A word of advise, if your Primary objective or desire is for a physically immersive sound experience, then you may want to consider assembling a high-performance home theater system for music playback as you will find that the synthesized 9 to 17 channels can provide an experience beyond what I have found the highest performing two channel systems can deliver. I came to this personal understanding due to the current COVID pandemic; since my wife and I have been spending more time at home because of the current state of affairs, I went “whole hog” in redoing our home theater system for my wife with some of my highest caliber electronics and speakers, including Orpheus Labs, BSC, Genesis Technologies, LampizatOr, Mark Levinson, Plinius and Electron-Kinetics electronics with Wilson Audio and Verity Audio speakers and subwoofers. I assembled this system to stream movies and shows with my wife, but when my wife was not available or interested in watching I began watching Blu-Ray and DVD concert videos and ultimately streaming Tidal and playing CD’s, DVD-Audio, SACD and Blu-Ray Audio discs and testing the music with the different synthesized sound profiles and to my surprise the experience has been not only high-quality, not unexpected given the high caliber of gear used, but the immersive experience definitely adds to the overall enjoyment of the music as there is just not only a frontal image to focus on or video to be distracted by. It is a more casual and enjoyable listening experience as opposed to the more formal critical listening approach with my two-channel high-end systems. it has turned out to be a fun project that is more inclusive, with the wife and family, than my reference 2-channel systems will ever be. I know that years ago this would have been blasphemy and utter heresy, but I have nothing to prove and no one to impress.
I'm in your camp.
I spent over 40 years in the two channel only camp, and spent untold sums of money attempting to reach "audio Nirvana" (whatever that is). I used to think that a great two channel system could easily create the equivalent of the live experience of a small jazz trio - that is until my wife hired one to play in our home on a past birthday. It was then I finally realized there was no system in the universe that can replicate LIVE, regardless of how much money and effort I poured into it.
While it has happened over time (and being OK with giving up my audiophile card, particularly since I was using the totally unacceptable thing called "digital room correction" via my Trinnov), I now only listen to music on a multi-channel system, that has been seriously upgraded in the last 6 months to use all Line Source speakers in the room (Wisdom Audio). Does it recreate LIVE? Not even close but what is does do is create a listening environment that more closely resembles what a live performance might "feel like" when compared to my 2 channel days.
I have a good friend who has a Magico/Spectral 2 channel system that was one of the 2 or 3 best 2 channel systems I had/have ever heard. After having lived with my new system for a few months, I paid him a visit and instantly recalled why I love his system so much. The detail, clarity, imaging is just fantastic. But, when compared to the "experience" I have in my room, it "felt" very 2 dimensional. And while I have no doubt he would never do what I have done, his first response when he came to listen in my new room was: "Wow!. My system won't do that".
And I could care less if the music source (all digital now) is streamed, or from a shiny disc; 24/192 or 16/44. This system along with my ripped music files, Roon and Qobuz have me listening to more music of all types than ever before and by a huge margin. Once I quit thinking about the gear and what technological "thingie" I could add to or replace in my system or how can I improve imaging or ......, it became all about the music. This is what I call audio Nirvana.
FWIW, I had tried this "experiment" with other speakers, the most recent prior to my Wisdoms being Triad, and while being excellent, it lacked the magic that is only possible with a true all line source listening environment. It is impossible to describe how different it sounds when compared to point source speakers. One really needs to experience it.
I have no doubt I am in the tiniest of minorities on this matter (at least on this forum), but that is OK. I am still of the belief that "personal preference" is the far greater driver of our listening environment equipment choices than anything else and by a large amount. It's all about what version of "far less than perfect" we are willing to or PREFER to live with.