Entreq Tellus grounding

alright...we've had some great experiences coming thru on the Entreq and Tripoint grounding...so i am just gonna come out and say it...

...try the Entreq AC and signal wraps. More of the same wondrous effect of the grounding...applied to the entry/exit points of power and signal cables. I honestly tried one...and thought after 30 seconds...waste, never mind...took it out...

...after 20 minutes i thought...what a s-t level of due diligence that was...and put 2 in this time...5 minutes later...wow...

...20+ entreq wraps later and i would not take a single one out...power and signal cables (NO NETWORK BOX CABLES, so only my Zanden umbilicals)...and all the internal cables of my Wilsons...

much, much less expensive than the grounding stuff...and it really worked well for me. but you gotta try it, experiment...a bit finicky. but after some playing around, i figured out a configuration that took me further down that purity road.
alright...we've had some great experiences coming thru on the Entreq and Tripoint grounding...so i am just gonna come out and say it...

...try the Entreq AC and signal wraps. More of the same wondrous effect of the grounding...applied to the entry/exit points of power and signal cables. I honestly tried one...and thought after 30 seconds...waste, never mind...took it out...

...after 20 minutes i thought...what a s-t level of due diligence that was...and put 2 in this time...5 minutes later...wow...

...20+ entreq wraps later and i would not take a single one out...power and signal cables (NO NETWORK BOX CABLES, so only my Zanden umbilicals)...and all the internal cables of my Wilsons...

much, much less expensive than the grounding stuff...and it really worked well for me. but you gotta try it, experiment...a bit finicky. but after some playing around, i figured out a configuration that took me further down that purity road.

Lloyd, you knew that your post was going to raise some questions ;)

If you like what the Entreq wraps do on signal and power cables, why not go for their cables? Barry really likes them: did you try them in your system?
Lloyd, you knew that your post was going to raise some questions ;)

If you like what the Entreq wraps do on signal and power cables, why not go for their cables? Barry really likes them: did you try them in your system?

An excellent question at that!!! ;) in truth, i spoke with the distributor about Entreq signal cables...more out of curiosity than as something i actually wanted to try...and his recommendation was that unless i was up for a wholesale change of TA (which i have been completely happy with for 10+ years straight)...he suggested we leave the TA in.

I use predominantly PAD 25th Ann/Contego and Dominus PCs other than 2 Sablon Audio PCs (video and sub) and the Gryphon Ref PC for the Gryphon. So again, very happy and will leave this alone.

BTW, i also use 6 Entreq Vibb eaters (Speaker network boxes which used to have weights on them), and 2 on top of each X1/Grand Slamm to reduce vibrations on the upper 3 modules.
An excellent question at that!!! ;) in truth, i spoke with the distributor about Entreq signal cables...more out of curiosity than as something i actually wanted to try...and his recommendation was that unless i was up for a wholesale change of TA (which i have been completely happy with for 10+ years straight)...he suggested we leave the TA in.

I use predominantly PAD 25th Ann/Contego and Dominus PCs other than 2 Sablon Audio PCs (video and sub) and the Gryphon Ref PC for the Gryphon. So again, very happy and will leave this alone.

BTW, i also use 6 Entreq Vibb eaters (Speaker network boxes which used to have weights on them), and 2 on top of each X1/Grand Slamm to reduce vibrations on the upper 3 modules.

So you have the Entreq wraps on all your power cords and digital cables? Do you have them grounded to your Troy?
So you have the Entreq wraps on all your power cords and digital cables? Do you have them grounded to your Troy?

Just about, yes...nearly all. I also have them going in and out of all the Zanden power umbilicals as well. I do NOT use them on the PAD 25th Ann (which has a network box). I had forgotten about the network box...stuck on a Wrap...it literally got super-soft and muffled like broken-muffled.

I could not understand why, but i knew sometimes these things happen...then i looked back and remembered the TA network boxes worked quite badly with them...and when i went back to see if i had done something incorrectly...i saw the network box...and it dawned on me.

As for grounding...i would love to try BUT: 1) i have 14 connections to the Troy as it is...a record according to Miguel, 2) the cost of connecting 26 Wraps is too much...plus to reach the Troy...some would have to be 10-15 feet long...i would end up with a spiderweb of grounding cables...;)
Just about, yes...nearly all. I also have them going in and out of all the Zanden power umbilicals as well. I do NOT use them on the PAD 25th Ann (which has a network box). I had forgotten about the network box...stuck on a Wrap...it literally got super-soft and muffled like broken-muffled.

