Entreq Tellus grounding

Would be nice if Caelin would chime in. Wonder if he's looked into either Entreq or Tripoint?
Would be nice if Caelin would chime in. Wonder if he's looked into either Entreq or Tripoint?


Shunyata says the following about the new SIGMA power cords:

"The defining feature of each SIGMA power cord are Shunyata’s highest performing ?TRON™ circuits, which measurably reduce noise at the first point of electrical contact with component power supplies. No power conditioner in the world can capture noise at the first stage of a component's electrical circuit and isolate that noise from other components. This ultra-efficient means of noise reduction virtually eliminates CCI (Component-to-Component Interference) and protect electronics in the system from being affected by commonly shared noise."

Intercepting noise directly on the signal ground plane might provide an even more direct path.
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Dmnc02, it seems like there is some commonality in approach btwn Entreq and Shunyata, prob w/Troy as well. If the goal is to capture/eliminate/siphon off noise as it FIRST appears, then the Entreq method of signal plane grounding must be up there, I can't think of a stage before that which could in any practical way be addressed. It seems like Shunyata are doing something at this stage too, or certainly are bullish in saying it's critical/is addressed by them. Not sure how Troy chassis grounding fits in to this scheme, but it likely is comparable too.
I'm hoping that addressing the mains directly, by installing my balanced transformer w/an Entreq Cleanus grounded direct back to my S. Tellus, may form a chain of grounding, mains to components, and the reverse, on top of a robustly improved mains quality to begin with.
Agree Ked, that balanced should be investigated carefully, but this is not the thread for it. Will just say a few wks ago there was an ultra violent lighting storm around here, and the safety cut out on the transformer performed flawlessly, w/out burning my home down :b.
I'm not sure we'll ever get to the bottom of how close Entreq, Shunyata and Troy are, but I believe there must be more +ve similarities than differences, since they all aim to eliminate gremlins as close to the point of origin as poss.
One can't open Entreq and Troy w/out disrupting the contents, and Caelin's stuff is ensconced in tunnel modules, and tech info revealed is corporately sensitive hence little is explained, so decisions on what sounds best in any given system will have to come down to good ol' fashioned a-b auditions.
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Love to be able to tell you but my dealer doesn't seem able to get his hands on any Entreq at this point. He's probably the largest high end dealer in Chicago now too. Seems a shame.
Hopefully it will only be a temporary problem while Stillpoints progress beyond the start up phase.
Entreq Availability

Hopefully it will only be a temporary problem while Stillpoints progress beyond the start up phase.

I am very interested to learn to which Chicago dealer you refer. Please PM me.

We are ordering/stocking Entreq as demand dictates. It is taking some time to determine what we need to have on hand at all times. Interest is spreading to all of their product line. In the last 6 weeks we have submitted at least one P.O. to Entreq each week. They typically ship about every 2 to 3 weeks on Fridays. The shipping time has been outstanding as we have been receiving orders shipped Friday on the following Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest.

Some dealers are trying to ramp up quickly. Some have not even contacted us once about the product line. Most dealers are not stocking product in their inventory but, rather, are ordering when customers are ordering from them. The more aggressive dealers are anxious to have demo units to take to customers' homes. To this end, we are trying to put together a Entreq dealer kit, similar to what we provide for Stillpoints products. Finding a solution in which a dealer can lug around a Silver Tellus, Silver Minimus, and a complete selection of cables is proving a challenge. We are trying to stay ahead of this demand and are doing our best to anticipate what will be ordered by customers.

I am very interested to learn to which Chicago dealer you refer. Please PM me.

We are ordering/stocking Entreq as demand dictates. It is taking some time to determine what we need to have on hand at all times. Interest is spreading to all of their product line. In the last 6 weeks we have submitted at least one P.O. to Entreq each week. They typically ship about every 2 to 3 weeks on Fridays. The shipping time has been outstanding as we have been receiving orders shipped Friday on the following Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest.

Some dealers are trying to ramp up quickly. Some have not even contacted us once about the product line. Most dealers are not stocking product in their inventory but, rather, are ordering when customers are ordering from them. The more aggressive dealers are anxious to have demo units to take to customers' homes. To this end, we are trying to put together a Entreq dealer kit, similar to what we provide for Stillpoints products. Finding a solution in which a dealer can lug around a Silver Tellus, Silver Minimus, and a complete selection of cables is proving a challenge. We are trying to stay ahead of this demand and are doing our best to anticipate what will be ordered by customers.


John, can any product in the Entreq line be special ordered, even if it is something that you do not ordinarily stock?
Entreq Availability

John, can any product in the Entreq line be special ordered, even if it is something that you do not ordinarily stock?

Yes, as North American distributors (we now have Canada) we can order any product in the line.

