You guys said that you don't want to delete, to ban, you don't like members (your friends and family) insulting each other, demeaning others, insulting their intelligence, ...yet you don't even follow your own rules.
* It's true that politics is in nowhere, politics is dead dead dead as the most dead particle of dead dust from the Sahara desert. Audio has zero politics behind, high end audio dealers are zero interested in politics, musicians and artist singers and songwriters have zero political views, movies have zero to do with politics, ...politics is in nowhere and has zero place, zero tolérance here in the website you created with all your founding supporters, audiophiles, music lovers from the four corners of the globe.
Sports have nothing to do with politics, it's all in the spirit of fair game, good time, having fun, camaraderie, friendship, good sport, competition, encouragement, kids support for a healthy lifestyle (boxing, football, hockey, etc.).
Cars have zero to do with politics, not gas not electric cars, not Italian or German or American design, no brute force, no power big enough, no footprint, no hi-end status, no social discomfort, no excesses of luxuries, nothing zero nada zip diccaddiddoo to do with politics.
Wines have nothing to do with politics; it's to drink and enjoy in good health (physical and mental).
Ultra hiend audiophiles have zero political interest, not even the smallest tweaks.
Turntables they spin zero politics, only sweet piano and violins.
The space beyond our galaxy have zero politicians flying in, they wouldn't have any audience to feed in. The space we live in is the space we rotate our music into orbit ...
* Typo