Detailed Speaker Setup and Optimization

I ve got 2 days to spend in a Hotel in Luanda / angola , no work due to a Joe biden visit /factory closed
But even with plenty of time on hand i had to stop watching after 5-10 minutes .

What it basically comes down to is to didvide the high end into beginners / highly developed practicioners.
Upper class / lower class.
Experts versus beginners , listeners who do everything wrong lol and need to be educated .
What a BS.
SN Snobby Nonsense , trying a make a simple thing complicated

He sounds like a boring preacher :)
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The magic and beauty of DPOLS is like Music (Spiritual experience) , everybody can enjoy “music” without spending lots of money and every body can enjoy the sound (DPOLS) without spending lots of money
And you think the very slight difference in speaker angle accounts for the difference in transcription ability of the voice to text function on your smart phone?

Yes. Clarity improved so I had to mute the phone mic and type in the words of my post. Keep in mind a small change in speaker position becomes quite big 16 feet away.
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Aren 't your corner horns meant to be placed flush in the corner against the walls to get some sort of box idea to prevent acoustic short cut , iow mprove bass?
Are they placed above the plinth flush against the walls?

In theory yes. But as I wrote earlier, my house is very old with horse hair plaster walls and corners are not perfectly square. The speakers are designed with foam sealer strips and they do allow for some play. I also have different shims under the corners for leveling. It all makes a difference.

I discussed this with DDK. He said unlike some other horns and corner horns, the Vitavox must be absolutely symmetrical. It is not easy given all the angles, but very slight changes are clearly audible.
The magic and beauty of DPOLS is like Music (Spiritual experience) , everybody can enjoy “music” without spending lots of money and every body can enjoy the sound (DPOLS) without spending lots of money

True and for most of us, it is only a hobby. Tinker obsessively for improvements, simply do what you want and sit and enjoy, or do something in between. Set up guys like Jim Smith and Sterling Trayle are in demand. I watched David Karmeli completely transform the performance of one of his customer’s systems over two days. He had already positioned the speakers during a previous visit so he worked on the room and rest of the system. The difference in the before and after listening experience was shocking.
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You're right, Tom.

I bought a Stabilia digital level to adjust the angle on my speakers (they are supposed to be leaning back).

If I didn't experience it for myself, I would have found it hard to believe. But when you have them set up right with the right gear - the smallest changes are clearly audible.

The difference between 4.40 degrees and 4.50 degrees is noticeable and too much. For me 4.45 degrees is just right.

Too low and they sound lifeless and dull, too high and they are bright. Just right and it's....well...just right.

Same with left to right. I can tell when they are off 1/2 of a degree.

I know, based upon previous posts you have made on this subject, that you are skeptical. If not, then you sway more toward disbelieving this altogether. Minimal adjustments you are okay with making a difference and you seem to accept that wholeheartedly.

Please allow me to clarify something here. I have speakers that are 6 and a half feet tall. The centers of the furthest drivers are almost 5 feet apart from one another. Any small adjustment made at the spikes, translate into much bigger movements (side to side, as well as front to back). Especially at the top of the speaker.

This translates into timing issues and in my case, a massive change in where a channel's sound(s) are coming from. This, from only one speaker. Now, add both.

Let's just say (for example) that the Right speaker had drifted off .07" toward me and .11" to the right. While at the same time, the Left speaker had drifted off .12" away from me and to the left by .06". So, the system now starts off skewed and not optimal, right?

That skewed sound from both channel's now has to travel all of the way across the room. In my case, that is roughly 10.5' away from my ears. One of the channel's is skewed down and to the right, while the other is skewed up and to the left. Over the course of that 10.5' of travel, that becomes (while still small) a considerable drift of timing when things hit the room, walls and my ears.

What I am referring too when making such minuscule adjustments in speaker positioning is taking a certified and calibrated Digi-Pas 2-axis professional digital level and placing it on top of my speaker. I then use the readings on that to align the speakers back to a 0.00 x and y axis.

With the speakers already in place from the initial setup, this puts the tweeters and midrange drivers perfectly positioned for the sound to arrive at the same time/place (my ears). Same for the lower registers drivers at the top and bottom of the mains.

This is what makes everything snap into focus. Just that tiny measurement at the bottom of the speakers may not amount to much, but by the time that very minor adjustment hits my ears? That has a lot of travel to go...and I want to assure that what I am used to hearing gets to those ears at the same time, without any skewing or imbalance.

