Does Magico have a "house sound", and if so, how would you describe it?

I was defending you ! I always consider you open minded, outspoken to the hilt, but open minded :eek:

I have heard S3, S5 Mk1 with 4 different amps, S1 mk2, M3, Q7 mk2 with the 6 REL stack, the old M5, and Q5. None of these include the ones at hifi shows I hear every year

Amps have been Levinson, Constellation, Dagostino, Jadis 200, CJ, Vitus, Alieno, MBL, and Kondo Kagura.

I didn't see any change in any of them. Well, Magico fans will call it change, just like Wilson fans will be excited when they jump from Sophia to Sasha or Sasha to Alexia. But essentially these can all be viewed under one house sound.

Best I heard was Jadis and Vitus at Rhapsody, and anyone who likes Magico should go there as he has many amps you can choose from. Myles' Magico system was enjoyable when his tape came on, I loved his tape set up.
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I have heard S3, S5 Mk1 with 4 different amps, S1 mk2, M3, Q7 mk2 with the 6 REL stack, the old M5, and Q5. None of these include the ones at hifi shows I hear every year

Amps have been Levinson, Constellation, Dagostino, Jadis 200, CJ, Vitus, Alieno, MBL, and Kondo Kagura.

I didn't see any change in any of them. Well, Magico fans will call it change, just like Wilson fans will be excited when they jump from Sophia to Sasha or Sasha to Alexia. But essentially these can all be viewed under one house sound.

Best I heard was Jadis and Vitus at Rhapsody, and anyone who likes Magico should go there as he has many amps you can choose from. Myles' Magico system was enjoyable when his tape came on, I loved his tape set up.
You have officially been pulled in. Now duck !o_O
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I think everyone is going to have a different perspective on "Magico Sound" once you hear A5s and future Magico offerings....betcha;)
I don't order as much popcorn if I've seen the movie before or if I already know how it ends.
Yes this is just one episode in “Lost”, the series that never ends !
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I meant that about any criteria we use, we can use it to say A is better than B. This does not help any manufacturer. And no, on the forum we will use criteria and we will rate, and we will call a lot of gear that doesn't meet the criteria as not good enough. If it scares some people off so be it. The manufacturers who don't meet the live music criteria are the ones most responsible for the degradation of audio, along with the people who pay up to buy their products

No problem, as far we can read now it in this forum all manufacturers of individual equipment seem to fulfill such criteria - the problem are systems, room, tweaks and audiophile set up. And the WBF members now know the recipes of "natural" sound, although they do not know how to define it. :)
No problem, as far we can read now it in this forum all manufacturers of individual equipment seem to fulfill such criteria - the problem are systems, room, tweaks and audiophile set up. And the WBF members now know the recipes of "natural" sound, although they do not know how to define it. :)

Those members brave (or stupid) enough to list their system make up in their signatures are vulnerable to opinions, informred, biased, or otherwise, about how their systems sound based on that listing. Bonzo sees your Wilson speakers, the TA cables and cords and those CenterStage footers and other stuff, and he knows. He just knows....

Years ago, there were more systems listed, and it seemed more virtual and active system threads. Fewer now, unless my memory deceives me yet again.
Those members brave (or stupid) enough to list their system make up in their signatures are vulnerable to opinions, informred, biased, or otherwise, about how their systems sound based on that listing. Bonzo sees your Wilson speakers, the TA cables and cords and those CenterStage footers and other stuff, and he knows. He just knows....

Years ago, there were more systems listed, and it seemed more virtual and active system threads. Fewer now, unless my memory deceives me yet again.

I have heard 7 Alexandria systems, that's why I know, including with his amps. You can keep up the dialogue that his is different from all of them
I just thought I'd say that I hit refresh and there haven't been any new posts. It's been 46 minutes!
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I just thought I'd say that I hit refresh and there haven't been any new posts. It's been 46 minutes!

Ok, I'll bite... So, do you think your speakers sound bad because of the flawed design, the amplification or the setup?* :p

* or the interconnect cables?
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Ok, I'll bite... So, do you think your speakers sound bad because of the flawed design, the amplification or the setup? :p


Just teasing. Room challenges.
Ok, I'll bite... So, do you think your speakers sound bad because of the flawed design, the amplification or the setup?* :p

* or the interconnect cables?
The air in Boston i just better suited for Magico !;)
Al M.,
Can you tell us on what aspects you prefer your speakers to the M Project?

