Ron Resnick Launches Audio Cafe LLC, a New Clarisys Audio Dealer

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Curious, what do you think I would gain from bringing them out into the room further? More depth, soundstage?

Yes, exactly, more depth -- which, to my ears, contributes to more realistic soundstage.

A major reason I thought Todd's Avantgarde system sounded so amazing was because of the soundstage depth developing behind the plane of the Trios -- about 12 feet in front of the front wall.

To move them out more into the room would require jacking them up, removing the Gaia Titan footers and spiked feet, and then reattaching them.


Then not worth the bother!

Putting spiked feet on speakers that heavy is a very impressive implementation of high-end audio perfectionism!
Hi guys,

here is the latest professional review from Roy Gregory on the Auditoriums Part 2

Cheers and see you soon at Axpona
Hi guys,

here is the latest professional review from Roy Gregory on the Auditoriums Part 2

Cheers and see you soon at Axpona
“All of which leaves me pondering the two-way Clarysis Studio. Smaller, lighter, capable of active operation; maybe, just maybe…” Roy Gregory

So do I— active operation. Florian, we’ll be talking about this at AXPONA.
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“All of which leaves me pondering the two-way Clarysis Studio. Smaller, lighter, capable of active operation; maybe, just maybe…” Roy Gregory

So do — active operation. Florian, we’ll be talking about this at AXPONA.
Sure thing :)
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I briefly heard Jadis on Clarisys when I had the speakers in front of the Pendragons for the first three days after the Clarisys speakers were set up.

The Clarisys speakers have been positioned in front of the kitchen wall for the last few weeks. Just now I moved the JA100s over from the Pendragon system to the Clarisys system.

Very purty. So, any assessment about the Jadis vs. VTL on the Clarysis?
I prefer the Jadis.
I briefly heard Jadis on Clarisys when I had the speakers in front of the Pendragons for the first three days after the Clarisys speakers were set up.

The Clarisys speakers have been positioned in front of the kitchen wall for the last few weeks. Just now I moved the JA100s over from the Pendragon system to the Clarisys system.

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Good use of the Shakti EMI "bricks" on your JADIS transformers....
Good use of the Shakti EMI "bricks" on your JADIS transformers....
You think? Okay!

I don't hear a difference. I have them there just to promote good sonic juju!
Just read this. Congratulations Ron! Wish you much success with this venture. Also, it was a pleasure meeting you at SWAF.
Thank you!

Yes, it was fun to meet in person!
Nice one Ron, congrats matey!
Wish you all the very best in this multi-layered venture.

I visited Spore last July and again heading out that way this Aug with the wifey on route to cmb. Sadly didn't come across any of the Clarisys line, and we still don't have any here either in Aus.
I'm thinking it's most probably due to our very tiny market in Audiophile ville... and in Aus, as we're grappling with our currency conversion, even the smallest Clarisys speakers, the Minuet, will cost North of 70grand! (AUD). That's an awful lot of spend, especially when most are trying their best to own a house.

Apart from that, we also have our very own Apogee refurb specialist, Graz! Graz offers exceptional rebuild quality on all his ribbon panels and I've had the pleasure of auditioning some of the top tier panels, they're superb! Pricing is very different, there's no comparison with Clarisys at all, not even Alsyvox. Hence, only a handful of Alsyvox have sold down unda. It's certainly still worthwhile an audition and good to know such SOTA panels exist but it costs us a bloody fortune! We pay nearly double.

So, I guess us humble folk Down Unda most probably would never get the chance to audition these exotic panels. Anyway, since we still have our refurbs going pretty strong, it's always an opportunity to be able to listen to a fully restored Apogee system, such as the Diva's.

Oh! BTW just a slight off track... when I was last in Spore, I had the opportunity of auditioning the Diptyque panels (French design) with those same Jadis amplifiers you have, really really tops!
On this trip I'll get the chance to experience their top of the line Reference series the DP-160. When I first experienced the DP107 and DP140, I knew straight away now here's something quite unique. Price range not too shabby either.

Now, the hardest part is convincing the wifey to sit still during the demo... she usually rolls her eyes and then let's out a bit of gas, after learning about the price tag and then walks out. Damn! I'll have to make sure that dealer hands over some roses or a nice scented candle with lullaby tunes... then all is well. Good stuff maties! Keep those tubes glowing!

Cheers Ron, and all the best again.
Keep us posted on your new venture/s.
Woof! RJ
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Ron when you tried the VTL amps did you try varying tube output settings
Also did you try various output taps ?
just Curious as I see I think some tow in as well.
Ron hasn't replied yet... too busy packing up those Gryphon Pendragon's
Those are the Studio Plus, and the Auditorium's are supposed to be even superior. Yep, definitely the Pendragon's are being packed away slowly ....
Cheers, RJ
How will you get the Pendragon "all squared away" with the Clarisys speakers in front of them?

Yesterday, with the assistance of Angus Leung of WestminsterLab, I slid the Pendragon ribbon panels out of the way, and I moved the Clarisys speakers from in front of the left side wall by the kitchen to the proper speaker position where the Pendragon ribbon panels used to be.

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Yesterday, with the assistance of Angus Leung of WestminsterLab, I slid the Pendragon ribbon panels out of the way, and I moved the Clarisys speakers from in front of the left side wall by the kitchen to the proper speaker position where the Pendragon ribbon panels used to be.

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Pendragon subs as support in the low bass?
How does it sound? I still believe Auditorium + Gryphon woofer tower would be SOTA amazing!
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