A good (well, at the moment, I think it's good) way to think about this would be to take a 1/2" thick metal rod (to replace your speakers for a moment) and place a mirror that reflects a laser, perfectly straight up from the floor to the middle of the mirror. Angle that mirror that is located at the tweeter height and direct the mirror to now point directly to your ear. R channel to your right ear, L channel to your L ear.

Now, let's then say that the laser is fixed. You can't move the laser at all, no matter what. It points directly at the middle of that mirror(s) that point directly to the respective channel/ear.

Now, tap that 1/2" thick rod (mirror still attached to it and angled toward your ear) back and to to one side for your R channel with a sledgehammer. You will notice two things. The laser is no longer pointed at the dead center of that mirror, and the laser is no longer pointed at your ear either. In fact, the measurement of the center of the mirror may not look like much but where the laser was pointed at your ear? It's way off now.

Now move over to your L channel and do the exact opposite to that rod. Hit that rod toward you and the opposite way you hit the R rod. The harder you strike that rod, the worse the skew becomes.

Take a look at now, at this point, to where both lasers are pointing. They are nowhere near your ears. One could be off on the wall, 2" away and down quite a bit from your ear and the other one for the other channel may be located somewhere on your forehead. This is audible.

Now, that is only the skew with one driver. Multiply that with 5 drivers per channel (at least in my case) that are up to 5' apart top to bottom. That is severe skewing of the sound and timing of everything. Yes, a very minute adjustment but a large one by the time the sound hits your ears.

I hope that made sense and it helps you to understand how such a minuscule adjustment could possibly make such a profound difference to the end result as to what hits your ears.

The better and more pure/resolving your system is, the better your lower registers are tuned to the room (without overloading it) the more profound this change is....or can be.

I totally get this. Very nice explantation Tom. Because of this thread getting active again I rechecked my speakers (as best I can) with the two laser devices I own. The scientist in me cringes at what is still an imperfect process. Trying to line up a laser level on a small dot from 10’ away requires almost as much delicacy as aligning a cartridge! But the “snap into focus” analogy is a great one. I’m part way through my optimization process and so far I’ve achieved better clarity and drive. Tonight I will focus on toe-in, as right now things sound a bit hot on certain recordings.
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...I think his point was: how do dialed-in speakers get out of whack if they're so heavy?

The quad diffusors I use have chambers ranging from 1" to 9" deep. That is because you need that order of differentiation among the chambers to create various time delays.

A couple of points:

--We are talking about waves traveling at the speed of sound.

--We are talking about waves, pulsing out at various frequencies and times, based on the music. Different frequencies and amplitudes. They're all over the place. In my view, folks sometimes simplify these models based on the waves being a discreet, narrow beam of sound.

I can see how small changes in any axis could cause a change at the receiving end (ear) depending on the size of the wave, and the distance traveled. It's just how small a change would be audible, right?

I would not think the order of minuscule change some are describing would be audible in most cases. Perhaps angling very tall speakers would be most meaningful, over larger distances. I suppose one caveat could be such a change that caused waves to hit a different surface could easily make a difference (soft vs. hard).

Moreover, I don't think using Mr. Trayle or someone else who comes to tweak a system is de facto proof if he is adjusting speakers, cleaning contacts, moving gear, etc. I imagine such changes would very well make a difference, but would the same difference (improvement) be garnered if he *only* adjusted the speakers a wee bit? Maybe?

BTW: it's a great discussion to have here. Much better than a lot of the hooey in some threads. Agree or not, it's a good investigation, IMO. Cheers, fellas.
All good points. I’ll add that rarely are people’s ears symmetrical. It’s more common than not that one ear is higher or lower than the other. Optimize that!
...and in addition to the ears, there is the matter of the level. Even the very fine Stabila is noted as +/- .2 degrees from 1-89 degrees.

0 and 90 degree positions are much more accurate, as level and plumb is very important to use for building things.

When I looked at some of the better angle-measuring devices, I found similar tolerances.

But, it seems everyone agrees that attention to detail in all things, potentially yields the largest opportunity for improvement. And some of the low-hanging fruit can be harvested from these exchanges, which is very helpful.
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I know, based upon previous posts you have made on this subject, that you are skeptical. If not, then you sway more toward disbelieving this altogether. Minimal adjustments you are okay with making a difference and you seem to accept that wholeheartedly.

