Does Everything Make a Difference?

I thought he said GM50. Monoblocks. Not biamped. Simple crossover. I did not photo the crossover. Deulund and other decent parts. The crossover really mattered. Took him a couple years to sort out. Woofer placement too. He had to aim the woofer forward, then the image came into place and some smearing went away.
To me two things make the biggest difference: The music you play and the company you keep. The rest is just toys.
Well said Howie. I feel the only person you need to please is you. In my room and with my system I only have one critical voice I respond too, mine!

Since it s the end of the year I will repeat myslef here for the unnumbered time that it is ALL about the set up and room the rest of these tweeks are truly just toys.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
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Comfort Banket

I don't think insulation is a function of weight or mass. In the construction off a blanket mass can matter even if it has no effect on insulation. s al Mass is real and is easily measured. The effect of mass in this instance is purely emotional. It is not snake-oil or a placebo.
The mass does matter.
I got my new amps in. While installing them I went about dialing in my speaker placement. That had a large affect on clarity.
Great scale. Very good bass. Better image placement than I thought. I would be wey happy with them in a larger room. Good resolution too. All around this system has come into focus over the past year.
Nice looking system!
I want to see Fremer in a "A Clockwork Orange" style double blind test, testing MoFi records ! :p

I just need to register my drooling over your system. MBL 101s were a long time aspiration for me.

(Couldn't afford them, but got a deal on a pair of MBL 121s which I owned for many years and loved them).
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Martin Logan Statement E2's are in the back of the room, second set of Statement sub towers are dialed in with the MBL's. :) I mostly listen to the Statements these days, they are more forgiving of not so great recordings.
To me two things make the biggest difference: The music you play and the company you keep. The rest is just toys.
Absolutely agree.
i don't think "everything" makes a difference.

could be in the analog and electric domain,
but i don't think in the digital domain.

best example is a 'roon core' especially if it connected to a 'roon ready' dac/streamer.

no matter what hardware i ran the roon core on i couldn't hear any sonic difference.
Surprising. In digital, especially streaming, addition of Switch, Dc filters and linear power supply are mandatory. I was very dissatisfied of listenings with streamer, all these addition erased the gap between streaming and CD/SACD or DSD downloaded.
Also in electric domain and analog there are a lot of precautions to get the best sound possible. Ron listed many, some more are possible and also a lot of accessories change the sound not for the best, even from well known brands I represented in the past.
.... Ron listed many, some more are possible and also a lot of accessories change the sound not for the best, even from well known brands I represented in the past.
To the best of my knowledge, you are exactly right. Presumably because accessories are perhaps more likely to adhere to inferior (as opposed to superior) designs, materials, methods, executions, etc. But for some reason it seems many just assume what they acquire must be of the superior flavor - or they wouldn't have acquired it???
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It is often said by many audiophiles that "everything makes a difference."

Does everything really make a difference? Or do we just believe -- or do we just want to believe -- that everything makes a difference?

Do we want to believe that everything makes a different because we think we can hear a difference?
Nowadays, I am very hesitant to say anything does not and/or cannot make a difference.

My first eye opener was a DIY set of PBJ inspired IC's. I used solid core intercom cable from Radio Shack!!! I just had it lying around. I purchased Neutrik RCA's and soldered them up. With planar cans I was taken aback. The increased clarity over the name brand cable I was using at the time was obvious. The difference was so clear that I would be shocked if it wasn't measurable. I've had several other such revelations over the years. As such, I'm more comfortable going in to a situation with the idea that I will either appreciate the difference or I won't, rather than rejecting the possibility that there will be a difference I can discern.
Nowadays, I am very hesitant to say anything does not and/or cannot make a difference.

My first eye opener was a DIY set of PBJ inspired IC's. I used solid core intercom cable from Radio Shack!!! I just had it lying around. I purchased Neutrik RCA's and soldered them up. With planar cans I was taken aback. The increased clarity over the name brand cable I was using at the time was obvious. The difference was so clear that I would be shocked if it wasn't measurable. I've had several other such revelations over the years. As such, I'm more comfortable going in to a situation with the idea that I will either appreciate the difference or I won't, rather than rejecting the possibility that there will be a difference I can discern.

