Brand loyalty can occasionally turned sour.
Bruce, what happened between you and Jonathan?
Brand loyalty is something that I believe most a'philes are very fickle about. When they believe that the toast of the day ( that they have bought into) is the best, well then they are loyal to that brand. However, as soon as they happen to hear about something else that either gets a rave review, or they happen to hear something for themselves that is superior...well off they go.
So I will ask this question of all of the Wilson fanboys and the Magico fanboys on this site.....
How quickly do you hit the A'gon button when speaker x (not a Wilson or Magico product) comes along and you happen to think it wiped the floor with your current rave?
Brand loyalty also means synergy. A Pass XS pre will sound best with the Pass XS amps. Just one example.
I have respect for anyone who can have in any field the success of DAW in Audio... This said...
The comparison between DAW and Steve Jobs is cringe-worthy... Fanboyism doesn't even begin to describe it ...
That's what makes brand loyalty for me.
And what about dealer loyalty Bruce? - I have also found people that buy from trusted/knowledgeable dealers no matter what line they offer along the road.
I bought the Wilson T-Shirt, Golf Shirt, oh and the speakers (Alexia's). Does that make me brand loyal? Maybe. There are only a handful of companies that can truly produce an ecosystem of brand loyalty, whereby they produce all or most of the components needed in a system. Wilson produces speakers and subs. Magico produces speakers and subs. But neither produces electronics (amp, preamp, sources, etc.) Neither also produces cables, stands, etc.
When you compare high end audio to Apple, you need to look at companies offering an entire ecosystem of products. This, to me, is what truly creates brand loyalty.
McIntosh for example, produces speakers, electronics, cables and pretty much everything you need to be brand loyal and live within their ecosystem.
Raidho is getting there. They produce speakers (Raidho), cables (Ansuz), electrical and mechanical grounding devices (Ansuz), stands (Ansuz), etc. and electronics are rumored.
Harman Corp. sort of gets there - but its a little discombobulated with the various brands - Revel, Levinson, JBL, etc.
There are others too....
Buying a pair of speakers from a speaker (only) manufacturer may produce brand loyalty to some extent. But people who have an entire McIntosh system for example, truly demonstrate brand loyalty and those are the ones, IMO, who are drinking the Kool-Aid (and tasty Kool-Aid too I might add).
For me, the OP's list of reasons for brand loyalty to Wilson aren't very important. I don't care if someone claims to know how to setup speakers and sends me invitations to parties. To me, brand loyalty is like when you have to move and you call your friend and ask him for a hand moving your the refrigerator. Does he take your call? Will he come over and bust his ass for you WHEN YOUR REALLY NEED IT? That's what brand loyalty is all about, IMO.
I'll give you guys a YG example. I blew my tweeter in my left speaker about six months ago because of user error. Prior to that, I had dropped my left speaker onto an amplifier. Of course, the amp took the majority of the damage. But, there were some marks on the inside panel of my YG speaker.
I had to send my speaker back to Colorado to get the tweeter replaced. While it was there, I asked Yoav Geva about the panel and how much it would cost to replace it. He said he would look into it. Next thing I knew the speaker was shipped back to me within one week via FEDEX freight. I called my dealer. When I got the speaker, I discovered that Yoav had replaced the scratched panel with a new one and tweeter was replaced with a new one as well. Yoav Geva never sent me a bill and never charged me a cent for return shipping. All of the replacement parts and labor were free of charge even though all of the damage to the speaker was 100% my fault and technically not covered under the YG warranty. To this day, I never got a bill from YG.
That's what makes brand loyalty for me.
I have respect for anyone who can have in any field the success of DAW in Audio... This said...
The comparison between DAW and Steve Jobs is cringe-worthy... Fanboyism doesn't even begin to describe it ...