A brief, non-comprehensive overview:

Magico speakers have been described as lacking in dynamics. I have found this not to be the case. In fact, I am often surprised at just how dynamic they sound. I have heard for example string quartet, jazz trumpet, piano, orchestra sound very dynamic on the M Project. Having said that, I hear more consistently great dynamics and liveliness from my own speaker system of Reference 3A Reflector monitors/JL Audio F112v2 subs. This might or might not change with different amplification on the M Project. In any case, music just 'pops' with dynamic life on my system, of course dependent on the recording, but far more often than not.

As for corporeality of sound, that's a mixed bag. I do prefer the palpable physical presence of solo violin on my system, but then I have not heard that yet with the latest speaker position on the M Project. On the other hand, the corporeality of cello, piano, large orchestra etc. is better, often considerably so, on the M Project. Jazz trumpet is probably a toss up, where I might prefer some on my system, some on the M Project. I love the physical presence of chamber orchestra on my system, but have not compared the same recordings. Rock and jazz drum can sound very physical and dynamic on the M Project, partially more so than on my system. On the other hand, the brutally explosive rhythmic and energetic drive of something like the Trio of Doom (jazz rock; drums, bass, electric guitar) is more pronounced and really special on my system.
Those members brave (or stupid) enough to list their system make up in their signatures are vulnerable to opinions, informred, biased, or otherwise, about how their systems sound based on that listing. Bonzo sees your Wilson speakers, the TA cables and cords and those CenterStage footers and other stuff, and he knows. He just knows....

Years ago, there were more systems listed, and it seemed more virtual and active system threads. Fewer now, unless my memory deceives me yet again.


As you, I think that the list of the system in the signature is essential in this discussions to help us understanding other people opinions. BTW, the XLF's are very different from the X2, and I frequently use them with other non network cables. Currently also playing with cj's, although due to a sudden heat arrival the Soundlab's driven by a CH8550 Dartzeel returned last week . Surely someone who deeply dislikes them can only say poor things about them.

Anyway I have a different perspective, live is too short to be spent hating high-end brands. And I must be careful, I can't exclude owning Magico's again some day ... ;)
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No problem, as far we can read now it in this forum all manufacturers of individual equipment seem to fulfill such criteria - the problem are systems, room, tweaks and audiophile set up. And the WBF members now know the recipes of "natural" sound, although they do not know how to define it. :)

Nature is complex, we are simple, why do we always try and make it the other way around?

Micro, we can all define it :eek: it is all just said in our smiles :)... it’s just that none of us want to steal that wonderous opportunity away from you for realisation in remembering how liberating it can all be again just to be a simple, whole and most natural man ;). a wise one once said... “for this to is hidden in the silence of the Lamms”:eek:

Just conjecture but if anyone can define the Magico journey and the shape of its concept it would likely be in the nature of Alon Wolf. He strikes me as clear and analytical as well as driven. His pathway seems mercurial. I’d be surprised if Alan Wolf is the one designer in the world to not share the seeming essential correlation of all designers in all disciplines and has been a fundamental driver in all the 1000’s of designers I’ve ever met. Our work reflects a search to connect again with what is in our core and what is right within us and to change out what is still not yet right. This is the work, to get to where we started without really going backward.

Some have a clear methodical and seemingly linear Saturnian developmental journey, some are playful quirky and Mercurial, some are a merging of both yet the arch-type of the engineer and maker, artist and designer is to seek to discover and know themselves in their creations. This is very much a shared design journey. It is the story of Apollo and Phaeton and is also in the story of Icarus and Daedalus. It can be done with or without any conscious navigation. It comes out of feelings about where to head and drives us to then design and build better compasses so that we can see and know as well as sense. So whatever is the core signature of Alon Wolf’s life work is likely a simple resonance and reflection of who he is within his core.

He is in parts, but he seems to want to become one. He wants to leave no trace of himself and yet he is always essentially there in his work. He deals in arcane substances exploring chemical and mechanical application to release unbound energy. He seeks to be the Magician.

