That was just out of the blue Bud; the Asian markets are the only ones hitting record highs.
They seem impervious to the Coronavirus, and they like when the Feds lower the rates.
We shall see ... keep your hands clean and stay away from bat's stew.
See the impact now? UK regional airline filed for bankruptcy 2 days ago. What a down spiral for a situation that should have been calmly and rationally handled.
From a Saturday morning FB post by Mark Freed from Axpona...
Mark Freed Hi everybody. The last 48 hours have brought a welcome outpouring of calls, emails and posts amid the escalation of coronavirus fears. The AXPONA team has been working on a contingency plan that will continue through the weekend for a possible solution. We hope to have news to share by Monday. Please stay tuned.
From a Saturday morning FB post by Mark Freed from Axpona...
Mark Freed Hi everybody. The last 48 hours have brought a welcome outpouring of calls, emails and posts amid the escalation of coronavirus fears. The AXPONA team has been working on a contingency plan that will continue through the weekend for a possible solution. We hope to have news to share by Monday. Please stay tuned.
‘On Friday, the virus hit a new milestone, infecting more than 100,000 people worldwide, far more than those sickened by SARS, MERS or Ebola in recent years.’
Axpona are going to borrow the three packs of face masks currently left in Australia and share them amongst all the visitors (though re-use is plan b). Also they’ve secured and are flying in all 12 toilet tissue rolls currently still left in shops here and the 2 bags of rice still available across Australia (after ridiculous and irresponsible media inspired panic buying ) and now plan to go ahead as usual.
The Vyger and the Sotm products will be on display for all those in hazmat wear.
What I didn't appreciate until today was that the 1919 Spanish Flu epidemic came in three waves with the second proving the most deadly.
The experts don't know whether the Covid 19 outbreak will do the same so more uncertainty to worry about.
We all read the news, science articles, to learn more and it's very different than what we're used to. I don't know if anyone here remember a similar situation in their lifetime?
Just a photo, real photo that looks like we are in a science fiction movie ...
There are many more pictures like those from everywhere in the world; this is a new world we're in. I don't mean to emphasize or deemphasize what I just said but simply say it like it truly is.
...Uncharted territory.
That second photo reminds me of the movie Parasite, near the beginning.
In the second picture the guy in the middle seems to be saying; "Hey you're spraying all over my junk food". And check the bazooka that guy on the left in white uses ...
It would appear that the widely stated death rate of 2-3% for this coronavirus is likely overestimated, perhaps by a huge amount. Already the CDC in Washington state (it’s coming your way, Bob) is suggesting that it is similar to a severe influenza epidemic, except that many more people infected by CoVid-19 are not sick or only mildly ill (rarely the case with influenza).
Excuse me Mr. President.
Simple math: number of deaths divided by number of cases gives us the percentage. It is impossible overestimate because that is the actual number.
Last I heard WHO says there is a projected 2.2 % death rate. That could rise or fall.
What makes it dangerous is that. It can be transmitted through air before the patient knows he is infected.
Saying that a person infected with a potentially fatal disease is only mildly ill is pure nonsense. They may be asymptomatic but they need to seek immediate medical attention and be subjected to quarantine. Any other course is wreckless.
The challenge remains is how do we detect those who are ill but remain asymtomatic.