Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

Is that because it is Audio Note, or because it’s digital ?

For me it was the DAC not because it is digital. I can sit and thoroughly enjoy and immerse myself in music via digital in either of my 2 systems. I do think that analog offers a bit more, however I'm not an analog guy primarily because there isn't enough music that I prefer via it . I'm not going to stop listening to what I prefer and limit my access to new music simply to join the analog club.
20+ years ago, the main conflict between Peter and me was his preference for redbook and with non oversampling and without filters. driven by noisy pcm dacs and efforts to overcome that issue, my perspective 20+ years ago was a preference for SACD's and dacs that moved pcm to dsd.

20 years later dacs no longer have an issue with pcm and noise, they have far advanced, dsd/SACD is no longer the solution, and digital is much better. to the degree i understand what he is currently doing, Peter still is stuck at variations of basic redbook and still leans toward silver discs.

let the listener choose what they like. i have.
Planks … You never embraced strategically Strewn Planks !
I monitor this site to learn the facts, that is my agenda.
PQ says he spent over $100,000 testing neobium resistors against the leading tantalum type and found they sound better (smoother). It is that attention to the little details that make the difference between good and world-class. He pointed out how the faster the digital sampling rate, the greater the overshoot distortion, so for those who think that makes digital sound more like analogue … He says early 78RPM shellac’s where cut direct from the orchestra and singer playing through extended horns direct to the cutting needle, no electronics. Despite the horrendous surface noise, the singing and instruments sound more real than anything today, thus less is more. He said his best (and most expensive) equipment has surprisingly few parts (albeit carefully selected parts).
As I said, my agenda is to learn how to build the very best. Unfortunately, others here have different agendas.

Well I am glad that someone is investing in audio grade components - the Kasei capacitors are excellent. I have some of the Niobium resistors, but yet to try.

I use Black Gate capacitors extensively in my system and I am hopeful that AN may be able to resurrect their production.

I have never owned an AN product, but I always find them to be a refuse at shows.
Well I am glad that someone is investing in audio grade components - the Kasei capacitors are excellent. I have some of the Niobium resistors, but yet to try.

I use Black Gate capacitors extensively in my system and I am hopeful that AN may be able to resurrect their production.

I have never owned an AN product, but I always find them to be a refuse at shows.
I had heard good things about Black Gates, in the power supply. Are they the best in the signal path?
Planks … You never embraced strategically Strewn Planks !

in my first room in the late 90's i had my own version of 'Planks', part of my learning curve. not sure i embraced them but they were a means to an end. i wanted to get the room to handle more scale than it was really able to. the system could do it easily but the room would rear up and slap the music down.

i bought a different house and built a proper room.
The Apex upgrade is a HUGE improvement. The clock helps a fair bit too.

For analog based recordings, compared to a reference table the table will likely win given proper setup. As much as I love my Rossini Apex the lack of the imperfect (but always getting better) ADC - DAC two-step conversion.
I posted that over a year ago. I have since done the Apex mod, and am pleased.

In all honesty, the current state of Qobuz and Prime streaming here is very enjoyable.

So is the vinyl.

I keep seeing analogies between vinyl and espresso. Yes, the best is exceptionally satisfying. But maybe the average is just very good. No doubt the best is the enemy of the good. The more you like music and the more you like coffee, the easier it is to truly enjoy the listening (or the tasting).

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