Alsyvox planars...prepare to sell your Magico's, YG's, Wilson's, Cessaro's. Maggie's, and all others!!

For those that seem deeply concerned with this sale, I have talked to Daniele at Alsyvox. Alsyvox is fine with what is happening with regards to this sale and I as an Alsyvox dealer am totally fine with what is happening with this sale as well as the original sale. The Alsyvox customer is fine with what is happening as well.

Only the people who do not know anything about any of the details are the ones that are upset and throwing insults and making unfounded accusations, and for what exact reason may I ask?

Can you explain why exactly anyone other than Alsyvox and the customer should be told the details of this purchase and re-sale? Sorry, I don't get it, please explain why this all should be explained on a public forum.

Why should the seller have to explain anything to anyone about what he is doing. All he did on this forum was say that the speakers were for sale, not another word.....until he was attacked.

I can tell you the sale from Alsyvox was totally legitimate, prior to a US dealer network being set up. With two dealers in place now these sales will no longer occur directly from Alsyvox.

If anyone has any specific questions regarding US sales of Alsyvox speakers please ask them directly to either Alsyvox, myself or Dr. Vinyl.

Thank you for your post. I'm very encouraged to hear you have no problem with my speaker sale. You are the type of dealer that I would love to do business with in the future. It's unfortunate some dealers are jealous and rude to individuals trying to sell their own gear for less than list price.
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Hey, correction, this is not my comment. Have never called anyone a con artist. Glad we've cleared that up. Outta here.

Here ya go in your own words:

"On the market for less than a year and already falling into the selling to non dealers and then used market. This really irks me as I know some of the brands that are carrying Alsyvox like Dr Vinyl are legitimate dealers and not black market con artists out for a discount or profit pretending to be something they are not."

Then you followed up with:

"When you solicit yourself as a Bob Carver employee and ask for accommodation prices (no doubt used the same tactic to get the speakers) and you are not affiliated with them in any way I not sure what other label you would prefer to be used instead Mike."

Now, are you going to backtrack and edit or delete your comments?
Here ya go in your own words:

On the market for less than a year and already falling into the selling to non dealers and then used market. This really irks me as I know some of the brands that are carrying Alsyvox like Dr Vinyl are legitimate dealers and not black market con artists out for a discount or profit pretending to be something they are not.

Then you followed up with:

When you solicit yourself as a Bob Carver employee and ask for accommodation prices (no doubt used the same tactic to get the speakers) and you are not affiliated with them in any way I not sure what other label you would prefer to be used instead Mike.

This was NOT SpiritofMusic, it was Believe High Fidelity. Now you need to apologize to SpiritofMusic.

I will make a spreadsheet as to who has to apologize to who:)....Can we all just move on.....please, pretty please;)
Thank you for your post. I'm very encouraged to hear you have no problem with my speaker sale. You are the type of dealer that I would love to do business with in the future. It's unfortunate some dealers are jealous and rude to individuals trying to sell their own gear for less than list price.

I TOTALLY understand your situation and it was even confirmed by Daniele at Alsyvox. You did NOTHIG wrong and Alsyvox or I as an Alsyvox dealer have no issues with you and the Botticelli sale. In fact if I can be of any assistance please just let me know.
This was NOT SpiritofMusic, it was Believe High Fidelity. Now you need to apologize to SpiritofMusic.

I will make a spreadsheet as to who has to apologize to who:)....Can we all just move on.....please, pretty please;)

Damn, you are correct. I completely screwed up. My sincere apologies to SpiritofMusic. If I did the same on other posts, double apologies.
I definitely don't want to continue this conversation but I found out that Mike has had these speakers for a year now. He bought them from Alsyvox prior to Vinyl Doctor or Rhapsody becoming dealers. I won't go into why Mike didn't ever set them up, I think he explained this above in a sufficient manner.

IMHO, any insinuations that were made were completely inaccurate. I realized this after finding out all of the facts and I am just posting this last comment so any non-involved readers of this thread will realize what actually transpired. Mike did nothing wrong, Alsyvox did nothing wrong. It is what it is.
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I definitely don't want to continue this conversation but I found out that Mike has had these speakers for a year now. He bought them from Alsyvox prior to Vinyl Doctor or Rhapsody becoming dealers. I won't go into why Mike didn't ever set them up, I think he explained this above in a sufficient manner.

IMHO, any insinuations that were made were completely inaccurate. I realized this after finding out all of the facts and I am just posting this last comment so any non-involved readers of this thread will realize what actually transpired. Mike did nothing wrong, Alsyvox did nothing wrong. It is what it is.[/QUOTE

I also own the Botticelli speakers and know MIKE. He did nothing wrong. It was all approved by the manufacturer before dealers were present. He now happens to want the bigger speakers........his job situation took over setting up the speakers......nothing more to be said. Mike did not feel it was anyone's business why he was selling them and it really isn't.