I could not understand why, but i knew sometimes these things happen...then i looked back and remembered the TA network boxes worked quite badly with them...and when i went back to see if i had done something incorrectly...i saw the network box...and it dawned on me.

As for grounding...i would love to try BUT: 1) i have 14 connections to the Troy as it is...a record according to Miguel, 2) the cost of connecting 26 Wraps is too much...plus to reach the Troy...some would have to be 10-15 feet long...i would end up with a spiderweb of grounding cables...;)

I am somewhat skeptical, but I will give them a try at some point.
I am somewhat skeptical, but I will give them a try at some point.

I can understand...i was as well. And further, unlike Stillpoints Ultra 5s and Tripoint/Entreq grounding where i have been more unequivocal about my praise (and at a relatively early stage in their market presence on these forums at that)...i would recommend careful listening here, as i believe they have select applications. They work in my system. I know a member here with whom i have spoken who has Tripoint/Entreq...and now also has Entreq wraps and likes them.

But i would not suggest they work in every system...they dont even work on every cable in my own system (again, network cable box cables are generally out in my system).
Lloyd, you knew that your post was going to raise some questions ;)

If you like what the Entreq wraps do on signal and power cables, why not go for their cables? Barry really likes them: did you try them in your system?

You beat me to it!
Lloyd's reply does, however, make sense but as I mentioned earlier we have both had reliable reports of others who have taken the plunge and been very pleased they did.
alright...we've had some great experiences coming thru on the Entreq and Tripoint grounding...so i am just gonna come out and say it...

...try the Entreq AC and signal wraps. More of the same wondrous effect of the grounding...applied to the entry/exit points of power and signal cables. I honestly tried one...and thought after 30 seconds...waste, never mind...took it out...

...after 20 minutes i thought...what a s-t level of due diligence that was...and put 2 in this time...5 minutes later...wow...

...20+ entreq wraps later and i would not take a single one out...power and signal cables (NO NETWORK BOX CABLES, so only my Zanden umbilicals)...and all the internal cables of my Wilsons...

much, much less expensive than the grounding stuff...and it really worked well for me. but you gotta try it, experiment...a bit finicky. but after some playing around, i figured out a configuration that took me further down that purity road.

You've piqued my curiosity.
If I have understood you correctly you can get benefits from a modest no. of the AC wraps before committing to a full system application.
Clearly it might vary from system to system but am I correct?
alright...we've had some great experiences coming thru on the Entreq and Tripoint grounding...so i am just gonna come out and say it...

...try the Entreq AC and signal wraps. More of the same wondrous effect of the grounding...applied to the entry/exit points of power and signal cables. I honestly tried one...and thought after 30 seconds...waste, never mind...took it out...

...after 20 minutes i thought...what a s-t level of due diligence that was...and put 2 in this time...5 minutes later...wow...

...20+ entreq wraps later and i would not take a single one out...power and signal cables (NO NETWORK BOX CABLES, so only my Zanden umbilicals)...and all the internal cables of my Wilsons...

much, much less expensive than the grounding stuff...and it really worked well for me. but you gotta try it, experiment...a bit finicky. but after some playing around, i figured out a configuration that took me further down that purity road.

Lloyd, could you share more details about effects of the AC Wraps.
I do have a Fluke 87V True RMS Multi-meter.

That's a very good Multimeter.

So, did you use it to determine if the the four grounding terminals on your Silver Tellus are connected to one another?

And while you've got the meter out, could you please take a resistant reading on Eartha Atlantis RCA cable verses the Eartha Apollo RCA cable .

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That's a very good Multimeter.

So, did you use it to determine if the the four grounding terminals on your Silver Tellus are connected to one another?


I mostly have the Fluke MM around so smart people who help me have the proper tools. if you are going to have tools they ought to be good ones.

I've used it in a pinch but measuring things is not my deal. I have to be pretty motivated to get into that mode.

not saying that knowing whether those are connected does not have value...and not trying to be a smart a**. just full disclosure and all that.
further; I'd rather not disconnect the cables and box to measure them and start the settling process over again.

when/if I do disconnect them I will measure those items. and thank you for the suggestion, I'm not trying to be difficult with your reasonable and helpful ideas.

