All New Clarisys Audio Minuet Loudspeakers !


I just wanted to say it was a real pleasure to meet and speak with you at The Florida Audio Expo a few weeks ago. I appreciate the time you took to explain yourself and your wonderful loudspeakers to me.

Take care,
Likewise, i am glad to share insights and meet new people :)
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Are you going to the Pacific Audio Show in Seattle ?
Hello there, thanks for asking! As of now we are going to Axpona with three rooms and Munich. Best regards Florian
Best I can tell, the “Hall” and “Stadium” models are so far only prototypes. The Clarysis website only says “stay tuned”.
That is correct, we will premier the "Hall" at the Florida International Audio Expo Show in 2024. Best regards
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Hello there, thanks for asking! As of now we are going to Axpona with three rooms and Munich. Best regards Florian
Hi Florian, hope you're well my friend - really looking forward to Munich.... and something in Edinburgh as well, this Spring !
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Um yeah, listen first! Lots of posts you’ve made but not having heard them?

I expect they’ll be good, will be very interesting to hear them and compare to Alsyvox. I know Mike @ Suncoast will swear they’re ”better” but he’s never spent any real time with Alsyvox other than at a show, so that kind of statement is disingenuous.

I hope and expect they’ll be good. I personally was on a hiatus from the hobby during the ”apogee” era so never heard a pair. I just know the Alsyvox bring full range (down to 22 hz) to a ribbon design and the goal was to solve the problems previously inherent with panels and that was accomplished in a dramatic fashion. If the Clarysis get there too it will be a good thing.
The Alysvox also look much better. I get that they are more expensive, but it's obvious why. This is to my eyes, of course.

I would also like to see better components in the external crossover. Nice caps and inductors are not expensive. Why go through the trouble of a separate chassis for an external crossover and then use cheap inductors? Not trying to bash the company, I was just disappointed with what I saw inside the crossover (referring to one of the posts above).

The Minuet Loudspeakers are in a Class with the Big Boys now and the price is not that bad compared to the others in this Class :):cool:
These guys must be fun at a party. :p
Clarisys Audio vs LIVE MUSIC

Clarisys Audio has done some upgrades to the Minuet Loudspeakers for the Axpona 2023 Show ! They should sound even better now ! They made the Mids and Tweeters Ribbons Bigger and the price will stay the same too ! They will be at Axpona 2023 in rooms 352 and 676

The Much Improved Clarisys Audio Minuets are unreal ! :oops: :oops: :eek:

Michael Fremer in the Clarisys Audio Minuets room !

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Florian, I am in Hanoi at the moment.

If you see this, is there anywhere they can be heard here?
More info on the Much Improved Clarisys Audio Minuets and they still cost the same making them even more of an Bargain than before ! :):cool:

Feedback on the Clarisys Audio Minuets at the Axpona 2023 Show ! :oops:

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I’ve been to both sun coast rooms with the Clarisis Speakers. Amazing clarity and tight control of the presentation. mike was kind to allow me a few track requests.
had a nice conversation with mike Florian. Love the sound of both rooms.
A big thanks to mike and Florian. I’ll post some pics later
I’ve been to both sun coast rooms with the Clarisis Speakers. Amazing clarity and tight control of the presentation. mike was kind to allow me a few track requests.
had a nice conversation with mike Florian. Love the sound of both rooms.
A big thanks to mike and Florian. I’ll post some pics later
I spent quite a bit of time with Florian and Mike discussing both the Minuets and Studio Plus. I used to own Appogee Scintillas and miss them. There’s a good chance I’m going to order the Studio Plus.

I thought the Hegel amp had better synergy with the Minuets (in the Hegel room).
I spent quite a bit of time with Florian and Mike discussing both the Minuets and Studio Plus. I used to own Appogee Scintillas and miss them. There’s a good chance I’m going to order the Studio Plus.

I thought the Hegel amp had better synergy with the Minuets (in the Hegel room).
I'm going to get the Studio Plus too with an Gryphon Audio Diablo Integrated amp

I spent quite a bit of time with Florian and Mike discussing both the Minuets and Studio Plus. I used to own Apogee Scintillas and miss them. There’s a good chance I’m going to order the Studio Plus.

I thought the Hegel amp had better synergy with the Minuets (in the Hegel room).
What speaks against an overhauled Apogee Scintilla?
What speaks against an overhauled Apogee Scintilla?
Looking back, I probably should have rebuilt the Scintillas. However, in my opinion the Clarysis is a big step up in overall sound and ability to work with a whole host of amplifiers.
So on the last day of AXPONA I brought my wife along to demo the Clarysis, since she is very interested in the music also. I know that can be dangerous LOL. We had a 45 minute private demo and noted what songs we listened to. We then went to listen to other systems—spent a lot of time with the MBL 101 E mk2(wow) and Magico, Stenheim, Acora, etc. We also went back and forth between the 2 Clarysis rooms.

I certainly am aware that the listening experience in some of these rooms is marginal at best and can easily jade one’s opinion of the speakers. For example, the Bayz room was terrible, imo, and were only there for about a minute. Too bad. Really would have been great to hear them in even an average room.

So we get home and warm up the system and begin to listen to the music we just had auditioned hours ago. First up is Luther Vandross ”House is not a home“ live version. Within the first minute my wife and I looked at each other and remarked we thought we were hearing a different song. The excitement of a live performance was quite a bit less, his voice wasn’t as resonant, etc. The illusion of bass was there, but not anywhere near the full bass. It was not subtle. Much to my chagrin, the Maggie’s just didn’t stack up to the Clarysis. This was proven out by the rest of the songs we listened to.

I know this isn’t the best way to audition anything, it’s not comprehensive, but it still was very instructive. I know panel speakers work very well in my room having the Maggie’s and before that the Scintilla’s.

The good news is that my wife suggested at the end of the day that I should probably get the larger Studio Plus version! That would have never happened had she not heard these herself.
Wow it's amazing how people hear so different. I wanted to like the Clarisys so bad. The sound was terrible very high fi sounding. All the planars to me at the show sounded awful along with the new JansZen Electrostat. The JansZen in the Bacch room sounded great.

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