This debate about the chord/dcs vs abbas skools of dacs, and details vs subtlety, reminds me about the following.
I use these hearing protection things when i go hunting. They have a microphone on the outside and a speaker on the inside. Transients and loud noises shut off the microphone. With them on you can hear all sorts of noises: cows mooh, squirrels fart, rustling leaves — miles away. Things you otherwise wouldnt notice. A lot of detail — but it doesnt sound natural.
It’s a bit like people with hearing aid complaining that they hear a lot of background noise but cant follow the conversation. Particularly places with a high sound level. The so-called “cocktail party problem” formulated by psycho acoustics in the 50’s.
I speculate that it is because the electronics in the hearing aid and protection eliminate or mess up the transients. And the brain needs those transients to navigate the sound field and zoom in on what we want to hear.
I also speculate that all the sophisticated digital filtering and their ringing in chord/dcs products messes up/masks transients and thereby creates an illusion of details.