Entreq Tellus grounding

Just out of sheer curiosity and fascination how has he connected them all up. Presumably he hasn't drilled 24 holes in the walls of his house, or has he?

There is a ground wire connecting rod to rod, and that's the (single) wire he brings into the house.
After I made my offer of a blinded trial, I thought I needed to see if I'd really bitten off more than I could chew. So I disconnected all 6 Apollo ground leads (not done this deliberately since I pretty much settled on the set up) and sat back to see if I could REALLY hear any difference. Decided to just relax, even 'though I was anxious. Would there be anything?
Well, there decidedly was. Or wasn't. LESS soundstage, LESS colour, LESS image stability. Basically LESS loveliness. I suspect MikeL, and Christian are due the same experiences when they disconnect ahead of any formal purchase.
Mike, I'm a little chuffed my arm twisting has got you to this place, as you know I gently badgered you 12 months ago to get w/the program. Please don't blame me if you get out your chequebook :cool:!
My stuff has been formally purchased. The money is no longer in my bank account. ;)

Congrats and enjoy!!!!! A strong endorsement from a serious audiophile with a killer system.
ok, ok, ok......the Entreq Silver Tellus arrived on Tuesday, a pair of Apollo 1.5m RCA's arrived Friday. and an Atlantis RCA is scheduled to arrive Tuesday. I wanted to take more time.....but it seems I need to say s o m e t h i n g.;)

both Apollos have been plugged into my NHB-18NS preamp (one to each channel's spare RCA) since Friday night when I got home. i have the Silver Tellus sitting on the carpet over concrete floor next to my Adona rack. it is resting on three 'old style' large Walker Valid Points. at some point i will get more exotic with the floor interface. the 2 Apollo cables are connected to the farthest apart binding posts on the Tellus.

i like what i seem to be hearing. alot. but it's early. ideally i would have another week or so before i commented.:D

so here i go.

i have not yet unplugged the Apollo cables to determine the degree of changes. I've just been doing my normal listening with periods of critical listening.

this does not seem to be a trivial change. it seems to be substantial. yet it is also subtle. but in my system any steps at this point are subtle.....

a few thoughts come to mind.

more defined texture. more 3D. more body and weight. more holographic. more expansive. more bass impact and articulation. more ease. more together. more disparate parts delineated. more real, less processed. easier to listen to and my body reacts to more positively. many of those traits are interrelated and different ways of saying the same thing. the music is simply more 'of a piece, and less random pieces'.....closer to the event, and bypassing the intervening steps. as if some of the processing artifacts have somehow been jettisoned.

all these areas are things which i have previously considered strengths in my system......so the change seems to be complimentary to my system character. i cannot hear anything that might be a trade-off, and the Entreq does not intrude on any usability of the system.

it's as if the power supply was bettered so that it reacted more quickly and accurately to any need.

my system in some ways is big, but in other ways is very simple. the 2 phono stages are inside the dart pre. so treating the pre covers the phono. so what I'm doing might be all i need.

the overall effect was clear Friday night immediately, but no doubt the effect increased during the day yesterday and is even more today. can i quantify the degree of improvement over time. NO. but no doubt it did improve over time to some degree......IMHO.

it's not yet been even 48 hours. I've done no A/B's or any sort of critical comparative processes. I've just listened and enjoyed. so please allow me room to adjust my perspective as time goes by.

there you go......something to chew on this fine Sunday afternoon.

as I sit here listening one thing strikes me that I forgot to mention, and that is the increased intensity of both the tonal colors and gestalt of the music. it pops! it is simply more compelling, involving and enjoyable. a better experience.
as I sit here listening one thing strikes me that I forgot to mention, and that is the increased intensity of both the tonal colors and gestalt of the music. it pops! it is simply more compelling, involving and enjoyable. a better experience.

I think that it is quite impressive to see how consistent the sonic descriptions are from people who have tried this stuff in very different systems. This does not happen often with audio gear.
as I sit here listening one thing strikes me that I forgot to mention, and that is the increased intensity of both the tonal colors and gestalt of the music. it pops! it is simply more compelling, involving and enjoyable. a better experience.

Play some Merc Living Presence and rca living stereo 45 rpm classic record reissues if you haven't done so already...They really shine...
as I sit here listening one thing strikes me that I forgot to mention, and that is the increased intensity of both the tonal colors and gestalt of the music. it pops! it is simply more compelling, involving and enjoyable. a better experience.

