6080 tube>101D tube >300b tube pathway. Zero NFB (Coincident and Abbas). Very robust power supplies implementation.(Both brands). This pairing has been seemingly seamless and exceedingly enjoyable.
Sylvania Gold Brand 6080. I’ll compare these to the lovely sounding Raytheon 6080 that came in my 3.2SE. These Gold Brands have a reputation for very good sound. I put them into the DAC today. They’ll gradually burn-in and I’ll listen. I can say that the supplied Raytheons are “very pleasing “. The sonic presentation is resolved, natural and much alive.

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I was informed by someone who recently placed an order for the 3.2SE that its price has been increased by 1K USD. still a very fair price in my opinion. For what you get (And most definitely hear) In my humble opinion (Now owning and listening to it) it was substantially under priced at 3900.00 USD. So it seems that Abbas has recognized this as well. Much time and labor are put into the build process, and then there are the high standard of the various parts he utilizes (Which are most likely becoming increasingly expensive).

Based on pure sonic merit I wouldn't be the least bit hesitant to compare with honesty any other DACs available.I'm not saying that it would be chosen by every listener in direct comparisons. However, I don't believe that it would be embarrassed by another DAC. I can unequivocally State that the3.2SE reproduces music in an exceptionally natural, authentic and very emotionally involving manner. It is very much so, quite alive and holistic in character.
I was informed by someone who recently placed an order for the 3.2SE that its price has been increased by 1K USD. still a very fair price in my opinion. For what you get (And most definitely hear) In my humble opinion (Now owning and listening to it) it was substantially under priced at 3900.00 USD. So it seems that Abbas has recognized this as well. Much time and labor are put into the build process, and then there are the high standard of the various parts he utilizes (Which are most likely becoming increasingly expensive).

Based on pure sonic merit I wouldn't be the least bit hesitant to compare with honesty any other DACs available.I'm not saying that it would be chosen by every listener in direct comparisons. However, I don't believe that it would be embarrassed by another DAC. I can unequivocally State that the3.2SE reproduces music in an exceptionally natural, authentic and very emotionally involving manner. It is very much so, quite alive and holistic in character.

I fully agree: it’s still a bargain.
And not just good for the money.
Im sure that it can compete with whatever.
I dont know of any other dac that id rather have.
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I fully agree: it’s still a bargain.
And not just good for the money.
Im sure that it can compete with whatever.
I dont know of any other dac that id rather have.
The person that informed me of the price increase was very polite. He wanted to know if I would pay the higher cost based on my ownership and now familiarity with the 3.2SE. I replied, absolutely yes and without a hint of second guessing/reservations.

if someone is into high resolution files and DSD then obviously they should look elsewhere. The Abbas isn’t for those preferences. If on the other hand, someone is seeking a truly superb level of Redbook 16/44.1 playback, you’d be hard pressed to find better.
The person that informed me of the price increase was very polite. He wanted to know if I would pay the higher cost based on my ownership and now familiarity with the 3.2SE. I replied, absolutely yes and without a hint of second guessing/reservations.

if someone is into high resolution files and DSD then obviously they should look elsewhere. The Abbas isn’t for those preferences. If on the other hand, someone is seeking a truly superb level of Redbook 16/44.1 playback, you’d be hard pressed to find better.

Just out of curiosity, what should I get if I would like to try dsd downloads ... without taking out a second mortgage ...?
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A number of people on Audiogon seem very happy with the Musetec 005 DAC.
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maybe best bet actually, is to find some local dude who's into this sort of thing and knows how to set up all the computer melaki
I recall that you have a local friend who owns the LampiZator B7 MK II. I believe that it utilizes the e 53 engine/chip that permits DSD playback.

Did you have an opportunity to hear it play DSD files? If so how was it?
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No I havent heard dsd at his. Not sure he has any of that. Anyways, he is on an abbas 3.2se now.

I had an esoteric cd/sacd player in the house at some point. Wasnt overwhelmed. But not sure I
had the right software. It can be dsd alright, but if it has been thoroughly remastered and remixed
before transfer, then it doesnt really matter ...
No I havent heard dsd at his. Not sure he has any of that. Anyways, he is on an abbas 3.2se now.

I had an esoteric cd/sacd player in the house at some point. Wasnt overwhelmed. But not sure I
had the right software. It can be dsd alright, but if it has been thoroughly remastered and remixed
before transfer, then it doesnt really matter ...
Okay I see. For sure LampiZator does allow DSD playback if so desired. Many choices and directions for DACs these days. I know that some listeners prefer upsampled/high resolution files. PCM or DSD.

I consistently find that native good quality Redbook recordings just sound splendid !!! This assumes the use of “up to the task” digital hardware. LampiZator and Abbas meet that criteria. So as it truly applies to audio and music matters, to each their own.
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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