I have been listening to the EMM Lab DA2i for the last several weeks. I’m lucky enough to live in Calgary, which is where they are located.
I have always liked EMM gear and found they don’t bring out upgrades unless it’s something significant. This is certainly the case in this instance.
I heard the DA2 V2 and then almost immediately after the new one in my own system. Even without any break in the change was remarkable.
There were a few things that struck me immediately. There was a force behind the music almost like I was listening to the system louder, but there was no difference in the volume I had my preamp set at and it has the same output as the old one. It just gives you more sound. I know that’s not terribly accurate but it’s the best I can do.
Certainly, the bass is rock solid. The soundstage is bigger, side to side, front to back and height and yet very, very lifelike and not oversized. I listened to many different pieces I have played for years and in almost every case it was like I was hearing things I had never heard before, but not detail for details sake. Finally, and most importantly it’s extraordinarily musical. I know people say that a lot but here it was remarkable.
And one really amazing thing is, my old dac is no slouch, and a reference for many people.
Regards to the integrated streamer it works extremely well and has given me absolutely no issues.
I’m delighted with it. Certainly not saying it’s the best. I’d just suggest that if you get a chance, take a listen to it.Kudos to EMM.