How much of an impact did the Atlantis Tellus make in your system?
The immediate effect was not quite as noticeable as in previous Entreq additions to the system but after a day or two a distinct improvement became apparent and continued before peaking after about a week. I think the best way to describe is to say it noticeably reinforced and and added to the earlier improvements in all the ways described in Mike's recent post on his experiences and which I won't try to improve upon. I am pretty sure that that was the effects of the Atlantis box and two Atlantis cables to each Silver Tellus bedding/burning in.
I should, however, add and make clear that my system is I think the most comprehensively Entreq grounded system of any WBF member in that in addition to the component grounding all the interconnects are Apollo balanced and connected to one Silver Tellus, the speaker cables are also Entreq and grounded to a Silver Minimus and all but two of the audio components (amp and U Clock) use Entreq power cables.
So there is in aggregate considerable grounding capacity and the resultant "intensity" of sound referred to by others and no extraneous noise to degrade the sound quality. The Carmels are very open and revealing, the Vitus SIA 025 is a great amp but the scale and depth of the bass does not match much bigger and more expensive speakers. I am also fortunate that the room's accoutics are very good with no nasties.
I am not seeking to start an argument with other members' cable choices but I consider the Entreq range to be fully competitive with any others in the same price range and much more user friendly than other stiff and much more rigid cables.
Both Lloyd and me have had reports of a number a high end audiophiles changing to Entreq cables including Nordost Odin user here in the UK.At the present time auditioning Entreq i/cs and speaker cables in the USA is not easily possible but I imagine that Stillpoints and Entreq will once they are over the initial stages in the USA start to make the rest of their range available.
Upgrading to balanced Apollo i/cs in my system resulted in a BIG jump in sound quality and I am awaiting delivery of a biwire set of Challenger speaker cables which I confidently expect to give a similar scale of further improvement.
If members want to explore that a bit more the Lotus Hifi site which Christian drew attention to earlier sets out the UK prices for all the Entreq products with, last time I checked the exception of the Receivus - £400 and the newly introduced Olympos.
As I say my experience and for info!