John, keep up the good work. I can imagine it's Hellishly difficult to get the balance right, esp when launching in effect a whole new line/tech, to satisfy early adopters who expect instant action, w/those who just want ongoing trials, to those who buy on a whim, to those who just can't easily get an audition due to location. The devotees out here like me will do our best to keep the message fresh, and hopefully new adoptee big hitters like Christian/Rockitman will continue to chime in w/further ecstatic comments. Maybe even Mike Lavigne in due course.
Confident this will end up as a success all 'round. From small shoots/onward and upward.
I am happy to report that my initial demo units will arrive sometime next week-a Silver Tellus and Atlantis XLR (female) initially. I will travel within reason to demo these wonderful products. We are located in Albany, N.Y.
We heard how amazing these products are in Rockitman's home. I can't wait to hook them up in the showroom!
I am happy to report that my initial demo units will arrive sometime next week-a Silver Tellus and Atlantis XLR (female) initially. I will travel within reason to demo these wonderful products. We are located in Albany, N.Y.
We heard how amazing these products are in Rockitman's home. I can't wait to hook them up in the showroom!

I am happy to report that my initial demo units will arrive sometime next week-a Silver Tellus and Atlantis XLR (female) initially. I will travel within reason to demo these wonderful products. We are located in Albany, N.Y.
We heard how amazing these products are in Rockitman's home. I can't wait to hook them up in the showroom!

Great stuff...and good luck. They can be amazing to enjoy. Look forward to reading about your further adventures!
Can anyone w/experience of Entreq Cleanus passive filter to mains, and even Powerus passive filtered distribution blocks, chime in w/opinions? As far as I know from WBF, only Guillaume has thoughts, on Cleanus, and he decided to pass on it, Cleanus not bringing as much to the table as more Atlantis grounding. This may be because he has seriously tricked out his mains to provide a really bullet proof low noise solution, and as such dealing w/component-borne nasties being the most productive way fwd. I've got to a point where my mains is v. stable and noise free, w/no dynamic constraints as I had when running everything thru my Burmester 948 a few years ago, and the sound is as consistent during the day as it is at midnight now balanced power and conditioner work together, the power amps not going anywhere near thru the 948.
And w/my Burmester conditioner that filters my non power components so well reintegrated back into my rig, I get the hunch that Powerus might be superfluous too in my set up.
I like the idea of grounding the mains/transformer via Cleanus, but w/excellent balanced power results so far, maybe Guillaume's experience will be repeated here.
So, anyone else w/view re Cleanus, and Powerus?
Interesting Entreq experience, getting better results than ever separating the Apollo leads on my Audion true mono preamps to different ground posts. Wider soundstage, w/less euphonic warmth. I'm not getting such different results separating other components or combining themselves on the same ground post, e.g. SETs, cdp, Straingauge energiser box. This reminds me of my original exposure to grounding where the preamp experience (my beloved Hovland HP200 back then) was the most dramatic change of all.
So, it seems in my system grounding the preamps is King, and must be maxxed by Apollos to separate posts. I'm going to run out of available ground posts on my S. Tellus if I as planned ground my Zu Def4 sub amps w/2 Apollos, and may have to go to a second S. Tellus box. The horror! The horror!
ok; after much pondering over many months, Entreq finally securing a US distributor tipped me over.

i just ordered from my Stillpoint dealer, and paid for (3) Silver Minimus units, (2) Ertha Apollo spades, and (1) Ertha Atlantis RCA.

one Silver Minimus and the Atlantis RCA will go on the darTZeel preamp (which includes both my phono sections), and one Silver Minimus and one Apollo spade will go on each speaker cable.

we will see how that goes and proceed from there. dipping my toe into this stuff. if it can take the big rig further then good.

i'm especially interested in how it does with my new dart pre due to arrive in November. if it can improve that i'll be stoked.

i'm told these units are in the initial order to Stillpoint, and that it ships today from Sweden to them. my units will ship to me when they are recieved at Stillpoint. i might have them in a couple weeks.

Hi Mike,

did you ever follow through with this stuff ? I would imagine you would have this stuff in place unless you bagged the idea, ordered tripoint, ect ?
Yep Christian, we need a couple more big hitters along y'self like MikeL to broaden the pro Entreq comments Stateside. Maybe he's too busy being transfixed to his system w/Entreq that he just can't peel himself away to post here!
Over the last week I have been comparing a pair of Atlantis RCA ground cables to a pair of Atlantis male XLR cables for the key connection of my dual-mono line stage to my Silver Tellus.

As in the previous cable comparison (between Apollo RCA and Atlantis RCA), switching one of the two cables at a time, so as to keep the line stage grounded at all time, resulted in only a small (but still non-zero) immediate loss of the full grounding effect.

While the previous comparison resulted in a strong preference for the Atlantis over the Apollo cables in my system, this one resulted in no significant difference between the Atlantis RCA and XLR cables, with possibly a very slight sonic advantage for the RCA cables (tiny differences are difficult to detect reliably due to the small immediate loss of the grounding effect upon switching cables, as noted above). This was somewhat surprising, as the XLR cable contacts the ground on the line stage connector using a copper pin, while the RCA uses a silver wire: I was expecting that this would have made a large sonic difference.

Functionally, I like the RCA ground cables much better, as these tightly grab the barrel of the female RCA connector, while the male XLR ground cables are only held in place by the ground pin (which is longer and thinner than what would normally be on a male XLR connector) and there is no locking mechanism.
Yep Christian, we need a couple more big hitters along y'self like MikeL to broaden the pro Entreq comments Stateside. Maybe he's too busy being transfixed to his system w/Entreq that he just can't peel himself away to post here!

And maybe Mike L. remembers the old Jacqui Rivait quote- “if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

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