Barry2013 - yes that is correct.
Maril555 - basically when i stuck the first one in (main lead from wall to Power Conditioner), i could not tell a difference and took it off after a few minutes. I felt bad only spending 2 minutes testing something, so i put 2 on...on both ends of the same PC. Suddenly it was like watching television with a better quality tape recording...the original image was fine, but the newer image has less pixels/grunge which had not bothered before...but now they're gone...better.
Particularly, i found that the system seemed (like with Entreq grounding) more at ease, less hash so that contrapuntal themes from 2 parts of an ensemble were much more noticeable and enjoyable...because the separation of the music was better...but not in a way that made them disjointed. In fact, the opposite...the separate musical lines actually were playing off of each other, and THAT became very very obvious which i had not appreciated before.
Taking them off, and that ease of understanding that disappeared, and the 2 sets of music became flatter and therefore the 'play off each other' bit was gone again.
That then began an experiment to keep adding...not always successfully particularly with network box cables...and then after finishing that 2 month experiment...i realized the Wilson speakers have a lot of cables that connect the 3 upper modules and bass module. When i asked distributor about this, someone else with a similar setup had just ordered a bunch of we did the experiment and they stayed in. hope that helps. for the collective money that is less than a silver tellus, i got a lot of uplift and found them extremely good value for money.
but again, i repeat, intuitively i am not sure they will be as universally well received in all systems...
Thanks Lloyd.
That is very helpful.
I have just checked them out with Fraser, the UK Entreq distributor.The AC Silver Wraps retail over here for £230 per pair and the Silver Mini Wraps are £110 per pair.and he says give great results if applied carefully and that they work well even without ground cables.
I will probably give them a try as the Entreq products' track record in my system has been first class.