1. Page 34 to page 62 are the totality representing that particular Emo amp.
I did not direct anyone to only one aspect of it.
2. That preamp review earlier (link from the prior page); I read it over at Secrets by J. E J. jr., and it's pretty good (good value, but still missing some of the essence).
3. This thread right here is about Emotiva amplifiers.
Once in a while we can talk about not directly other things, and that's fine by me; this is a forum, a discussion, and not a jail sentence.
4. I am very familiar with Emotiva, and many other things and places; some' good and some' bad everywhere in this world. Their amps have their fair share of ravings and issues as well.
5. Customer service and warranty are two things; quality control issues are another.
And also, promises of 'air', and detours to not attract the attention on real issues, are two more things.
6. ...The facts, the truth of the matter; the good with the bad, and not just one but both together for assessment of a fair balance and judgement.
We ain't talking SSPs, CD players, etc. here, but mainly amps and from Emotiva's related attention to control before, and after.
7. Last, Emo fan-boys; the last thing on Earth you can't relate on. ...Devoted advocates who will defend their master at any cost; even selling their soul to the devil.