If you're going to RMAF check out Serious Stereo from Dennis Fraker.
I run my home built version, SupaNova45, about 2W, on my Duos and they are pretty remarkable. Bonzo heard them and thought the Duos sounded pretty good. You don't need huge watts on high efficiency speakers unless you have a big room or like it LOUD!
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My SupaNova45.
Keep looking and listening and report back.
Thanks - yes I will. I do have a pretty good size listening space and do like to turn it up on occasions so I need to take that into considerations - I found last year while listening to the same speakers model but difference version "now two different version bass drivers" from this latest version I now have. I found the system had allot of finesse but was lacking when it came to over all dynamics and life for my liking, also sounded stressed when played louder or with playing any rock music - in the end just wasn't too my ideal liking.