@jim94025 I don’t understand why you’re so focused on the biasing of the Amplitrex. I’ve used both fixed bias and auto bias modes while testing various tubes to evaluate their performance.
In your case, and for anyone trying to match tubes, sticking to fixed bias is the best approach. The only factor you should consider when pairing tubes is matching plate currents. If you have a large enough stock of tubes, taking an additional step to match Gm as well is ideal.
How the amplifier circuit operates is irrelevant as long as you have tube pairs that match in both Ip and Gm.
Thanks for your response mtemur. My original question wasn't so much about matching tubes, but determining how well a tube is functioning in conditions that as close as possible, mimic how they are driven in a circuit.
For example, in regards to the Amplitrex and different testing modes, Fixed vs Auto Bias, I tested a 12X7 in the first gain stage that had seen use for close to 6 years. In the fixed bias mode ( the grid voltage is fixed to a specified value ) the results were as follows:
DC Plate current- Spec. 1.2, result 1 (0.4), result 2 (0.4)
Mutual Conductance- Spec 1600, result 1 (1100), result 2 (1200)
Bias volts- spec 2.0, result 1 (2.0), result (2.0)
In the Auto bias mode ( the grid voltage is automatically adjusted downward until the specification plate current is achieved ) the results were as follows:
DC plate current- Spec. 1.2, result 1 (1.1), result 2 (1.1)
Mutual Conductance- Spec 1600, Result 1 (1800), result 2 (1900)
Bias volts- spec. 2.0, result 1 (1.5), result 2 (1.5)
So my question was which results shows how this tube is actually functioning in the IO. Unless the IO's circuit also self adjusts the bias of this tube, which I believe it doesn't, the results from the fixed mode are likely more accurate, demonstrating that this tube is functioning significantly lower that spec. In regards to matching, I agree that the fixed mode is best.