I use a 1060.
very cool! I do somehow remember that from some photos i think i saw you posted a while ago.
I use a 1060.
i was very impressed by the 2060 i heard. I think careful system matching is important, but i was very very impressed.
Great stuff indeed , the 2060 is a class A design iirc , the 1060 a AB, happy to hear at least someone liked the ML 53.
The 20 series is indeed also quite a bit more $$$$
What does the 2010 bring to the table as compared to the VTL for example which is considered one of the best pres???
One consideration of mine is a 1012 pre
Interesting , definetively on my try list a boulder pre .
Tubes versus SS ,always difficult , i have both at the moment .
whenever a boulder 1008 pops up on the market i ll probably jump on it, is it possible to play with a 47 kohms card load with the 1008, and do all the boulder qualities also qualify for the phonopre ???
greetz HJ
I've been extremely fortunate to have a 2060 amp and 2010 preamp on loan since the latter part of November. Both pieces are extraordinary both in sound quality and build quality. In my system the 2010 made the largest difference (over the VTL 7.5) and the 2060 was mostly just "different" in comparison to the ML53s. Together they form a "system" that is much greater than the sum of its parts.
I've got them for a couple more weeks and in that time I'm madly working to assemble the cash required to buy a set of my own.
GO! GO! GO!...Good luck. I hate to be vicariously spending your money...but you wont regret it.![]()
Ha! Boulder is one line I'd really like to hear.
Hi Lloyd,
I know what you mean. There's a few more pieces I'd like to try.![]()
GO! GO! GO!...Good luck. I hate to be vicariously spending your money...but you wont regret it.![]()
Effortless does not begin to explain, and also no etching whatsoever...you may or not love Boulder Class A (which you should if you're going to buy it)...but i personally came away with tremendous respect for it...and nearly got it myself if not for Gryphon.
Spend away! After all it's only money... a LOT of money!!
I have to say that I'm quite enamored with the Boulder pieces and if it weren't for the pesky issue of funds I'd already have my order in. "Effortless with no etching whatsoever," is the perfect way to describe what I'm getting. I'm sure I've said something like this before, but should I make it all work out these may be the last front-end components I ever buy (or at least for a very long time).
The truly amazing thing to consider is that the 2060 has been on the market for almost 15 years and the 2010 for at least 10. They currently rank among the best of the best and given how much solid state amplification has progressed in the last 10 years it's interesting to think of how far ahead of the curve they were when they were introduced.
Given the price point I'm playing in with these I couldn't help but consider Gryphon as well. The only thing holding me back is the lack of real distribution in the US which has some serious implications for audition and support. Although I'm sure that I'd always be able to get support there's something comforting about help being readily available in the same time zone.
-- Any reviews from pro audio mags of the 2060?
{2010, no problemo, Stereophile.}
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