Please allow me to clarify something here. I have speakers that are 6 and a half feet tall. The centers of the furthest drivers are almost 5 feet apart from one another. Any small adjustment made at the spikes, translate into much bigger movements (side to side, as well as front to back). Especially at the top of the speaker.

This translates into timing issues and in my case, a massive change in where a channel's sound(s) are coming from. This, from only one speaker. Now, add both.

Let's just say (for example) that the Right speaker had drifted off .07" toward me and .11" to the right. While at the same time, the Left speaker had drifted off .12" away from me and to the left by .06". So, the system now starts off skewed and not optimal, right?

That skewed sound from both channel's now has to travel all of the way across the room. In my case, that is roughly 10.5' away from my ears. One of the channel's is skewed down and to the right, while the other is skewed up and to the left. Over the course of that 10.5' of travel, that becomes (while still small) a considerable drift of timing when things hit the room, walls and my ears.

What I am referring too when making such minuscule adjustments in speaker positioning is taking a certified and calibrated Digi-Pas 2-axis professional digital level and placing it on top of my speaker. I then use the readings on that to align the speakers back to a 0.00 x and y axis.

With the speakers already in place from the initial setup, this puts the tweeters and midrange drivers perfectly positioned for the sound to arrive at the same time/place (my ears). Same for the lower registers drivers at the top and bottom of the mains.

This is what makes everything snap into focus. Just that tiny measurement at the bottom of the speakers may not amount to much, but by the time that very minor adjustment hits my ears? That has a lot of travel to go...and I want to assure that what I am used to hearing gets to those ears at the same time, without any skewing or imbalance.

A good (well, at the moment, I think it's good) way to think about this would be to take a 1/2" thick metal rod (to replace your speakers for a moment) and place a mirror that reflects a laser, perfectly straight up from the floor to the middle of the mirror. Angle that mirror that is located at the tweeter height and direct the mirror to now point directly to your ear. R channel to your right ear, L channel to your L ear.

Now, let's then say that the laser is fixed. You can't move the laser at all, no matter what. It points directly at the middle of that mirror(s) that point directly to the respective channel/ear.

Now, tap that 1/2" thick rod (mirror still attached to it and angled toward your ear) back and to to one side for your R channel with a sledgehammer. You will notice two things. The laser is no longer pointed at the dead center of that mirror, and the laser is no longer pointed at your ear either. In fact, the measurement of the center of the mirror may not look like much but where the laser was pointed at your ear? It's way off now.

Now move over to your L channel and do the exact opposite to that rod. Hit that rod toward you and the opposite way you hit the R rod. The harder you strike that rod, the worse the skew becomes.

Take a look at now, at this point, to where both lasers are pointing. They are nowhere near your ears. One could be off on the wall, 2" away and down quite a bit from your ear and the other one for the other channel may be located somewhere on your forehead. This is audible.

Now, that is only the skew with one driver. Multiply that with 5 drivers per channel (at least in my case) that are up to 5' apart top to bottom. That is severe skewing of the sound and timing of everything. Yes, a very minute adjustment but a large one by the time the sound hits your ears.

I hope that made sense and it helps you to understand how such a minuscule adjustment could possibly make such a profound difference to the end result as to what hits your ears.

The better and more pure/resolving your system is, the better your lower registers are tuned to the room (without overloading it) the more profound this change is....or can be.

This is a great explanation, and it makes total sense. However, the part I can’t wrap my head around is this:

The variable of the listeners position. One ear might be higher than the other; the head might be tilted a millimeter one way or another the chair moves a millimeter one way or another….

Is the listener position variability of much less consequence than speakers being slightly askew? I can conceptualize that the speaker being off a little bit off will result in a bigger variability than the listener position variability.

As I understand, Stirling optimizes the speaker positions for the room. And the listener position is of a less consequence.

My experience is that I can move my listening position up and back as much as I want and the system still sounds right to me. Very different, but right.
This is a great explanation, and it makes total sense. However, the part I can’t wrap my head around is this:

The variable of the listeners position. One ear might be higher than the other; the head might be tilted a millimeter one way or another the chair moves a millimeter one way or another….

Is the listener position variability of much less consequence than speakers being slightly askew? I can conceptualize that the speaker being off a little bit off will result in a bigger variability than the listener position variability.

