the most begginer audiophiles do not have any idea about experts.
Only the messenger can see God. The rest are not worthy
the most begginer audiophiles do not have any idea about experts.
What are you talking about Ron?
You and others already established that we can not discuss what is best on this forum that is called what is best forum.
The controversy arises (repeatedly, even if on different threads and in different contexts) when you cloak what you believe is objectively best inside of a discussion wrapper composed of elements which, while not saying explicitly what you think is best, have the net effect of suggesting that if people don't hear the way you hear, and if people don't choose components to achieve a sound which you think is most believable, then their audio systems are objectively inferior to the David Karmeli curated systems.
While not declaring explicitly what you think is objectively "best" your sequence of statements leads ineluctably to that unstated conclusion.
If it weren't for the way in which your posts imply objectivity (instead of subjectivity in which they should be grounded) none of this would be a source of controversy.
David has impeccable taste in audio gear, and a rare ability to find equipment and accessories that are complementary to each other, without always choosing the most expensive route !What commandments are those Bonzo? DIY horn systems spread through system videos? That is a pretty worthwhile message.
No one here is claiming that ddk is an audio god. But, some keep trying to denigrate him in his absence.
Some do seem to refer to a certain book as the audiophile bible and they do spread its word.
yes but its the same old Sh-t again and again. I dint mean to imply Ron did it was just a point to jump in on.Ron didn't start this sub-discussion, Elliot.
Threads always fan out. I don't know why people, after all those years and even decades, still complain about "derailing" of threads.
It's the internet, get used to it!
Lamm is great. But are Peter and Tim suggesting that Lamm discovered the sonic Holy Grail, and that Lamm electronics are somehow uniquely the best?
What are you talking about Ron?
Respectfully, Peter, when you and Tim are backed into a logical corner with no apparent means of escape you tend to revert to disingenuousness, and Tim tends to revert to disingenuousness and sarcasm.
Ron, Tim and I are not suggesting that Lamm discovered the Holy Grail, nor are we claiming that his electronics are "somehow uniquely the best". I can not see from our posts that we are making such a suggestion. What prompted you to ask such a silly question? That is why I asked you what you are talking about.
Into what logical corner am I backed into? I simply responded to Fransisco that it is my understanding that Vladimir Lamm conducted studies about human hearing using a large number of test subjects. That is basically the extent of my contribution to this Lamm discussion. It is Amir and Fransisco who began the discussion on Lamm and then you wrote how much you like the sound of the gear, "Lamm is great". I have not said anything like that in this thread.
The thread devolved because people got upset and personal and used these words:
1. Holy Grail - Ron
2. God- Bonzo
3. Messenger - Bonzo
4 Religion - Mike L
5. Cult - Al M
These are pretty interesting words to throw around in a thread about audio language. And now Al is quoting himself from my Natural Sound system thread to stir things up further. I agree with Elliott G. that it might be nice to get back on the topic of Karen Sumner's opening post. It is about language and how we describe and think about what we hear.
I know him and I listened to his audio system (awful sound) in Iran and after 40 years of trial an error he does not know what good sound means!
yes he is in this hobby more than 40 years but he is beginner in this game. He also think he has many
No he is not happy with his system and he changes his system every 6 month.If he his happy with his system better leave him alone as he has reached nirvana already
No he is not happy and he change his system every 6 month.
Most beginners always change their components without getting any valuable result but continue to upgrade every 6 month.
It is the hell circle
I know him since 2004 and I am audio distributor since 2020 , I never sold any audio components to him. Audio is not my business and it is my hobby.You should be thankfull for it as a dealer as its good for business
Ron, Tim and I are not suggesting that Lamm discovered the Holy Grail, nor are we claiming that his electronics are "somehow uniquely the best". I can not see from our posts that we are making such a suggestion. What prompted you to ask such a silly question? That is why I asked you what you are talking about.
Into what logical corner am I backed into?
The thread devolved because people got upset and personal and used these words:
1. Holy Grail - Ron
these are terms that Karen did not refer to I think .1. Holy Grail - Ron
2. God- Bonzo
3. Messenger - Bonzo
4 Religion - Mike L
5. Cult - Al M
6 Jungle -Peter
Jungle is synonymous with natural sound
Which should make me an expert as i spend a lot of time there ( in the Jungle )![]()
What commandments are those Bonzo? DIY horn systems spread through system videos?
then why are you here?High end audio happiness is buying what you want and don t listen to others but listen to your system instead
thats advertisement not education.Most " education programs " in audio are business driven with the aim to sell more of the gear they put in the market .
There is not much more to it imv.
For some in this thread it might be ego driven ( even worse ) as it is absent of logic
This is funny everyone but you....For some in this thread it might be ego driven ( even worse ) as it is absent of logic
(...) It is the reason that we get such widely diverse reactions to the same thing and why it is never discussed that learning to listen and what to listen for are IMO far more important than what "you" like. (...)
The equipment grinders are searching for mysteries without any clues yet the public endorses this behavior as long as "their" opinion allows permission to enjoy what "we" own or like.
IMO there are more more excellent products than there are excellent systems. Why because it is financially beneficially for the audio business and for peoples egos.
Like they say its not the arrow its the Indian, its not the stove its the chef. Its not the instrument its the player and in audio its not the gear its the system. Is he the one that buys and sells the most gear the expert? If one bitches enough about something long enough does that make it right?
IMO Roy Gregory laid alot of unpopular truth saying that MOC ( and in turn all the shows) are doing a very poor job of presenting what HE audio is actually about.
Yet two very experienced reviewers ( at least ) had almost completely opposite reactions to the same thing. In my mind the ever expanding circle of mediocre is sad.
Karens post IMO is really more about the lack of education and the opportunity to experience what audio is and should be. THe infantcy that she discusses will either end or be the demise we seem to be headed to an all expert society. Audio is only the latest example as we are here.
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