obviously you haven't heard the new 861, one of the reviewers on here put it up against his Dan D'Agostino momentum MVX s250 and after a month of comparing both together he said that the 861 was better in every area and it only cost $22,000 US compared to the s250 which cost $44,000 US, he also said he was shocked that the 861 was so much better considering that the s250 cost twice as much and Simaudio amps have never been mediocre anything they make some of the best amps in the world.
obviously you haven't heard the new 861, one of the reviewers on here put it up against his Dan D'Agostino momentum MVX s250 and after a month of comparing both together he said that the 861 was better in every area and it only cost $22,000 US compared to the s250 which cost $44,000 US, he also said he was shocked that the 861 was so much better considering that the s250 cost twice as much and Simaudio amps have never been mediocre anything they make some of the best amps in the world.
It's good to hear that they've made a change/transformation from the boring sound they had,
I wish you the best and enjoy every purchase you make and the actual result.
It's good to hear that they've made a change/transformation from the boring sound they had,
I wish you the best and enjoy every purchase you make and the actual result.
I guess you must have pretty bad ears if you think that the w8 860A V2 870A we're all boring maybe you should read the reviews on them every reviewer said they were some of the best amps out there so I don't know what kind of a system you have but it can't be very good if that's what you're saying about SIM audio amps.
so you haven't seen what I have you just know it because I said I have sim audio but you haven't seen my whole system in a picture have you maybe you should go to audio gone and type in my name zeusman and push on it and it'll show you a picture of my system because obviously you haven't seen it.
so you haven't seen what I have you just know it because I said I have sim audio but you haven't seen my whole system in a picture have you maybe you should go to audio gone and type in my name zeusman and push on it and it'll show you a picture of my system because obviously you haven't seen it.