He plays with the synthetic to find the natural, he chases the philosophers stone and also the universal solvent. Maybe he’ll find it all. Into the earth he goes to find that stone. Into the self he goes to find that solvent. He mixes diamond, beryllium, bauxite and carbon and uses the pressure of the earth all mixed with great intensity and instinct.

He has fragmented everything to see and has measured all the parts and now he is trying to bring it back together again without a seam. He is still mechanical but seeks to lose the framework of the machine. Like mercury he sees speed as the solution and playing with mass as the secret. He resonates with his work. He seeks accord and harmony and follows its song to navigate back to the centre.

This for him is the great work. If he tries to drive that dragon it will not likely take him to where it is going. He will discover what he will along the way. He may already understand the correlations in his journey. It may be the realisation that we just ride the beast and should not try to drive it always with our eyes quite so wide open.
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I didn't think Alon Wolf was the technical designer - in terms of sound - that it was a partner back in Israel. I always thought Alon was the physical designer (cabinet etc). Does anyone know?
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I didn't think Alon Wolf was the technical designer - in terms of sound - that it was a partner back in Israel. I always thought Alon was the physical designer (cabinet etc). Does anyone know?

I believe you are right --at the original CES launch of Magico-myself and this Gentleman -whom stated he was the Designer--were banned to the corridor while negotiating was taking place in the Room-I cannot recall his name but I'd know him if I saw a Pic -rounded full face and youngish appearance speaking perfect English.

Sorry this thread has more intrigue than a Hitchcock Script thought I might as well join in:oops:!

Nature is complex, we are simple, why do we always try and make it the other way around?

Micro, we can all define it :eek: it is all just said in our smiles :)... it’s just that none of us want to steal that wonderous opportunity away from you for realisation in remembering how liberating it can all be again just to be a simple, whole and most natural man ;). a wise one once said... “for this to is hidden in the silence of the Lamms”:eek:

Just conjecture but if anyone can define the Magico journey and the shape of its concept it would likely be in the nature of Alon Wolf. He strikes me as clear and analytical as well as driven. His pathway seems mercurial. I’d be surprised if Alan Wolf is the one designer in the world to not share the seeming essential correlation of all designers in all disciplines and has been a fundamental driver in all the 1000’s of designers I’ve ever met. Our work reflects a search to connect again with what is in our core and what is right within us and to change out what is still not yet right. This is the work, to get to where we started without really going backward.

Some have a clear methodical and seemingly linear Saturnian developmental journey, some are playful quirky and Mercurial, some are a merging of both yet the arch-type of the engineer and maker, artist and designer is to seek to discover and know themselves in their creations. This is very much a shared design journey. It is the story of Apollo and Phaeton and is also in the story of Icarus and Daedalus. It can be done with or without any conscious navigation. It comes out of feelings about where to head and drives us to then design and build better compasses so that we can see and know as well as sense. So whatever is the core signature of Alon Wolf’s life work is likely a simple resonance and reflection of who he is within his core.

He is in parts, but he seems to want to become one. He wants to leave no trace of himself and yet he is always essentially there in his work. He deals in arcane substances exploring chemical and mechanical application to release unbound energy. He seeks to be the Magician.

He plays with the synthetic to find the natural, he chases the philosophers stone and also the universal solvent. Maybe he’ll find it all. Into the earth he goes to find that stone. Into the self he goes to find that solvent. He mixes diamond, beryllium, bauxite and carbon and uses the pressure of the earth all mixed with great intensity and instinct.

He has fragmented everything to see and has measured all the parts and now he is trying to bring it back together again without a seam. He is still mechanical but seeks to lose the framework of the machine. Like mercury he sees speed as the solution and playing with mass as the secret. He resonates with his work. He seeks accord and harmony and follows its song to navigate back to the centre.

This for him is the great work. If he tries to drive that dragon it will not likely take him to where it is going. He will discover what he will along the way. He may already understand the correlations in his journey. It may be the realisation that we just ride the beast and should not try to drive it always with our eyes quite so wide open.
You seem to be going Freudian on us today Graham have you been talking to Bob ?;)
I carry Bob within... the rest of the voices are mine and I channel as best I can lol o_O

OMG I write this stuff for me students as well ... it’s all crossing over!! :eek:
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Happiness knocking on heavens door



I certainly hope the A3 has the 'house-sound' of the flagship M9!
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