(...) Studer transformers are known to be of good quality and so was the wiring used. You do not want to pick up a hum in an A80! (...)
Finally there is a wonderful bit on a service site ( where escapes me now): It is a quiz as to what is the best sounding mastering machine ? The answer-not a Studer or Scully or Ampex or Lyrec or Telefunken or whatever, but a well aligned one! There is a lesson in there that I certainly learned the hard way. Always get the machine working optimally before starting modifications.
hello folks
starting to get more familiar with the structure of the A80
got off both top-covers and cleaned up
left tape sensor was not a free feeling as the right one and the cause was a loose damping pad under the top cover
glued it back on
also used the opportunity to change all topcover screws to A4 ss
any particular parts that needs to be oiled?
haven´t checked the enormous service manual yet