hello Steve
doc it's good to hear there is excellent synergy with your Lamm , wilsons and vsa-mb signatures /ultra cables
There are very few of us who have used an entire loom of mb- ultras! ( not signature....I have used vsa signature cables many years ago) in their system.....most notable is jim and jack
I do agree fully with Robert .They ie vsa-mb ultra cables , should come with a warning many many hours of burnin time and their positional / lay of the cables.....every time you change or fiddle with the connections or change the position of the cables( ICS/SC)...it takes quite awhile to breathe again!
The ultras are an absolute aural delight for recorded playback music in an already optimised system. This magic you've personally begining to hear at home and seen and heard Infull in jack and jims place
Doc , for the calibre of the gear you have in your customised room a complete loom of ultra !!! IC/SC/PC.....is what the doctor ordered.....music will come so close to real life.....almost palpable and may surpass what ever you've heard before!
Steve , I have no association or invested interests or financial obligations to any of the brands I use and have used in the past,
just the love of listening to music....
I haven't altered or changed any connections for the past year....thoroughly enjoying listening to recorded music with just a click of button.
here's a link I did many years ago with the use of ultra cables....pictoral montage with a lateral view of the ultras