As I understand, Stirling optimizes the speaker positions for the room. And the listener position is of a less consequence.

My experience is that I can move my listening position up and back as much as I want and the system still sounds right to me. Very different, but right.
Apparently yes, because you are trying to get the speakers to “play the room” or “couple” with the room. I can see that making sense. But I agree, when I’m into the music my head is bobbing big time.
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$10,000 system at right setup (DPOLS) will outperform $2,000,000 system easily.
Assuming all else is equal? I'll gladly take that bet.
...and in addition to the ears, there is the matter of the level. Even the very fine Stabila is noted as +/- .2 degrees from 1-89 degrees.

0 and 90 degree positions are much more accurate, as level and plumb is very important to use for building things.

When I looked at some of the better angle-measuring devices, I found similar tolerances.

But, it seems everyone agrees that attention to detail in all things, potentially yields the largest opportunity for improvement. And some of the low-hanging fruit can be harvested from these exchanges, which is very helpful.
Tape measures, levels and lasers are all good tools to help get the speakers into a good starting position. I use the Digi-pas 1500XY which is good to 3 decimal places.

Last week I went to someone's home to integrate a pair of subwoofers with a pair of Magnapan 3.7i. He has them sitting on carpet while he waits on the much improved stand. The sound was very thin. Last night I went back over and this time I took my level and some shims. I set the level on the base of the Maggie's and the left was something like 0.108 back and the right was 0.135 back. I place the shims on the back between the base and the carpet and pushed them under until the level read 0.000 on both speakers. Sat back down and listened and it was so much better. The music gained a lot of body and most of the thin-ness was gone. This took me about 5 minutes. I am not saying this is the ideal rake angle, just that the speakers are at least vertical and matched.

I give this as an example as we are talking about detailed speaker setup. But when I go into a lot of people homes the speakers are way off. In most cases the owners aren't sure what to do to fix the problems they are hearing. And they don't have even the basic tools to measure where they are or simply aren't aware that they even should do this type of thing. When I was done the guy asked about the level and said he was going to get one. This really makes me happy. This guy now has some ideas on how to work with speakers and is going to get some tools so he can experiment on his own.
Tape measures, levels and lasers are all good tools to help get the speakers into a good starting position. I use the Digi-pas 1500XY which is good to 3 decimal places.

Last week I went to someone's home to integrate a pair of subwoofers with a pair of Magnapan 3.7i. He has them sitting on carpet while he waits on the much improved stand. The sound was very thin. Last night I went back over and this time I took my level and some shims. I set the level on the base of the Maggie's and the left was something like 0.108 back and the right was 0.135 back. I place the shims on the back between the base and the carpet and pushed them under until the level read 0.000 on both speakers. Sat back down and listened and it was so much better. The music gained a lot of body and most of the thin-ness was gone. This took me about 5 minutes. I am not saying this is the ideal rake angle, just that the speakers are at least vertical and matched.

I give this as an example as we are talking about detailed speaker setup. But when I go into a lot of people homes the speakers are way off. In most cases the owners aren't sure what to do to fix the problems they are hearing. And they don't have even the basic tools to measure where they are or simply aren't aware that they even should do this type of thing. When I was done the guy asked about the level and said he was going to get one. This really makes me happy. This guy now has some ideas on how to work with speakers and is going to get some tools so he can experiment on his own.

Nice post. What level do you use?
All good points. I’ll add that rarely are people’s ears symmetrical. It’s more common than not that one ear is higher or lower than the other. Optimize that!
In the end it doesn't seem to really matter if one ear is a few mm higher or lower than the other. When everything is dialed in it just works.

When this thread comes up from time to time there always seem to be comments where people are concerned that to adjust speakers to a high level of accuracy the listeners head must have to be locked in a vice. It is a paradoxical that it is actually the opposite that is true. During the setup I do sit back in the listening chair, generally sit up and listen with my head fairly still. But I don't really try to lock it in a vice to do this. After the set up is complete I am free to move my head without feeling like things are shifting all over the place. The sound field is actually quite uniform.
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Nice post. What level do you use?
Thanks to Tom to for pointing you toward the level. One nice feature of this level is that it has bluetooth capability. You can download the app on your phone and get the reading of the level. This is important as standing next to the speaker will alter the level of the floor. If the floor is pier and beam or a second story of a house, then there can be quite a lot of discrepancy in the reading. It is best to set the level on the speaker and take several steps back and see what the app says.

