Calling Adjust+ experts...

Which version of Windows ran on this?
I have not had this setup since 018 ( sold my vinyl rigs)-running at the time if I recall Monterey OS, so pardon my hazy memory.
To the best of my knowledge to date, the VirtualBox App ran with no need to do a Bootcamp /etc--once again I cannot recall any problem downloading directly and operating "within" the Mac OS.
I suggest you investigate the VB App and see if it does as you require--if not applicable then I'm sure others will chime in with alternative answers .
I tend to agree with the poster above the Adjust + need to be carefully used as the App source is Swiss based and Chris Feickert did not seem be aware of correcting any hiccups--it was pretty new when I used it, I'm sure any "bugs" apparent then will have been sorted by now.
Good luck,

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