CH Precision P10 phonostage

Hello everyone, I am Peter and just new to WBF and reading your thoughts about CH P10 and S.A.T./ Koetsu with great interest.
Yesterday my P10 was also delivered and installed by the CH HK Agent Ricky.
AI have to say that it blows me away - although both came just fresh our of the box the sound started to open up already after 3 hours of running - more micro details, instruments, more clear and 3 dimensional with deeper sound-stage especially with classic etc. I need to work on the settings a bit like gain and filters (on /off) etc. Despite the steep price (I did hesitate a bit to be honest) I believe now that this phono preamp is absolutely superb. A must for vinyl lovers and my former CH P1 Mono with X1 was "no slouch" : o)
Big congratulation, you have a really good system. P10 is really something special. Now after playing for for around 100 hours, the sound improves further, more dynamic and yet detailed. I'm sure your M10's are coming.

I find turning the display screen off will give a slightly smoother sound. Peter, you may want to try.
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Big congratulation, you have a really good system. P10 is really something special. Now after playing for for around 100 hours, the sound improves further, more dynamic and yet detailed. I'm sure your M10's are coming.

I find turning the display screen off will give a slightly smoother sound. Peter, you may want to try.
Many thanks Mr Li, Yes I hope and think that the sound will further improve during the next weeks and months. M10 is a bit a space issue (due to power cables etc.) but lets wait and see :eek:)
Yes I fully agree as I always turn off the displays as well as LEDs and its correct that the sound is more smooth. Many tanks as well.
Oh many thanks. Yes it sounds really great...
I am using CH M1.1 Mono power amps for my Wilson Audio AlexxV speakers.
Awesome Peter ! A dream TOTL end-of-game system for many (including myself).

Would be great Peter, if you could do a video playing some music to demonstrate how your system sounds (which I would imagine sounding fantastic !)
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Many thanks Mr Li, Yes I hope and think that the sound will further improve during the next weeks and months. M10 is a bit a space issue (due to power cables etc.) but lets wait and see :eek:)
Yes I fully agree as I always turn off the displays as well as LEDs and its correct that the sound is more smooth. Many tanks as well.
Ricky just told me that we had briefly met. I was sitting behind you when you auditioned P10. After you left I sat in front. We said hello to each other on your way out.

it was so nice to have meet you, Peter. By the way, call me Thomas.
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Ricky just told me that we had briefly met. I was sitting behind you when you auditioned P10. After you left I sat in front. We said hello to each other on your way out.

it was so nice to have meet you, Peter. By the way, call me Thomas.
Oh thanks Thomas. Yes I remember when we met at Ricky's CH Studio and we were so in awe with the P10 performance compared A/B to the P1. You told me that you flew over to Munich for the high end in May. That's fantastic. Hope to meet you soon!
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Oh thanks Thomas. Yes I remember when we met at Ricky's CH Studio and we were so in awe with the P10 performance compared A/B to the P1. You told me that you flew over to Munich for the high end in May. That's fantastic. Hope to meet you soon!
I find current mode with 12dB gain gives the best sound in my system.

What is your best settings for P10?
Mine was released from customs and delivered today. I hope I'll have it set up this week. :)

Congratulations guys! :)
I find current mode with 12dB gain gives the best sound in my system.

What is your best settings for P10?
Well I am still in the set up stage with various albums - old & new recordings, Classic & Jazz plus plus. So at 24db seems to be the best since the sounds gets more muddy the lower the gain is. Perhaps my cartridge and system needs more 'juice"... At 12db for example the treble are almost "gone". But the P10 is only running since 3 days and its getting better and better - very new recordings (e.g. DG's Goldberg Variationen, BPO's Piano Concertos & Symphonies or BJ Jazz Hands) same as Mailia's Convergence or in particular the voices of 'A tributre to Leonard Cohen' up to 70's (eg Steely Dan's Pretzel 45 rpm or Gerry Rafferty half speed master). The latter ones coming really alive now - so much fun and I enjoy it so much !
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Good eyes. Yes, the other tonearm is SAT CF-1 9 inch and cartridge is DS Audio Grand Master with corresponding phono. Before P10, I thought DS Audio is the best that can be achieved with vinyl playback. I have Grand Master Extreme but unfortunately it was back to factory for retipping.

SAT CF-1 9inch is probably the best tonearm available, I have tried a lot. The resolution of SAT is certainly higher than Graham. It is stocking to say P10 with Graham Elite and MC cartridges sounds better than DS Audio and SAT combo.
what about p10 with sat and mc cart?
As far as I am concerned the P10 works perfectly with my AF One Premium and the S.A.T. 9" arm with the Koetsu Blue-Lace (Diamond cantilever) MC. Much better than before with the P1 and Graham Phantom Elite which was promoted as the perfect match. Not at all, even my "old" Audiocraft 4400 which I used also as a seconds arm before with a Koetsu Burma Jade MC sounded better with this combination. So in my opinion these three MC, SAT and AF1 are perfect.


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I am enjoying the combination of the P10 with the TechDas AFIIIP-S, Acoustical Systems Axiom, and Ortofon MC Diamond. Today I listened to the new Supersense lacquer pressing of Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On. The best I’ve heard this album.
P10 with SAT CF-1 Ti tonearm and Koetsu Jasper Diamond is the best vinyl playback combo I have ever heard. It is very detailed and dynamic.
thats amazing:) love it:) have you compared the p10 with any other phono ? maybe a tube preamp - keen on your experiences:)
thats amazing:) love it:) have you compared the p10 with any other phono ? maybe a tube preamp - keen on your experiences:)
The immediate past phono before P10 was Audio Research Reference 10. Other phono that has been directly compared was CH P1 with and without X1. It is also compared on my turntable with DS Audio Grand Master and Grand Master Extreme.

P10 no doubt carries higher resolution, there are simply more details. Voice is natural with no emphasis on harshness or softness, it is just natural. Dynamics is not compressed and is adjustable by changing the gain. Higher gain will be more dynamic and lower gain is more refined. There is a good range of dB for users to fine tune the sound.

Before P10, I thought DS Audio Grand Master Extreme is the best cartridge and phono combo, it still is, but P10 with a good MC cartridge is more refined and focused than DS Audio. The sonic character is slightly different and is equally enjoyable. The adjustability of P10 makes it easy to match any cartridge and the result is guaranteed.

The only thing that can beat P10 stereo is P10 mono. I heard the demo in Munich. P10 mono has a wider soundstage and the dynamics was phenomenal. P10 changed my perception of what a phono can do. If you have good turntables, good tonearms and good cartridges, you owes yourself a P10.
Ok you guys are really exciting me. I run AF1, SAT and Koetsu Carnelian Diamond into P1, soon P10! Whoopee!!!!!

Along with the P10, I also finally bit the bullet and received the T1 for my digital stack. The C10 is expected late next year if all goes well :D
Oh that's wonderful Jack! Right decision, you wont regret it. With your set up it will work brilliantly.
The T1 is helping the digital section a lot. Did you get it with the small GPS module/ antenna set? If not, please do this extra "small" step as it doesn't cost that much but smooths and widens the sound considerably. I don't want to listen to CDs without it anymore.
I didn't go for the GPS Module because I have no way to run the antennae wire from our basement :( Believe me I tried to find a way :)

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