Wow! A voice of authority within these hallowed halls! Nice one! A great description, thorough as always...thanks for the great reading. Enjoy the experience and look forward to reading more...enjoy!!!
MikeL has mentioned it, and in some ways this is the aspect of Entreq grounding that is most impressive - it's attributes are subtractive, not additive. Ie it DOESN"T impart character or colourations. No, it removes those logjams and bottlenecks of noise and hash that hinder a system getting twds another level of performance.
Critically if you love the character/voicing of yr system (and obv MikeL, Christian/Rockitman, Lloyd, Barry, Guillame etc etc and I do), Entreq can act like an even clearer window to what makes it so pleasing to you.
Despite this, I wonder if anyone has got frustrated w/a system sound, ready to apply major surgery re wholesale component changes, has gone for Entreq, and fallen in love w/their sound again. I don't believe it can ever be an audio Botox job.
I do not know if the RCA connectors on the Entreq ground cables tend to loosen up after repeated use, but mine (which are fairly new) grab very tightly.

I have had an occasional problem with I think Silver RCAs not being as tight a fit as I would like but not with the Apollos and Atlantis.
The earth leads and interconnects probably are not quite as robust as some and not designed for constant unplugging and plugging in. They should be removed using two hands, one holding the cable and the other holding the plug and pulling that to remove them from the socket to avoid unnecessary strain on the cable/plug connection
MikeL has mentioned it, and in some ways this is the aspect of Entreq grounding that is most impressive - it's attributes are subtractive, not additive. Ie it DOESN"T impart character or colourations. No, it removes those logjams and bottlenecks of noise and hash that hinder a system getting twds another level of performance.
Critically if you love the character/voicing of yr system (and obv MikeL, Christian/Rockitman, Lloyd, Barry, Guillame etc etc and I do), Entreq can act like an even clearer window to what makes it so pleasing to you.
Despite this, I wonder if anyone has got frustrated w/a system sound, ready to apply major surgery re wholesale component changes, has gone for Entreq, and fallen in love w/their sound again. I don't believe it can ever be an audio Botox job.

I also like MikeL's term 'intensity'...it does make the music more intense, captivating...and NOT by emphasizing as much as somehow releasing the system to go ahead and play the music without the 'hinderances'/encumberances of distortion/hash i suppose.

i kind of liken it to a live performance where even a 'good musician' can keep an audience perfectly captivated for 40 minutes...whereas at home if its not beethoven's 7th...and von karajan...and specifically his '63 performance...and the SACD layer...and on a straight DSD player etc, etc, etc...you get 'bored'.

great grounding from Tripoint and Entreq allow (me) to become captivated by more of my collection in that same way...and i have noticed as i have added Entreq wraps to various cables, added Stillpoints/HRS to all my components...more nuance has surfaced and more 'intensity' of music springs forth out of a performance...and it does become more intense and more captivating...
i kind of liken it to a live performance where even a 'good musician' can keep an audience perfectly captivated for 40 minutes...whereas at home if its not beethoven's 7th...and von karajan...and specifically his '63 performance...and the SACD layer...and on a straight DSD player etc, etc, etc...you get 'bored'.

Are you forgetting Kleiber? :)
Lloyd, can you rephrase the similarities and differences in the effects Troy and Entreq have on your system. I struggle a little to see why the systems should sound fundamentally different, I'm convinced a lot of the tech is similar. I know I can just re read your posts, but maybe you can use different wording to really enhance what makes the effects of each different from the other. Thanx.
Are you forgetting Kleiber? :)

;)! I have listened to several...i like (and own) all 9 of von Karajan '63 (remastered), Hogwood, Furtzwangler and Harnancourt...and most recently, Otmar Suitner which is very much (imho) like Arthur Rubenstein's piano...very old school, disciplined, measured, and yet somehow exceedingly well controlled and nuanced...
Lloyd, can you rephrase the similarities and differences in the effects Troy and Entreq have on your system. I struggle a little to see why the systems should sound fundamentally different, I'm convinced a lot of the tech is similar. I know I can just re read your posts, but maybe you can use different wording to really enhance what makes the effects of each different from the other. Thanx.