On a bigger note the speaker continues to outperform many others I have heard in my 40 years of listening. I have now moved mine into a 17 X 35 room with 9 ft. ceiling to let them breath and tweaking the room with experimentation and gaining with trial and error. My room is liking diffusion over any absorption.
Long story short, WAF factor discussions and some room changes needed to take place before the move. Needless to say, these have revived my interest and fun in the hobby. Every speaker has to depend on its surrounding room........this one is not complaining and we have become good friends.
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For those that seem deeply concerned with this sale, I have talked to Daniele at Alsyvox. Alsyvox is fine with what is happening with regards to this sale and I as an Alsyvox dealer am totally fine with what is happening with this sale as well as the original sale. The Alsyvox customer is fine with what is happening as well.

Only the people who do not know anything about any of the details are the ones that are upset and throwing insults and making unfounded accusations, and for what exact reason may I ask?

Can you explain why exactly anyone other than Alsyvox and the customer should be told the details of this purchase and re-sale? Sorry, I don't get it, please explain why this all should be explained on a public forum.

Why should the seller have to explain anything to anyone about what he is doing. All he did on this forum was say that the speakers were for sale, not another word.....until he was attacked.

I can tell you the sale from Alsyvox was totally legitimate, prior to a US dealer network being set up. With two dealers in place now these sales will no longer occur directly from Alsyvox.

If anyone has any specific questions regarding US sales of Alsyvox speakers please ask them directly to either Alsyvox, myself or Dr. Vinyl.

Finally the voice of reason. Thank you for posting this.
For a 6m W 9m L 4m H, is Caravagio single panel appropriate for the dimension or Botticelli is adequate? How far away from front wall the panels should be located?

Kind regards,
For a 6m W 9m L 4m H, is Caravagio single panel appropriate for the dimension or Botticelli is adequate? How far away from front wall the panels should be located?

Kind regards,

Either one will work fine in that size. Go to the Alsyvox website and it gives reasonable estimates of accommodating room dimensions in square meter terms. My first room was on the low end of the scale with the Botticelli's. My new room is middle of the scale and it opens up, becomes more relaxed, and frequency extremes don't intrude from the room dimensions. It now does not sound as confined as you would expect and plays the hide and seek game much better. Soundstaging expands and I am getting bowling alley holographics. Speed and dynamics remain and introduced new diffuser panels today with some success. Volume control on my preamp is actually same or lower because of the expansion in the room.

I have them out 8ft. from the front wall (toe in 6 inches so far) and 10.5 ft. apart. Listening position is about 19.5 ft. from the wall with panels 12.4 ft. from ear level. I don't like near field with them. Alsyvox states to have speakers at 1/5 minimum to 1/3 maximum into the room and I am at in the middle with 1/4. I have a pool table occupying my back 1/3 of the room so I am out as far as I like to be unless that goes.
With that said these speakers are easy to make disappear. I am learning about what they like with time and experimentation. All rooms need discovered with every speaker.
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I definitely don't want to continue this conversation but I found out that Mike has had these speakers for a year now. He bought them from Alsyvox prior to Vinyl Doctor or Rhapsody becoming dealers. I won't go into why Mike didn't ever set them up, I think he explained this above in a sufficient manner.

IMHO, any insinuations that were made were completely inaccurate. I realized this after finding out all of the facts and I am just posting this last comment so any non-involved readers of this thread will realize what actually transpired. Mike did nothing wrong, Alsyvox did nothing wrong. It is what it is.

Totally agree-interesting to see if the perpetrator of the insinuations will apologise publicly to dr K

Sorry Bruce no apologies for Dr K. However, there are some areas I can clear up so this can move on:

1) Dr K stated there were speakers for sale on Audiogon and Audiomart. He did not mention they were his until Bonzo brought it up. He could have very easily said this and even added he was upgrading. Instead he made an ambiguous statement to kick things off
2) My personal interaction without making a spectacle of it is that he tried to con me. You don't have to believe me even though I have the documentation to support it without question. Not to mention the pm and emails received from others he has tried to con as well from my posting here. You are free to make up your own minds.

The Result: I jumped to the conclusion that he was pulling another fast one and called him out as a result. Being in the industry you see brands taking a dump all the time from dealer and distributors alike trying to move inventory through the grey market a high discounts and assumed this is what was taking place so he could turn a profit. I was wrong in my assumption, but not so wrong as to apologize to him for it. If you are a person of religion you know the phrase "Do unto others..." If you are of a science background you know the term "Cause and effect..." Had I not been manipulated I would have no reason to mistrust the man. If anything I owe the community an apology and I am truly sorry for the disturbance.

My Justification: I have dealers who are business partners and dealers who have become friends. As it happens my dealer and friend is a reseller of Alsyvox and not in a position to view or comment on this thread as well as the manufacturer who name he uses to con people. I am speaking up on their behalf and not for the benefit of the community. I am not a right fighter or feel responsible for everyone to not do their due diligence before buying something of high value. I felt that their positions would be affected negatively by this and took action. I has been at least a year since my run in with Dr K and never said a word about it until I felt it was relevant.

Conclusion: Both Bob V and the manufacturer do not find any issues here. So my personal issues with Dr.K have no bearing on Alsyvox in any way and nor would they as I have no financial or business ties to the brand as can just be a ramble from a disgruntled individual and leave it at that.

