Fortunately Dieter Burmester answered your good question.
As former professional musician Dieter Burmester is still driven by his passion for music which he lets run free in his home studio as often as possible. He is convinced that musicality cannot be described adequately with the means of measuring data.
Measurements are able to make a statement about the technical and mechanic quality of the piece of equipment. They cannot, however, predict the actual sound.
Proof is given by the fact that it is possible to build two devices, which have exactly the same technical data but a completely different sound.
Then we live in a free audio world where science and the art of listening are two different entities.
But one can be developed further in improving the other. ...With all permutations/combinations of variables entering into primary consideration.
* PeterA earlier mentioned "imaging"; as how to get best imaging...having our two stereo loudspeakers sounding the same across the entire audio spectrum.
First they have to be designed that way, within the closest tolerances possible...within a quarter decibel, or better, between each other. ...With the less margin error possible.
We cannot measure one pair and expect all the pairs to be sounding the same...simply too many variables...from manufacturing production replacement/modification...variations in batches...part's values...crossovers' derivations...material's composition...the room where they were measured...the mics used...their positioning...the room where they'll be finally resting and playing and re-positioning @ various times and then replaced. ...Brief, one speaker can be anywhere from a fraction of a decibel to more than one decibel different in loudness.
We know that for best imaging a healthy pair of ears, that are tuned with each other, without giving an emphasis to one over the other one (no two ears are identical...left and right), ...then each side wall has to be equidistant to their respective loudspeaker, proper amount of toe-in, proper distance from the loudspeakers to register all the music coherently, in phase with the room and our ears, etc.
Amir mentioned @ several times that the measurements (graphs) often posted by him are not measurements but psychoacoustical analyses from the art of listening (science).
...From trained listeners with their sound preferences of the loudspeakers reproducing specific music selections. ...So that they can design their loudspeakers according to them listener's preferences, with that reference audio frequency curve from 20 to 20.
But we know that above and below 20 have an influence between. ...So the variation in amplifiers and preamplifiers and the sources and cables enters the equation.
...And the various quality music recordings, of course. ...From the original master to the last replication/generation/modification/transfer/upsampling ...etc.
What is audio science? It's all of it...expanded audio knowledge from the recorded music to the manufacturing of audio components, loudspeakers, using measurements, latest researches in advanced material composition...acoustical properties...from the reference/preference frequency curve of trained music the acoustical room treatments, to the fine tuning in exploring a vast assortment of physical tools and the connections between audio components and the main electrical grid with constant power flow voltage in providing all the current to all the components well regulated. ...And to the music reproduction in our own listening rooms @ home. ...And how we are involved in our own emotional psychoanalysis/interpretation. This sounds like a serious personal music love affair, a dedicated passion on a personal level between us and everything else surrounding us...the music playing in our room from the gear we picked and tuned to our preferred taste...and based on our own personal experience, knowledge and all that jazz...including our own
dévouement ... dedicated resources ... time, sweat, pain, love, money and all. ...War and peace. :b
I'm just sharing my ideas, from my very minimal perspective in knowledge and in financial freedom.
This science, the audio science, the knowledge of acoustics, music recordings, reproduction, constantly evolving...with the contribution of everything from everyone.
...Mike Lavigne, Gary from Genesis, ...them...and we can learn much more from many many more..and from them. Audio Science is the people's experiences and researches, and questions, and discussions, and challenges, and more questions, and measurements, and interpretations, and listening sessions, and the art of being emotionally involved in the music listening we love...each and everyone. ...Audio science is the sharing of that deep involvement in the art of music reproduction.
Can we explain all that emotional involvement, can we measure it? Of course we always improving upon it. :b