Entreq Tellus grounding

an interesting aspect of my listening tonight is a realization that the Entreq seems to make each recording more unique. allowing each recording to be more what it actually is in subtle ways, also tends to make each recording more profound and distinct unto itself. I've always valued that quality in a system to reveal differences; to me that is proof of performance. it is reducing/eliminating the veiling sameness of distortion. by distortion I simply mean generally 'stuff' that gets in the way of the basic musical truth of a recording/performance.

the best recordings are more improved than the somewhat less excellent ones. truth is like that. no place to hide. distortion tends to homogenize results. and yet every recording seems more real and natural......just some more so....and some much more so.

I have no proof of this, nor do I seek proof of it. it's just how it seems to be.

Mike I have no experience with the Entreq, but I have always found that an improvement in reproduction always results in more awareness of good recordings and bad recording. Certainly, the Tripoint grounding units and presumably those by Entreq do highlight the quality of the recordings.
an interesting aspect of my listening tonight is a realization that the Entreq seems to make each recording more unique. allowing each recording to be more what it actually is in subtle ways, also tends to make each recording more profound and distinct unto itself. I've always valued that quality in a system to reveal differences; to me that is proof of performance. it is reducing/eliminating the veiling sameness of distortion. by distortion I simply mean generally 'stuff' that gets in the way of the basic musical truth of a recording/performance.

the best recordings are more improved than the somewhat less excellent ones. truth is like that. no place to hide. distortion tends to homogenize results. and yet every recording seems more real and natural......just some more so....and some much more so.

I have no proof of this, nor do I seek proof of it. it's just how it seems to be.

Very nice reports Mike. Can you describe in brief how the Entreq system is being used in your room and which ground cables were selected? I have no experience with this system and I could not figure it from the posts I read. (If you already did it and I missed it please just tell the post number).
Very nice reports Mike. Can you describe in brief how the Entreq system is being used in your room and which ground cables were selected? I have no experience with this system and I could not figure it from the posts I read. (If you already did it and I missed it please just tell the post number).

my initiial post linked below describes how the Entreq is currently connected to my system.

You guys are driving me nuts!! What's the difference between the Apollo and Atlantis cables? I've got to try some of this stuff.
You guys are driving me nuts!! What's the difference between the Apollo and Atlantis cables? I've got to try some of this stuff.

read this and you will know what i know....

scroll down...


basically you attach the spade ends to the Grounding Box, and then attach the plug (RCA or XLR) end to an unused female plug on the preamp or source.

i've not yet compared the Atlantis and Apollo cables.....just tried Apollo.
You guys are driving me nuts!! What's the difference between the Apollo and Atlantis cables? I've got to try some of this stuff.

hah! ;) i would say two things:

1. Seems like Atlantis does not always beat Apollo despite being the 'higher rank'/'more expensive' of the two. So be aware of this. In my case, on the Entreq wrap side...i found 1 instance of over 25 where the 'regular wrap' was better than the silver wrap. Otherwise, in my case, i preferred Atlantis over Apollo and silver over regular every time.

2. More specifically, the silver is to the regular what Atlantis was to Silver Tellus in my system. The intensity increased noticeably that you have already observed...the definition and dimensional aspects of orchestral music or acoustics really improved effortlessly where the notes seem to bloom into space much much better. (In fact, going from Apollo cable to Atlantis cable on just the Silver Tellus groundin box was a much bigger improvement than keeping the Apollo cables but going from Silver Tellus to Silver Tellus + Atlantis box).
hah! ;) i would say two things:

1. Seems like Atlantis does not always beat Apollo despite being the 'higher rank'/'more expensive' of the two. So be aware of this. In my case, on the Entreq wrap side...i found 1 instance of over 25 where the 'regular wrap' was better than the silver wrap. Otherwise, in my case, i preferred Atlantis over Apollo and silver over regular every time.

2. More specifically, the silver is to the regular what Atlantis was to Silver Tellus in my system. The intensity increased noticeably that you have already observed...the definition and dimensional aspects of orchestral music or acoustics really improved effortlessly where the notes seem to bloom into space much much better. (In fact, going from Apollo cable to Atlantis cable on just the Silver Tellus groundin box was a much bigger improvement than keeping the Apollo cables but going from Silver Tellus to Silver Tellus + Atlantis box).

What was the instance in which the basic ground cable outperformed the Apollo and Atlantis cables?
hah! ;) i would say two things:

1. Seems like Atlantis does not always beat Apollo despite being the 'higher rank'/'more expensive' of the two. So be aware of this. In my case, on the Entreq wrap side...i found 1 instance of over 25 where the 'regular wrap' was better than the silver wrap. Otherwise, in my case, i preferred Atlantis over Apollo and silver over regular every time.

2. More specifically, the silver is to the regular what Atlantis was to Silver Tellus in my system. The intensity increased noticeably that you have already observed...the definition and dimensional aspects of orchestral music or acoustics really improved effortlessly where the notes seem to bloom into space much much better. (In fact, going from Apollo cable to Atlantis cable on just the Silver Tellus groundin box was a much bigger improvement than keeping the Apollo cables but going from Silver Tellus to Silver Tellus + Atlantis box).

