Coda no 16 amplifier

I have now listened to both 07x fet and la4. Short answer: As good as the LA4 is,the Coda is much more balanced, fluid and does in my opinion have all what is there, no roll of here! It is the best pre i have heard. period.

Long answer: The LA4 is linear, and has all the details. Maybe more lit up in the middletone. maybe a little brighter and direct. The Coda is more balanced and fluid, velvetly. A fuller tone. More for longer listeningperiods . Listening to Bruce Springsteen can be a challenge over time with LA 4, not so with Coda, i have never heard Bruce so easy listening, yet dynamic and natural. This is together with the dynamic 16.0. I guess it suits the 07x fet perfectly. When they bulit you brither, they broke the mold (Springsteen) just listen to the munnharmonica on this song...

ps, I will keep the LA4 for its versatility and craftmannship but coda wil stay as no. 1 pre. The LA 4 is the second best pre i have had.
It is great that you like the 07x so much. It sounds like I need to do the demo of the CODA #8 and #16 soon. I was listening to a Playlist of tunes that I had collected over the last few months. I had not played it until yesterday and on the 07x I was amazed at out engrossing the sound was. One song in particular was so good I had to listen to it a few times, Jefferson Airplane - Miracles. The best part of it for me was that I was thinking I need to switch preamps (to the HPA4) and listen to this Playlist again. I doubt it will be better but it will be a little different and I am sure immensely enjoyable. A treat to have 2 great preamps that are actually not that expensive in a relative sense.

I do think there is a bit of rolloff on the 07x based on my RAAL SR1a headphone playback. These headphones are the most revealing speakers I have ever heard. I even use my best speaker cables on the headphones, Audience FrontRow, instead of my floor standers because they make a bigger difference on the RAAL. The CODA 07x was the only preamp that could tame the high frequencies on the RAAL. Except when I used DSP and clumsily chopped of some top end using ROON DSP engine. I no longer do that with the CODA.

I can listen to the CODA 07x for hours, which I do everyday. With the HPA4 (LA4) bad recordings were a little annoying.
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It is great that you like the 07x so much. It sounds like I need to do the demo of the CODA #8 and #16 soon. I was listening to a Playlist of tunes that I had collected over the last few months. I had not played it until yesterday and on the 07x I was amazed at out engrossing the sound was. One song in particular was so good I had to listen to it a few times, Jefferson Airplane - Miracles. The best part of it for me was that I was thinking I need to switch preamps (to the HPA4) and listen to this Playlist again. I doubt it will be better but it will be a little different and I am sure immensely enjoyable. A treat to have 2 great preamps that are actually not that expensive in a relative sense.

I do think there is a bit of rolloff on the 07x based on my RAAL SR1a headphone playback. These headphones are the most revealing speakers I have ever heard. I even use my best speaker cables on the headphones, Audience FrontRow, instead of my floor standers because they make a bigger difference on the RAAL. The CODA 07x was the only preamp that could tame the high frequencies on the RAAL. Except when I used DSP and clumsily chopped of some top end using ROON DSP engine. I no longer do that with the CODA.

I can listen to the CODA 07x for hours, which I do everyday. With the HPA4 (LA4) bad recordings were a little annoying.
It is great that you like the 07x so much. It sounds like I need to do the demo of the CODA #8 and #16 soon. I was listening to a Playlist of tunes that I had collected over the last few months. I had not played it until yesterday and on the 07x I was amazed at out engrossing the sound was. One song in particular was so good I had to listen to it a few times, Jefferson Airplane - Miracles. The best part of it for me was that I was thinking I need to switch preamps (to the HPA4) and listen to this Playlist again. I doubt it will be better but it will be a little different and I am sure immensely enjoyable. A treat to have 2 great preamps that are actually not that expensive in a relative sense.

I do think there is a bit of rolloff on the 07x based on my RAAL SR1a headphone playback. These headphones are the most revealing speakers I have ever heard. I even use my best speaker cables on the headphones, Audience FrontRow, instead of my floor standers because they make a bigger difference on the RAAL. The CODA 07x was the only preamp that could tame the high frequencies on the RAAL. Except when I used DSP and clumsily chopped of some top end using ROON DSP engine. I no longer do that with the CODA.