Hey Spirit,

I think the 2 systems ARE fundamentally very similar...ease, intensity, clarity (with no ostensible changes to voicing) are pretty much the basic gyst. Where they differ is that the Tripoint Troy (for me) presented even better clarity than the equivalent Atlantis set up...as in choral music was even more understandable with Tripoint than Entreq. However, the Atlantis brought more magic to mids and made syncopated deep bass rhythms even more understandable. I think i could get either system to probably do what i observed the other to do well...but it was just that, for a given budget, i wanted to emphasize to people what each did well.

for example, could the Thor SE grounding cable bring to life the mids like the Atlantis cable? i imagine so...but the cost was too great for me, and the Atlantis cable with the Tripoint gives that to me to the point where i am perfectly happy. Could the Atlantis full setup with Powerus give me the clarity that i get with Troy? quite possibly, but the Troy was available and so i went with it.

In the end, i do feel like they have a similar focus in the world of audio equipment...and i do feel like their effects are similar. it is again for a given price point i feel like each designer has emphasized certain benefits over others...and you need to go higher in their respective ranges to get even more...so in my case, i got the 'best of both worlds' by getting several Receivus and Atlantis grounding cables and connecting them to my Troy and its standard 4 grounding cables.

hope that makes sense.
Sure Lloyd. You really can't go wrong w/either, it seems. I find it fascinating you talk about a clarity v rhythm/pace PRaT comparison, since the Entreq in my system has really stripped back so much grunge leading to clarity like the proverbial open window. Must be great if your Troy goes even further down this road. But I have to say I just can't do w/out the Entreq PRaT, and if Troy is not quite up to the mark w/this, then I'm glad I'm in the Entreq camp!
My final choices next year are going to centre on whether to stick w/my S. Tellus-Apollo leads and add a one terminal Olympus, the latter to solely ground my dual mono line stage; or go down a second S. Tellus/w.possible Atlantis box-Atlantis leads. Or forget these, and just max out mains grounding/filtering via Cleanus.
Fraser the UK Entreq go to guy seems to be a massive fan of what Olympus can do, and since grounding my line stage seems to produce the biggest +ves of all my components, it seems logical an uber grounding box like Olympus just for it may be the most fruitful way fwd.
an interesting aspect of my listening tonight is a realization that the Entreq seems to make each recording more unique. allowing each recording to be more what it actually is in subtle ways, also tends to make each recording more profound and distinct unto itself. I've always valued that quality in a system to reveal differences; to me that is proof of performance. it is reducing/eliminating the veiling sameness of distortion. by distortion I simply mean generally 'stuff' that gets in the way of the basic musical truth of a recording/performance.

the best recordings are more improved than the somewhat less excellent ones. truth is like that. no place to hide. distortion tends to homogenize results. and yet every recording seems more real and natural......just some more so....and some much more so.

I have no proof of this, nor do I seek proof of it. it's just how it seems to be.
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an interesting aspect of my listening tonight is a realization that the Entreq seems to make each recording more unique. allowing each recording to be more what it actually is in subtle ways, also tends to make each recording more profound and distinct unto itself. I've always valued that quality in a system to reveal differences; to me that is proof of performance. it is reducing/eliminating the veiling sameness of distortion. by distortion I simply mean generally 'stuff' that gets in the way of the basic musical truth of a recording/performance.

the best recordings are more improved than the somewhat less excellent ones. truth is like that. no place to hide. distortion tends to homogenize results. and yet every recording seems more real and natural......just some more so....and some much more so.

I have no proof of this, nor do I seek proof of it. it's just how it seems to be.

Great Observations Mike-an honest and heartfelt précis from someone who's comments are appreciated on this forum
Kudos boyo!

an interesting aspect of my listening tonight is a realization that the Entreq seems to make each recording more unique. allowing each recording to be more what it actually is in subtle ways, also tends to make each recording more profound and distinct unto itself. I've always valued that quality in a system to reveal differences; to me that is proof of performance. it is reducing/eliminating the veiling sameness of distortion. by distortion I simply mean generally 'stuff' that gets in the way of the basic musical truth of a recording/performance.

the best recordings are more improved than the somewhat less excellent ones. truth is like that. no place to hide. distortion tends to homogenize results. and yet every recording seems more real and natural......just some more so....and some much more so.

I have no proof of this, nor do I seek proof of it. it's just how it seems to be.

I am sure you are entirely right to trust your ears.
All the claims from the measurement brigade are another symptom of the modern fashion for doubting good professional judgement and looking for tickbox solutions. The NASA mathematicians might have been good at space exploration but were a disaster in banking.

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