…but ultimately worthless like all Ponzi schemes.
I agree the science of it is brilliant, and it wasn’t designed as a Ponzi scheme, but it was never meant to be your “appreciating asset” either. And it will not be forever.
BTC brought me some amount of wealth over the years, and I’ll always be grateful. But I’m not going down with that ship.
That could be said for literally anything that people buy, ever. Supply and demand. There is nothing that could not be brought down to zero demand and have lots of supply or vice versa. I think you are neglecting the huge amount of physical investment in BTC. Frankly it FAR exceeds say light fixtures or AudioQuest cables for value to physical input on any sensible metrics.
When the "ship goes down" there will not be any safe currencies but guns, ammo, food, water, and gas/diesel/propane.