I'm really quite surprised you see it that way, as from my perspective, you're one of the few here applying 'science' properly. You are going for a 'direct proof/verification'; can an assertion be proved with some statistical certainty, . An 'indirect proof/verification' requires a mechanism of causality. Why does this happen, and how does the mechanism (typically expressed mathematically) predict, and how accurately.
What usually passes for scientific palaver on these boards is often simply a bunch of assertions with no numbers or experiments to back them up. But it sounds plausible to the reader, which is the primary goal of any marketing literature, to make the reader feel smart.
From my perspective, Armin's graphs of speaker evaluations by different cohorts are tremendously informative, and it certainly gives substance to subjective metrics. My takeaway is that among all the differing cohorts, they maintain absolute rank, but those with respectively, audio reviewer, audio dealers, and HK training graduates experience lower and lower variances. And as you lower the variances, the probability of individuals within those cohorts coming to the same statistical results increase. Experience helps, and if done appropriately, rigorous, standardized experience helps even more... I'm unsure why anybody would take issue with that.
Hi Paul,
I guess since I don't actually manufacture electronics I see DBT, charts, specs, etc. as a matter of day to day procedure rather than applied science the way you would as a manufacturer. I find some of Amir's graphs and arguments interesting too but at the same time his idea of a high end system and mine couldn't be any farther apart, the same goes for designing and installing audio systems. I have a different need and understanding of the "science" from him and probably others. We both recognize the value of what you call science and I call specs but we also know that what finally elevates the end product is experience, knowledge and personal objective subjective values. The same way you subjectively voice your cables I voice my systems, it goes way beyond any measurements. There's a lot more to it than just connecting a few boxes or adding expensive tweaks, and in the end if the client isn't Subjectively happy and in love with the experience its all for naught! No matter how perfect the system and/or room measurements...
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