I am not trying to say that the speaker needs to be at any particular number. Whatever number of rake an azimuth the speaker ends up with is done by ear. But for example, if you are trying to match the right and left speaker and get them both level to 0.000 degrees the app is the way to go. Without the app, depending on the flexure of the floor where your speaker is sitting and where you are standing to read the level it can make a big difference. You might think you have them both dead level but in reality, when you step away, they are not.
Since @treitz3 brought up issues with the floor I will offer my thoughts.

The floor is a big problem if you are trying to push your system to top performance. The floor can also make it difficult to keep the speakers at top performance.

If my room was on pier and beam, I would be doing something to stabilize the floor. This could be as simple as pulling up the existing floor, adding more joists, putting down a layer of cement boar, then plywood and then the finished engineered wood flooring. This may sound complicated but even a DIY person could do this. A small construction crew could have it done in a couple days. And it would likely cost less than a lot of audiophiles spend on a power cable.

Solid wood is not a good way to go. It expands and contracts and swells with the changes in humidity with the seasons. Look up how much a 3" wide board expands going from 20% humidity in the winter to 60% humidity in the summer. Unless you want to re-do your speakers twice a year then avoid hardwood flooring.

I hate moving speakers on carpet and I really dislike how it deadens the sound. But at least if your carpet is over a concrete slab we can spike through the carpet and the floor will be stable.

Once you get the speaker set you can glue the spike cups to the floor. That way if your belly grows and bumps into the speaker it won't move. If you want to remove them then simply remove the glue. This may take some work but can be done.
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This is a great explanation, and it makes total sense. However, the part I can’t wrap my head around is this:

The variable of the listeners position. One ear might be higher than the other; the head might be tilted a millimeter one way or another the chair moves a millimeter one way or another….

Is the listener position variability of much less consequence than speakers being slightly askew? I can conceptualize that the speaker being off a little bit off will result in a bigger variability than the listener position variability.

As I understand, Stirling optimizes the speaker positions for the room. And the listener position is of a less consequence.

My experience is that I can move my listening position up and back as much as I want and the system still sounds right to me. Very different, but right.
That's one of the beautiful things about getting the speaker positions optimized. Whenever I readjust the speakers to their respective optimized position, the "sweet spot" seems to not be as important. I could only theorize as to why, and I will try my best below, but you can (well, I can) hear the change, even as I walk around the room or walk into the room. Part of that theory is that while my example initially only spoke of one rod, laser and mirror per speaker/ear (along with the additional drivers within said speaker), that is only one of many sounds that the ears hear. The direct sound, which is the single most important time/energy sound you want to hear.

Unless you have an anechoic room, you also have radiated/reflected energy that arrives at differing times. These come from walls, ceilings, floors and furniture/other items in the room (such as the gear, stands, etc.). If you look at the drawing below, it will give you some examples of some of those reflected sounds.

(Credit for the above screenshot taken from this Harbeth video - which can be seen below >>>

As aforementioned, my initial post was referring to only the direct sound being optimized. With all of the secondary reflections and their own energy/time arrivals, all of these are affected as well when you optimize the speaker setup. So, it's not just one sound you are optimizing, it is all of these sounds that affect the performance of the speaker/room interaction. Hypothetically speaking, if there were a rod, mirror and laser for each reflected sound, a minimal movement/adjustment would have quite the effect on all of those lasers and where they end up.

At least that's my theory, anyway...

When I spoke about the laser and that 1/2" rod and mirror, I was speaking as if the speaker location (not just the x and y axis) had already been optimized to the room and toed in correctly to achieve that perfect balance.

The tools I use that help me to achieve my own optimization are the following;

DigiPas DWL-1300XY 2 axis precision digital level
Takamine GM160 Pro self leveling 16 line laser
Bosch Professional GLM20 digital tape measure
Stanley Powerlock tape measure
Johnson 40-6184 laser level

Admittedly, I have a mixture of ways I do my initial setup. Whether it be taken from folks I have spoken with over the decades on how they do it, to ideas from the Sumiko setup, Harbeth, Genesis (WBF member Gary Koh who talks about 1/16" in this very video - ), Martin Logan, Wilson and yes, even the book from WBF member Jim Smith - Which I highly recommend if you want to learn quite a bit more about initial placement than I am willing to type out. His book has already been mentioned in this thread and it is a gold mine for those who may be reading this thread and are interested in optimizing their own setup.

