I find amp/speaker pairing to have a sound. I don't see any reason to pidgeon hole a name to them. They just have a sound. I'm only talking power amp/speaker. Not front end.
I have also become aware how varied the music taste of listeners is. It is all over. And what I hear is particular pairing of amp/speaker excell at playback of certain music. Sure any combo of good equipment can play anything. But there are pairing that seem to bring out more a sense of what particular genre of music is all about.
I feel anyone having a discussion about component needs to take into account the type of music will be played. And the temperament of the listener. Some people listen to their stereo and others to music. To often people seem to jump to technical specifications, feedback levels, distortion etc. They don't think about the end user.
Add on top of this the power supply feeding it all. If you have aluminum and stranded wire, you are adding a mid bump smoother to the system. If you have all copper, solid wire, you have a little flatter more clear window. Add a filter such as an AQ 5000 or large isolatuon transformer and now where are you. These power selections all have a profound impact on what is heard from a system. They can radically change how a system voices. Especially the filters.
I have also become aware how varied the music taste of listeners is. It is all over. And what I hear is particular pairing of amp/speaker excell at playback of certain music. Sure any combo of good equipment can play anything. But there are pairing that seem to bring out more a sense of what particular genre of music is all about.
I feel anyone having a discussion about component needs to take into account the type of music will be played. And the temperament of the listener. Some people listen to their stereo and others to music. To often people seem to jump to technical specifications, feedback levels, distortion etc. They don't think about the end user.
Add on top of this the power supply feeding it all. If you have aluminum and stranded wire, you are adding a mid bump smoother to the system. If you have all copper, solid wire, you have a little flatter more clear window. Add a filter such as an AQ 5000 or large isolatuon transformer and now where are you. These power selections all have a profound impact on what is heard from a system. They can radically change how a system voices. Especially the filters.