Clarisys Audio Auditorium Loudspeaker

I was first in Italy to have Apogee Duetta,then first in Italy to buy Diva,Magenpan timpani IV and first in Italy with Soundly A1 + sub B1,from 1984 to 1992,had also Quad 63 and 57,Audiostatic 300,Acoustat x and Acoustic 2+2

so I like ribbon and electrostatic speaker.
When I had Sound lab A1+B1 my friends had Scintilla,Apogee Grandad one had Apogee full range with Krell 200 reference on bass,Jadis 500 on mid and Jadis 200 on tweeter.

I had ML 6,LNC2 mono and 4 pair bridge ML N20,so all had great system

So i am very curious to listen Clarisys
I listened last year in Munich and was very impressed
I had Apogee Scintilla’s from when they first introduced them. Had them for a long time until they wore out. It was in the early days of people rebuilding them so decided to sell them. I’ve always missed them for what they did well.

The Clarisys take what the Apogee started and significantly raised the bar. Though there are similarities, they are a totally rethought expression of what ribbon speakers can be. In my opinion, they have transferred the glorious midrange qualities of the Apogee and mated it with a bottom and top end that is extended and seamless.

I hope you will agree upon further auditions

I didn't understood if the headquarter of the company is in Suisse or in Usa in Saratoga.
We have two headquarters and the distributionship is growing worldwide. Where are you located? All the best
I am in Italy,40 minutes from Milan and 40 minutes to Como,near Chiasso
Great, how about you visit me in March to hear the Auditorium? All the best
would like to listen very well auditorium but seems impossible to buy, first for the cost and second near impossible to bring to my room with 2 stairs to do


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would like to listen very well auditorium but seems impossible to buy, first for the cost and second near impossible to bring to my room with 2 stairs to do
The Studio Plus might be a little more manageable for you.
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would like to listen very well auditorium but seems impossible to buy, first for the cost and second near impossible to bring to my room with 2 stairs to do
Wonderful :)

The Auditorium, as well as the Minuet and Studio Plus are modular. We can take the drivers out and move them pretty much everywhere, even down your stairs :)
would like to listen very well auditorium but seems impossible to buy, first for the cost and second near impossible to bring to my room with 2 stairs to do
It Can be done! We had to maneuver a stairs for my install.
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Heard the Clarisys last year in Munich and it was one of the rooms I enjoyed.

Comparing the company's various models on their website, it was weird (and perhaps not the most user friendly approach) having the measurements just in feet and pounds.
Will be fixed in 3 weeks, we got that feedback :)
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Will Clarisys Audio be exhibitor at HIGH END Munich in May?
Will Clarisys Audio be exhibitor at HIGH END Munich in May?
We will know by the end of the week. We didn't get a room by ourselves, but we are partnering. We will update. However, our central EU Showroom is in Switzerland for interested clients and we have a good partner coverage as well. All the best
The experience is "louder" than the audiophile "BS" we write and talk about. It's like breathing music, not just hearing it. Clarisys moves the molecules between you and them in a different way than anything else. it's actually energising the room with waves and layers of music. it's not "spit" or projecting at you (as I sometimes feel with cones speakers)
That's what I also felt at Stavros room... It's a feeling, not a sound.
of course the whole SHEBANG in audiophile lingu is there... huge stage, 3d image, tight and live like bass, texture and clear presentation.
and one of the most important to me. accurate timber.
The Clarysys can play delicately as they can blow your mind with high SPL as live experience. for me it was very crucial! I listen to music sometimes 10-12 hours a day (sometimes more). and I need to enjoy it on any level. and for a big amount of genres.
This part in particular made me curious. Are they capable of playing heavy church organ music (including 32 ft. pipes), or techno at >100dB?

Btw, nice system and room!
As a former Apogee Duetta Sig owner from 1989 to 1999, I look forward to lisening to Auditorium on Axpona 2024.

It will be nice if Asylvox speaker is also on Axpona.
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I have been following your product line extensively. What speaker(s) will you be demonstrating at AXPONA? I see you have two rooms.

Thank you in advance,

Duke Dykstra
We will know by the end of the week. We didn't get a room by ourselves, but we are partnering. We will update.
Any update?
Thx :cool:
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