IMO, it's a shame to own an excellent piece of test equipment and not know how to use it.

I'd be happy to take it off your hands for $50.USD. I'll pay for shipping.

it's not going anywhere.

my Phd in Physics Son-in-law and Network Engineer son help me all the time with it.....or coach me on the phone to figure something out. at least they know the tool is capable.....even if I'm lame.
Someone should compare these Wraps to Zsleeves - don't think the latter are in the UK so if someone from US can chime in
it's not going anywhere.

my Phd in Physics Son-in-law and Network Engineer son help me all the time with it.....or coach me on the phone to figure something out. at least they know the tool is capable.....even if I'm lame.

Yes, you are lame, if you own a multimeter don't understand how to do a continuity test or resistance measurement.

Please ask your Phd in Physics Son-in-law and Network Engineer son if they think these small Entreq grounding boxes can create a lower resistance ground plane than your home's ground rod(s).
You've piqued my curiosity.
If I have understood you correctly you can get benefits from a modest no. of the AC wraps before committing to a full system application.
Clearly it might vary from system to system but am I correct?

Lloyd, could you share more details about effects of the AC Wraps.

Barry2013 - yes that is correct.

Maril555 - basically when i stuck the first one in (main lead from wall to Power Conditioner), i could not tell a difference and took it off after a few minutes. I felt bad only spending 2 minutes testing something, so i put 2 on...on both ends of the same PC. Suddenly it was like watching television with a better quality tape recording...the original image was fine, but the newer image has less pixels/grunge which had not bothered before...but now they're gone...better.

Particularly, i found that the system seemed (like with Entreq grounding) more at ease, less hash so that contrapuntal themes from 2 parts of an ensemble were much more noticeable and enjoyable...because the separation of the music was better...but not in a way that made them disjointed. In fact, the opposite...the separate musical lines actually were playing off of each other, and THAT became very very obvious which i had not appreciated before.

Taking them off, and that ease of understanding that disappeared, and the 2 sets of music became flatter and therefore the 'play off each other' bit was gone again.

That then began an experiment to keep adding...not always successfully particularly with network box cables...and then after finishing that 2 month experiment...i realized the Wilson speakers have a lot of cables that connect the 3 upper modules and bass module. When i asked distributor about this, someone else with a similar setup had just ordered a bunch of wraps...so we did the experiment and they stayed in. hope that helps. for the collective money that is less than a silver tellus, i got a lot of uplift and found them extremely good value for money.

but again, i repeat, intuitively i am not sure they will be as universally well received in all systems...
Lloyd, I see the Entreq Wraps have the ability to be grounded, as do their cables. I shudder to think in a fully Entreq-cabled rig how many ground cables would need to be configured if one went tot OTT and grounded each component, each cable twice (once for the cable, once for the wrap) and a full complement of Receivus'. I calculated in my rig that would be 45-50. Assuming one went all Atlantis leads and not more than 1 peg on each grounding box not accepting more than 2 Atlantis spades each, that would be 6 S. Tellus boxes and 6 Atlantis Tellus' add on boxes, plus possible Powerus and 2 Cleanus'. With 12-15 boxes and 4 dozen+ ground cables, that's a spider's web of Arachnophobia/Eight-Legged Freaks proportions :eek::eek:!!!
I could not resist, so I've connected the Minimus Silver with Ertha silver RCA to one spare output of Totaldac D1 Dual (which has a class A output to drive my Spectral DMA 260).
Even in Stand-by mode, the output stage of D1 is powered.
My first impression after 30mn and then after 2 hours is related to an increment of sweetness and density of the grain (which was already great with the D1 dual).
Music flow is a little more liquid, solid.
Voices seem to be more vivid and palpable.
The sense of "real live" on big orchestral tracks seem to be increased.
I am talking about subtle sensations, not night and day. But I feel a more relaxing and smooth music, full-bodied.
Yes, you are lame, if you own a multimeter don't understand how to do a continuity test or resistance measurement.

Please ask your Phd in Physics Son-in-law and Network Engineer son if they think these small Entreq grounding boxes can create a lower resistance ground plane than your home's ground rod(s).

next time I have a sufficiently techie visitor (some/most of my audio buddies are also quite capable) i'll get that stuff measured (assuming I'm ready to go thru the settling process again at that time). sorry for not being more knowledgeable. at least I know what I don't know.

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