I can listen to the CODA 07x for hours, which I do everyday. With the HPA4 (LA4) bad recordings were a little annoying.
The roll off I described are in the highest audible frequencies where the demands of my Prodigy push the amp into the 1ohm range and can become overbearing in my bright, minimally treated room. Not with the 07x and #8 pairing. On my reference recordings, Stevie Ray Vaughan's Tin Pan Alley and Hans Theessink Mississippi, the closely mic'd guitar was incredibly 'pleasant' to listen to no matter the volume level. Whereas previously I needed to reduce the volume at times to avoid fatigue. Also, the keyboard strikes on Al Jarreau's Roof Garden were on point now with no desire to cringe a bit when my large stats are pushed to the highest frequencies.
The 07x brings a bit of 'tube-like' quality to my system from a solid state setup....I am very satisfied.

It is great that you like the 07x so much. It sounds like I need to do the demo of the CODA #8 and #16 soon. I was listening to a Playlist of tunes that I had collected over the last few months. I had not played it until yesterday and on the 07x I was amazed at out engrossing the sound was. One song in particular was so good I had to listen to it a few times, Jefferson Airplane - Miracles. The best part of it for me was that I was thinking I need to switch preamps (to the HPA4) and listen to this Playlist again. I doubt it will be better but it will be a little different and I am sure immensely enjoyable. A treat to have 2 great preamps that are actually not that expensive in a relative sense.

I do think there is a bit of rolloff on the 07x based on my RAAL SR1a headphone playback. These headphones are the most revealing speakers I have ever heard. I even use my best speaker cables on the headphones, Audience FrontRow, instead of my floor standers because they make a bigger difference on the RAAL. The CODA 07x was the only preamp that could tame the high frequencies on the RAAL. Except when I used DSP and clumsily chopped of some top end using ROON DSP engine. I no longer do that with the CODA.

I can listen to the CODA 07x for hours, which I
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The most important for me is long listening sessions which draw you in to the music. The music must then be presented very natural, lifelike with great dynamics. The sound must be balanced. Coda has found the sweetspot here my opinion!
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One thing I really appreciate from the CODA 0.7x and two 15.99 (15.5 updated to 16) is the ease of tuning my system. Change a tube, adjust the contour on the Legacy Audio Wavelet, change footers, add a VPI brick, swap interconnects, power cords, speaker cables, change fuse direction, adjust subwoofers, you name it the CODA system reveals those sometimes subtle or not so subtle cues instantly and just purrs when something makes it happy. And when the 0.7x is happy, I’m happy.
I don’t miss the TRL Legendary Dude at all.
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One thing I really appreciate from the CODA 0.7x and two 15.99 (15.5 updated to 16) is the ease of tuning my system. Change a tube, adjust the contour on the Legacy Audio Wavelet, change footers, add a VPI brick, swap interconnects, power cords, speaker cables, change fuse direction, adjust subwoofers, you name it the CODA system reveals those sometimes subtle or not so subtle cues instantly and just purrs when something makes it happy. And when the 0.7x is happy, I’m happy.
I don’t miss the TRL Legendary Dude at all.
I totally agree! Changed the SR Mig from ambient to pinpoint, and WHAT? Easy to hear the difference.
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My Coda 16 played superbly with my TAD ME-1 stand mount speakers. Highly recommend. My problem now is that the Coda doesn’t seem to have the same synergy with my new GamuT RS5i speakers. The GamuT‘s definitely prefer tubes. I just bought the Coda and now I’m considering selling it. Does this Audiophile insanity ever stop?
Just an update, the No.16 was not sounding so good plugged into my P15 regenerator. I’m guessing just about any power conditioner would restrict dynamics but plugged into the wall with a good power cable makes a big difference. Next comes a dedicated power line.
Just an update, the No.16 was not sounding so good plugged into my P15 regenerator. I’m guessing just about any power conditioner would restrict dynamics but plugged into the wall with a good power cable makes a big difference. Next comes a dedicated power line.
Can you at least use a basic multi port power strip ? Kind of sucks when power amp HAS to be directly in the wall since there are only so many sockets.
Can you at least use a basic multi port power strip ? Kind of sucks when power amp HAS to be directly in the wall since there are only so many sockets.
I'm guessing a good power strip would be fine or at least not as restricting as my power regenerator. I can tell you that the Coda needs plenty of power to sound it's best and it does sound so very, very good. A decent power cord helps.
The Coda #16 is sounding very good since removing the P15 and going straight to the wall outlet. Next week I am having installed a dedicated line from the panel to my listening room. This along with a nice Furutech outlet I expect will have a decent bump in sound quality. I will report back.