Years or maybe even decades ago, I was able to cobble together some notes that I ran across that condensed a lot of information into a somewhat short write up of some of the most important things when doing the initial setup. Maybe this will help some of you who may be reading this thread and wish to improve your own speaker setup. I know full well, I am preaching to the choir with many of you, so please forgive me going over some things that you already know about.

From Tom's notes said:
Here are four simple techniques that will make your speakers sound better than you thought possible—without costing you a dime.

1) The relationship between the loudspeakers and the listener is of paramount importance.
The listener and speakers should form an equilateral triangle; without this basic setup, you’ll never hear good sound staging and imaging. The listener should sit exactly between the two speakers (called the “sweet spot”), at a distance away from each speaker that’s slightly greater than the distance between the speakers themselves. If you don’t have this fundamental relationship, you’ll never hear good soundstaging.

Setting the distance between the speakers is a trade-off between a wide soundstage and a strong center or “phantom” image. The farther apart the loudspeakers (assuming the same listening position), the wider the soundstage. As the speakers are moved farther apart, however, the center image weakens, and can even disappear. If the speakers are too close together, the soundstage narrows.

Speakers placed the optimal distance apart will produce a strong center image and a wide soundstage. A musical selection with a singer and sparse accompaniment is ideal for setting loudspeaker spacing and ensuring a strong center image. With the speakers fairly close together, listen for a tightly focused image of the singer exactly between the two speakers. Move the speakers a little farther apart and listen again. Repeat this move/listen procedure until you start to hear the central image become larger, more diffuse, and less focused, indicating that you’ve gone slightly beyond the maximum distance your speakers should be from each other for a given listening position.

2) Proximity of loudspeakers to walls affects the amount of bass.
The nearer the loudspeakers are to walls and corners, the louder the bass. You can reduce excessive bass by moving your speakers farther out into the room. How far into the room the speakers are positioned also affects the clarity of the bass because certain speaker locations don’t excite the room’s resonant modes as strongly. You can reduce these resonances by following the “rule of thirds” which states that, for the best bass response, the distance between the speakers and the wall behind them should be one-third the length of the room. This is often impractical, but one-fifth the room length is generally the next-best location.

3) The farther out into the room the loudspeakers are, the better the soundstaging—particularly depth.
Positioning loudspeakers close to the wall behind them can destroy the impression of a deep soundstage. Acoustically reflective objects such as a television or fireplace near the speakers can also degrade sound staging. A deep, expansive soundstage is rarely developed with the loudspeakers near the front wall; pulling the speakers out a few feet can make the difference between poor and spectacular sound staging.

4) Toe-in affects tonal balance, soundstage width, and image focus.
Toe-in is pointing a loudspeaker inward toward the listener rather than aiming it straight ahead. Toe-in is a powerful tool for dialing-in the soundstage and treble balance. There are no rules for toe-in; the optimal amount will vary greatly with the speaker and the room.

Toe-in increases the amount of treble heard at the listening seat. You can fine-tune a speaker’s treble balance by adjusting the amount of toe-in in small increments and listening after each adjustment.

Toe-in also increases soundstage focus and image specificity. When toed-in, many loudspeakers provide a more focused and sharply delineated soundstage. Images are more clearly defined, compact, and tight, rather than diffuse and lacking a specific spatial position. The optimal toe-in angle is often a trade-off between too much treble and a strong central image. With lots of toe-in, the soundstage snaps into focus, but the sound is often too bright. With no toe-in, the treble balance is smoother, but the imaging is more vague. You can find the best balance simply by listening and adjusting.

Toe-in also affects the sound’s overall spaciousness. No toe-in produces a larger, more billowy, less precise soundstage. Instruments are less clearly delineated, but the sound is bigger and more expansive. Toeing-in the speakers shrinks the apparent size of the soundstage, but allows more precise image delineation. Finally, identical (and I mean identical) toe-in for both speakers is essential to realistic soundstaging. There’s no substitute for a listen-adjust-listen process to realize ideal speaker placement.

One of these days, I might go through and explain again how I set up my own speakers, NOT using the rooms walls as measuring points.


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