How does a $40K restored table compare sonically to $40K tables that seem to be hot these days, such as TW Acustic, Kronos, TechDas, etc?
caesar, indeed a valid question, in fact I happen to have a couple of these modern belt drives in rotation at this very moment in time which are rather quite lovely (Basis 2800 Signature vacuum platter, Vector 4 & Kuzma XL DC, Kuzma 4Point ). :b
Over the years, during model design and testing phases, we found it helpful to directly compare various existing modern and vintage based high end turntable platforms consisting of numerous drive types as a base line for comparison during listening sessions. My conclusions, in a nutshell, are that each respective drive type (ie. belt, tape, idler, rim, direct drive & ac, dc based motors) and its corresponding design platform, if well executed possesses its own set of individual strengths, weaknesses and intrinsic personality traits which are expressed to one degree or another during record playback. Needless to say, the topic is diverse, intricate and entails a multitude of mechanical, physical and electrical engineering variables and parameters which may be pondered and debated for an eternity. Today, a myriad of exceedingly high quality, well engineered and fundamentally musical analog playback devices exist both of modern and vintage origin. Simply the age, or "vintage" of the turntable itself does not necessarily dictate the resulting playback integrity, or rather just because something is "new" or "old" does not automatically make it better, what is far more important in my humble opinion is the instruments fundamental design implementation, reliability, engineering quality, stability and lastly displaying the ability to completely immerse the listener during long playback sessions.
In so far as model selection is concerned, the Artisan Fidelity Classic series are for music enthusiasts who cherish the stock vintage, warm nostalgic character of each original manufacturers design, respectively. Whereas the Statement series and NG/NGS series while sharing fundamental vintage based architecture and platform, were strictly optimized and engineered without compromise, developed, voiced and designed strictly for ultra high quality, precision analog based playback in modern revealing listening environments and thus highly competitive alternatives to many current production, a.k.a. modern offerings.
I hope these musings and tidbits of additional insight help :b