Also, I now have the Coda 07xpreamp in house. I think it still needs to be burned in but I will then be putting it up against a Linear Tube Audio MicroZOTL preamp and a Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT. What are you guys using for a preamp?
CODA, particularly the latest products like the #16 amps and 07 FET preamp are among those products that don't receive anywhere near the amount of mention they deserve. I've heard the 15.5s and the new 16 amps; they are stunning and seem to have no practical limit on what they can drive with well defined and imaged very musical power. The 07 FET preamp is stunning at its price, or multiples of its price. It definitely needs burn-in, 250 hours on up it really opens up and fleshes out the details. I happen to be using a Sanders Sound Preamp which is a design collaboration based upon a CODA preamp with modifications that felt fit his sonic vision. It's a stunning overachiever too that receives hardly any mention. My frame of reference for judging the quality of these preamps beyond the higher end offerings I've heard at shows are preamps like the 2-box Classe CP-700, Esoteric C-03 and C-02 preamps that I've owned and others. While the C-02 and new C-02X and C1/C1X will outperform; they are at large multiples of the price and size. Comparing to the Classe CP-700 and first generation C-03 and quite a few others, the CODA family holds its own in its price class and higher as well. I think you will really enjoy what's going to happen as you break in the 16 and 07 FET!
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I have the 07x FET preamp paired with a CODA #8, and I agree with everything SCAudiophile wrote above. Once you burn in the 07 you will be pleasantly content that you can stop switching out preamps for the foreseeable future.
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Not to derail the thread (and apologies that I'll probably do it to some extent). Another preamp that I put in the sleeper/not talked about as much as it deserves category firmly for any one that loves just the right touch of tube sound, the Backert Audio Labs Rhythm 1.3. The Rhumba Extreme 1.3 and its little brother are also quite special. A very good friend own the Rhythm 1.3 for quite a while now and it'll drop your jaw in amazement, no exaggeration.

Now...back to CODA.
I have seriously considered Coda amps for my Thiel speakers as it is a match made in heaven but because of poor distribution in Europe i went the Gryphon route.
Just for updating my experience. After 8 months wait my Coda n.8 (version V3) arrived in Italy in August.
Since then it has reached 50 hours playing, so not so much for those who consider the burn-in a change in perspective; neverthless enough to have a first solid impression. This power amp deliver all the qualities I recognized in 2020 during the test made with another same unit I had on loan.
Very well balanced, extended and never fatiguing (usually a weak point in many SS designs). Bass is tight and well defined in every kind of instrument, from strings to drums. Pleasant in medium frequencies, not rounded and delightly defined as many tube amps, but the sound is very fast and with superb focus; words of all the singers are clearly audible.
I haven't made further side-to-side comparisons since my purchase. Hope to be able in the beginning of 2022 to make some listening with other amps; my goal in memory goes for instance to CH Precision (L1/X1/M1) which delivers more liquidity but at a price radically higher.
More to come with a few experiences trying other speaker cables in November.
just my two cents
Congrats, Marco! I have a #8 v2 controlled by a Coda #7 FET preamp…I compare its qualities to Pass Labs. I haven’t had the pleasure of spending any time with CH precision, although I’d love to in the future.
Congrats, Marco! I have a #8 v2 controlled by a Coda #7 FET preamp…I compare its qualities to Pass Labs. I haven’t had the pleasure of spending any time with CH precision, although I’d love to in the future.
Thanks you Dan! My Coda replaced an Hybrid Counterpoint NP220 fully upgraded by Altavista Audio to the maximum level . I also compared it with a Pass Labs .5 series, no contest about Coda's superiority.
I made some long listening sessions in some friends' systems (combo: Luxman, Spectral, Viola and CH precision). I find Viola and CH the most interesting and satisfying, neverthless vert different in the way to make the music.
My n.8 it's matched with an Emmlabs pre2se preamplifier.
All the best
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Congrats. A big fan and owner of Class A SS amplification for the last 12 years or so...first Gryphon and now Robert Koda. From the Coda site, it appears Class A forms a big part of the Coda philosophy in design as well.
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Update on my Coda #16:

In my last post I mentioned removing the power conditioner from the chain and the positive result from it. My electrician came last week and ran a dedicated power line from the panel to my listening room. I used GigaWatt LC-Y MK3+ 3X4 in wall cable and a Furutech GTX outlet. The cable and outlet are going through some changes as they break-in or at least that’s what I’m hearing, but the sound! Already I can hear the result of providing good power to the Coda #16 and it is really showing me it’s stuff. This amp is amazing and along with the 07x preamp I think I’ve found the holy grail.
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