Points of interest:

1) I wouldn't retract my statement as it led to his deal falling through so will call that a win and hopefully will deter him misleading in the future.
2) If everything was on the level as suggested, why would the ramblings of a single individual like me deter him from getting his upgrade from the manufacturer who is ok with all of this?

Carry on folks.....

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"Revenge is a dish best served cold "

OK BHF points noted-- -none the wiser so lets move on;)

Agree. I also accept I may have asked a few more questions than normal on this subject. I guess I was finding it hard to understand the logic of an owner of an expensive speaker not trying it out. I for one would be desperate to hear it.

Oh well, I accept not everyone is like me LOL.
Bob Carver responds to Believe Hi Fidelity. Bob read BHF’s accusations and emailed me his response to post here:

“It is I, Bob Carver here.
First, I do not know this man BHF/Joshua and I have not worked with him, at least in any fashion that I can remember .... though he seems nice and he also seems to be a true, passionate audiophile.
However, I DO know Dr. K, having worked with him for about 12 years. He and I have worked over the years on many fun, interesting, and challenging projects, our most challenging being the prototype amp project that has taken years of development thus far.
We have worked with loudspeakers, amps, and signal processors, as well as many deep discussions regarding audio and how the human mind receives sound impulses and how they are processed. As part of our development work, we acquire some components through industry accommodation and I have never seen Dr K try to make a profit.

Bob Carver”

If anyone here wants to verify Bob’s response, I will PM you his personal email address so you can ask him yourself. But please only email him to verify his response on this thread and do not ask him irrelevant questions. In my 12 years of knowing Bob, I’ve have only seen him post twice on online forums and only through his employee’s or his associates’ online accounts, mostly because he’s so busy designing audio components and running his business and only posts what he feels truly warrants his input. If you don’t believe his email address is the real deal, it can be verified by contacting his company’s website

What disappoints me is that Joshua never contacted me to verify my association with a Bob Carver before posting his accusations that I’m falsely posing as someone who is working with Bob and conning people. I would have either given him Bob’s direct number or his email address. Joshua claimed on previous post that he contacted Bob directly, which Bob has no knowledge of. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he tried to contact Bob and ended up talking to one of his employees who had no knowledge of my projects with Bob. Bob can be notoriously difficult to contact directly. As Joshua posted, I told him, “I am with Bob Carver”, which is a true statement. I never claimed l work FOR Bob Carver and did clarify and explain to Joshua that Bob and I are developing a prototype amplifier together. As for “others” that Joshua claims I tried to “con”, he hasn’t revealed them to me so I cannot comment. But I do work with Bob on different projects and have always been open and transparent to other manufacturers, dealers, and distributors, so I fail to see how I can be seen as conning anyone. I think any misunderstanding could have been avoided, if Joshua or anyone else needing verification talked directly to Bob, and not his employee or associate. Although Bob and I have had joking discussions that I could be his “development manager”, I have a far more lucrative career outside of high end audio.

For those of you interested in our prototype amplifier project:

What truly saddens me is how this thread degenerated into false accusations and insults. I have no ill will against Joshua because I know he’s trying to make a living selling audio gear and, like anyone else, doesn’t want to be defrauded. I, for one, have never been a dealer/distributor and do not have to deal with all the frustrations that Joshua and other brick and mortar dealers have to deal with on a daily basis. So I much rather end this with everyone agreeing that all of this was a misunderstanding than have more future conflicts on this forum. I joined WBF because I think members here are above this, unlike many other forums. We are here to help and educate each other on this hobby that we all love and have passion for that rarely anyone outside of high end audio truly understands. I hope and humbly ask the moderators to take a more active role in keeping this thread more civil.

Now let’s get back to discussing Alsyvox, the FINEST PLANAR SPEAKER in the world.
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I had not tried the Alsyvox Tintoretto (93db efficient) with tubes until just now. I connected the 32 Watt Kondo Overture. I was surprised as it sounded pretty much the same with a fairly intense track as when I run 400 Watts of SS into them.
Was there any audible difference in dynamics or in “headroom”?
Was there any audible difference in dynamics or in “headroom”?

Hi Ron,

I really didn't do enough listeing to comment on it yet. I have someone visiting that wanted to hear the Overture with the Alsyvox, so I just connected it and did the video even prior to the amp being warmed up. Only had the volume control on the Overture a 10 o'clock position and it was filling up my room sounding pretty relaxed while it was doing it.

I'm sure if you push it will full orcestra you will tell a difference when more power is used. I have a 90 Watt Jadis integrated that I will be trying. I believe with the 90 Watts you won't notice the difference between it and the big SS with either headroom or dynamics.
It's interesting to see the movements of the panels as the music plays. I have movement in my ribbons, which I attribute to the harmonics of the tube drivers (at least partially). Is there any movement visible in the panels with the high power SS amps?

Also, the video gives the appearance of translucency. Optical illusion? Do the ribbons have some translucency or are the actual ribbons opaque/reflective.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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