Honestly, I wasn't thinking about it, but yeah, you're right, I'm deleting it.
That's all we have to talk about so it gets into the conversation for better or worse... maybe both? I don't want to come off as self-promotional because it's really not my sole motivation for posting. I've posted on audio forums for a decade before I started ZenWave Audio. But, as a manufacturer a lot of our experiences in audio are related to our work, so there's a lot of overlap in between work and hobby. Sometimes it seem difficult to share experiences without coming off as self-promotional. And not that we don't want promotion either, no business owner is going to be upset at people hearing about their business pretty much ever, and often even if the attention isn't "good" attention, lol. So anyways, yup that's it. Happy 4th!
EDIT: Also, thanks for your post, I read my post a 2nd time in that light and it did seem a bit too much.