Well not exactly but roughly like a Maxx 3 qua systemsize ,but they will not sound like a wilson or a magico they will sound like AD speakers as they use entirely different units and X overs and housing construction /volume .
Mine will have as advantage that they will have around 94 db eff and have high impedance X overs , so you can run them with either 8 or 1000 watts and not merely drive , but i am talking full throttle audio, my design goal is neutrality ,one of them means having a flat output response , naturalness and as a result sheer audio thrill, meaning forget about them altogether.
Phase distortion will not be " solved " by adjustment /placing of units , but gets solved where it arises , namely in the X over !!!!
And they will be all passive designs
Cool! What are AD speakers? (BTW, i think some of the big Wilsons are reasonably good loads...mine are 95db with 6ohm load across the frequency range except 3.8 ohms around 17khz.) Look forward to learning more about your speakers.