Clear Audio Double Matrix questions


Jun 18, 2020
I currently clean my albums using the Clear Audio Smart Matrix Pro (very similar to the VPI HW1). I buy a lot of used albums as well as new and I clean everything before putting it on my turntable. I use the AIVS 3 step process and have had great success. I am considering moving to the Clear Audio Double Matrix Sonic RCM to speed up the process and to add sonic cleaning capabilities. The ability to clean both sides at the same time appeals greatly to me. However I question if the process is as effective as the 3 step process I use. I don't want to trade speed for lower quality. What are others thoughts on this? Is there a better solution instead?
I currently clean my albums using the Clear Audio Smart Matrix Pro (very similar to the VPI HW1). I buy a lot of used albums as well as new and I clean everything before putting it on my turntable. I use the AIVS 3 step process and have had great success. I am considering moving to the Clear Audio Double Matrix Sonic RCM to speed up the process and to add sonic cleaning capabilities. The ability to clean both sides at the same time appeals greatly to me. However I question if the process is as effective as the 3 step process I use. I don't want to trade speed for lower quality. What are others thoughts on this? Is there a better solution instead?

I use a Clearaudio Double Matrix Sonic Record cleaner since 6 months know i have cleaned in the mean time more than 1000 LP i also clean the new Lps and i am very very happy whit it its build as a tank very easy too use it makes acceptable noise and is very fast the ability to clean manual or 3 automatic programs is also a bonus i cant think being whit out this machine!
Thank you!! That is what I wanted to hear. I will place an order tomorrow. If it saves time it is worth the investment. Time is the one thing you cannot make.
Thank you!! That is what I wanted to hear. I will place an order tomorrow. If it saves time it is worth the investment. Time is the one thing you cannot make.

Get it and enjoy it!
Yes, I use a double matrix as well. My only piece of advice going forward is to add cleaning fluid in quantities that you will immediately use. The reservoir does not keep the fluid from evaporating. Fluids are best kept in their bottles and following storage instructions anyway. Enjoy!
Double Matrix Pro Sonic here. Love it, but yes its main value is for speedy cleans during listening sessions without interrupting the flow of things. In theory I'd like the option of multiple fluid tanks so I could do 3-step cleans, but in reality I'm not sure how much I'd use that since I hate doing dedicated cleaning sessions that involve much manual intervention. I find it does a superb job, but I only had a VPI 16.5 before (which I absolutely HATED using, and found myself skipping cleans sometimes which is a big NO NO for stylus wear). It's a dream to use - a single button press then something like 90 seconds for a normal cycle, which thoroughly cleans all but the grimiest records (plus a few optional spins under the carbon fiber brush for static). Then there's a quick clean mode which is great for touch-ups after the original clean (uses only a minimal amount of cleaning liquid). And I only occasionally use the double cycle for the really nasty stuff. I've always used AIVS No. 6 one-step solution here. Yep, keep a lot of it on hand because you can end up cleaning a LOT of records quickly!

The best feature is it takes a formerly dreaded task (for me) and makes it a nice relaxing (and cool to watch) part of the vinyl ritual.
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Curious if anyone's still using a Double Matrix (Sonic or non-Sonic)? How is it holding up? Any usage tips or tweaks or issues? Wondering if the underside stays wet or drips too much for the double-sided cleaning to be useful. Thanks!
Ive probably done at least 8,000 records in mine ( I offer cleaning as a service in addition to my KLAudio ULtrasonic machine).
Works as good as new. The "only" issue is occasionally the LEDs that register how full the cleaning tank is, are slightly incorrect, and sometimes the underside of the record doesn't quite get the same level of cleaning fluid as the top, however for me this is a non-issue as I generally manually flip anyway tro check status.
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I still use mine which must be undergoing puberty by now.

All the records I've bought were already very well cleaned by the sellers or were sealed. This cleaner therefor never really had to do any heavy cleaning.

My only bit of advice is to fill the tank partially to save on cleaning solution. I was so excited when I got it I topped it up. Since my records are all pretty clean anyway, over time it just dried up.
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I still use mine which must be undergoing puberty by now.

All the records I've bought were already very well cleaned by the sellers or were sealed. This cleaner therefor never really had to do any heavy cleaning.

My only bit of advice is to fill the tank partially to save on cleaning solution. I was so excited when I got it I topped it up. Since my records are all pretty clean anyway, over time it just dried up.
Good to hear. I've got a Pro-Ject VCS, a Loricraft PRC3, and an Humminguru ultra-sonic. But I've got several hundred used records to clean, and, realistically, at the end of the day, when I just want to play some tunes, I want to just pluck something from the shelf and have it clean and dry and ready to go in a couple minutes.

I'm thinking a used Double Matrix Professional (non-Sonic) would to the trick. Yes, no auto clean, but it just seems to be a matter of a couple more button presses? And maybe the lack of the "sonic" cleaning isn't a huge loss?

How quiet is the Double Matrix?

The VCS and the Loricraft are fine, but the VCS is loud, the Loricraft slow. I might end up selling them. And keeping the Humminguru when a deeper clean is needed.

Just thinking aloud. Many thanks.
Random question, but are the Double Matrix machines dual-voltage? Seems like the Sonic models might be, but hard to tell about the previous model, the regular Professional.
Good to hear. I've got a Pro-Ject VCS, a Loricraft PRC3, and an Humminguru ultra-sonic. But I've got several hundred used records to clean, and, realistically, at the end of the day, when I just want to play some tunes, I want to just pluck something from the shelf and have it clean and dry and ready to go in a couple minutes.

I'm thinking a used Double Matrix Professional (non-Sonic) would to the trick. Yes, no auto clean, but it just seems to be a matter of a couple more button presses? And maybe the lack of the "sonic" cleaning isn't a huge loss?

How quiet is the Double Matrix?

The VCS and the Loricraft are fine, but the VCS is loud, the Loricraft slow. I might end up selling them. And keeping the Humminguru when a deeper clean is needed.

Just thinking aloud. Many thanks.

Mine is in the adjacent record storage room and is quite loud. I do not recommend cleaning while somebody is seriously listening LOL

It definitely does the trick and as you say it's just a couple of more button clicks. Watching the solution being spread is kind of therapeutic in a weird way LOL

I don't think my unit is double voltage. I'm pretty sure it isn't.
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Ive probably done at least 8,000 records in mine ( I offer cleaning as a service in addition to my KLAudio ULtrasonic machine).
Works as good as new. The "only" issue is occasionally the LEDs that register how full the cleaning tank is, are slightly incorrect, and sometimes the underside of the record doesn't quite get the same level of cleaning fluid as the top, however for me this is a non-issue as I generally manually flip anyway tro check status.
I'm probably up to about 10,000+/- and have the same "issues" that you have, but manage the issues the same way too!
I'm very fastidious with cleaning both my machines, but on the Clearaudio I've noticed the tubing looks a little dirty and would like to clean it, or ideally, remove it and replace with new (as I have done with my KL Audio machine), however I don't have a service manual and it looks like a special tool is required to open the machine (via the four corners on top?). Anybody have any ideas?

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