Hi Battles,
I will chime in with a perspective regarding regarding the Aurender N30 and the Taiko Extreme. To be fully transparent, I do not own either. However, I did have the opportunity to hear both in the same system during a 3 or so hour session.
The system consisted of both the Taiko Extreme and the Aurender N30. The DAC was the MSB Select II with Boulder Pre and Power Amps driving a pair of Vivíd G1 Spirits.
In this particular system, to my ears, my preference was with the Aurender N30. Why? I thought the presentation with the Aurender had better pace , rhythm and realism. Violin strings sound had a wonderful texture that was not present in the Taiko. Piano notes were more realistic. And, I felt the Taiko had a little bit of grain that was not present in the N30’s presentation. Was this a huge problem? No, but doing a back to back listening of the same music highlighted the differences to me.
Also, this may/may not be important to you but the Aurender seemed easier to use and it has the large screen with album art. We had some challenges getting the Taiko and Roon to work. The Aurender operation was flawless.
Lastly, this is my perspective as a result of a single session. Clearly, both are top notch machines.