Stanadrd Radio Shack RCA interconnects are actually very good, IMO. They sound balanced and do little wrong. They are not the last word in resolution, but that is Ok because of their overall balance and lack of enhancement. And they are cheap.
Stanadrd Radio Shack RCA interconnects are actually very good, IMO. They sound balanced and do little wrong. They are not the last word in resolution, but that is Ok because of their overall balance and lack of enhancement. And they are cheap.
In that little trial period where I was experimenting, I did have to rank the Radio Shack interconnects, last (in my main system). Those blue interconnects from Acoustic Research (also cheap) had a presentation I much preferred (although I was not impressed with the plugs they used). I do still have and use them in an upstairs system. My Radio Shack solid core DIY's sound maybe a smidge better than the aforementioned blue cables (but not so much between pre and power amp). It's got me wondering about trying out silver conductors. And, I am no longer skeptical about cable reviews.

Having said all that, if I were to ever pull out my old Basic C1 preamp, Radio Shack interconnects would probably be perfect to get a little control on the brightness (not even a consideration for my Audio Research gear).

Have I upgraded AC outlets? Yup. Did it make a difference? Sonically? Slightly. Mechanically? Absolutely. Worth it? Every penny.

So, yeah... maybe everything does matter. :)
The more I listen, the more confounded I am by perceived changes in the sound quality of my system when I have made no changes. And it's not just related to my mood, atmospheric conditions, what I'm wearing, or (as far as I know), my physical health. My power supply is robust and consistent. I played in a range of musical groups for many years, I attend live concerts - both acoustic and amplified - and I'm an experienced hifi listener.
I quickly recognized the difference that switching from my NAD M32 amp to my Modwright KWH 225i made, and that improvement has continued to be consistent, but there are days when the same piece of music sounds open, three-dimensional, and engaging, and other days when it's just "there."
Because of this, I don't trust my ability to evaluate "tweaks" except over the long term.
It is hard to say for sure what causes this, but I am sure we can all say that we have the same experience. It is all very subjective of course and there are factors in our ears that we also possibly don't realize. I suspect it has more to do with AC mains power quality than anything else. I recall an article by Steve Deckert of Decware, where he discussed the fact that the AC mains grid is different at different times of the day, based on power load, etc. Also, the power company can adjust the AC frequency slightly. All of these things could change things in your system with no other variables changed.
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It is hard to say for sure what causes this, but I am sure we can all say that we have the same experience. It is all very subjective of course and there are factors in our ears that we also possibly don't realize. I suspect it has more to do with AC mains power quality than anything else. I recall an article by Steve Deckert of Decware, where he discussed the fact that the AC mains grid is different at different times of the day, based on power load, etc. Also, the power company can adjust the AC frequency slightly. All of these things could change things in your system with no other variables changed.
I agree that power is different every day. From quiet mow harmonics to bad AC from the electric company (harmonics and modified sine wave that induce hum of power transformers), this is first order impact on music.
Also in winter, with less humidity than 40%, static is a poison. I use Nordost ECO 3X before critical listening, on some chassis, cables and rack, it works. I should say that other destatic with fans do not work properly an add treble lifting (I will test DS audio desert which is said by one of my customer to exhibits none of this drawback on highs).
Also I agree to Zuman that they are other source of less good perception. Apart audio, I practice biking and also Mountain bike racing. If I'm tired after a training, my perception of the sound is less good, probably more my brain than my ears. Listening relax a "normal" day, all my perception and earrng is top. I should also say that practice of sport improve a lot blood circulation, also internal ear (apart of less cholesterol ).
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I want to see Fremer in a "A Clockwork Orange" style double blind test, testing MoFi records ! :p
Say, wasn’t Fremer the target of an Amazing Randi Million Dollar Challenge. I think he was. Randi and Fremer were negotiating a cable shoot out, I believe it was the $20,000 Kimber Cables vs Monster Cable, something like that. A very elaborate controlled blind test was being negotiated. Of course, Randi’s money was safe in any sort of test since, you know, Randi can control the outcome.There was another Amazing Randi Million Dollar Challenge in the works before that for the intelligent Chip but both those negotiations broke down and never went to completion.
This would like be in nanoseconds or at most microseconds...I would say unlikely to be heard...but who knows!!
It all depends on what you call the signal. In audio cables the propagation speed of the free electrons, the things that carry the charge, is only about one meter per hour, whereas the electromagnetic wave that pushes the electrons travels at near lightspeed. furthermore, since these are AC circuits we‘re talking about, the net velocity of electrons is zero. The same goes for the electromagnetic wave.
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