Sorry, one more question: do you remember how many components you had grounded to the Silver Tellus when you tried adding the Atlantis Tellus?
Sorry, one more question: do you remember how many components you had grounded to the Silver Tellus when you tried adding the Atlantis Tellus?

I had 3 Apollos at the time and that would have been CJ, 2 Zandens i believe. I switched just ONE Apollo for Atlantis (to Zanden RCA input)...and it was just amazing...instantly. And much better than when we had hooked up the Atlantis grounding box to the Silver Tellus. Just my own personal experience.
I had 3 Apollos at the time and that would have been CJ, 2 Zandens i believe. I switched just ONE Apollo for Atlantis (to Zanden RCA input)...and it was just amazing...instantly. And much better than when we had hooked up the Atlantis grounding box to the Silver Tellus. Just my own personal experience.

Thanks. I did compare the Apollo and Atlantis cables in my system and it was also instantly noticeable (and it got better with time).

The experience so far seems to be that, with multiple components grounded, a second Silver Tellus might be a better investment than an Atlantis Tellus.
You guys are driving me nuts!! What's the difference between the Apollo and Atlantis cables? I've got to try some of this stuff.

When I did a demo into my preamp with a silver Tellus and two Apollo or two Atlantis plugged into both channel spare inputs, I perferred the Atlantis cables by a considerable margin. The Entreq effect was more pronounced. I ended up buying six Atlantis rca to spade cables and two silver Tellus boxes.
Thanks. I did compare the Apollo and Atlantis cables in my system and it was also instantly noticeable (and it got better with time).

The experience so far seems to be that, with multiple components grounded, a second Silver Tellus might be a better investment than an Atlantis Tellus.

Multiple being how many? How many would you recommend being connected to a single Silver Tellus before performance is compromised?
Multiple being how many? How many would you recommend being connected to a single Silver Tellus before performance is compromised?

Sorry, I am not the right person to answer that question, as at this time I only have my line stage grounded through a pair of Atlantis RCA cables. I ordered today a second pair of Atlantis RCA for my phono stage (which is also dual mono).

Entreq says that a Silver Tellus will support up to four components, eight with the addition of the Atlantis Tellus, but the reports so far seem to indicate that it might be better to split more than four components over two Silver Tellus than to add an Atlantis Tellus.
Sorry, I am not the right person to answer that question, as at this time I only have my line stage grounded through a pair of Atlantis RCA cables. I ordered today a second pair of Atlantis RCA for my phono stage (which is also dual mono).

Entreq says that a Silver Tellus will support up to four components, eight with the addition of the Atlantis Tellus, but the reports so far seem to indicate that it might be better to split more than four components over two Silver Tellus than to add an Atlantis Tellus.

I now have 9 (the last being for one Receivus) on one Silver Tellus and 7 on the other with both connected to an Atlantis box and I don't detect any overload.
People might also like to check out if they have not already done so the news section of the official Entreq site and the reviews therein. In particular on grounding boxes Roy Gregory's Audiobeat review of May 2014.
I now have 9 (the last being for one Receivus) on one Silver Tellus and 7 on the other with both connected to an Atlantis box and I don't detect any overload.
People might also like to check out if they have not already done so the news section of the official Entreq site and the reviews therein. In particular on grounding boxes Roy Gregory's Audiobeat review of May 2014.

How much of an impact did the Atlantis Tellus make in your system?
read this and you will know what i know....

scroll down...


basically you attach the spade ends to the Grounding Box, and then attach the plug (RCA or XLR) end to an unused female plug on the preamp or source.

i've not yet compared the Atlantis and Apollo cables.....just tried Apollo.

Fortunately I was not the only one to be confused - thanks Mike!

Can we assume that you are only grounding the preamplifier to the Entreq? How do you connect the Entreq to the mains ground?
Multiple being how many? How many would you recommend being connected to a single Silver Tellus before performance is compromised?

I'm running 4 Atlantis cables off of one silver Tellus for phono pre and main pre. The Atlantis cables have two spade ends for every one rca so you use the binding posts...all 4 with 4 cables...two spades per lug. I run a separate Silver Tellus for my amps with two Atlantis cables, one for each amp.
Atm, I have 6 Apollos connected to my S. Tellus, 1 Apollo each on 2 separate Tellus terminals from my dual mono linestage, and the remaining 2 terminals sharing 2 Apollos, first SETs, and next, Straingauge energiser and cdp. So I'm out of terminals, and when it comes to next grounding my Zu sub amps, I'm going to have to consider another box, either a 2nd S. Tellus, or an Olympus.
What do you guys do re the Atlantis leads w/twin spade ends? Obv, you connect to separate Tellus terminals, but is it ok to share a two terminals w/twin spade end Atlantis leads from different components? Does this not negate the +ves of grounding to two terminals for a single component to begin with?
Atm, I have 6 Apollos connected to my S. Tellus, 1 Apollo each on 2 separate Tellus terminals from my dual mono linestage, and the remaining 2 terminals sharing 2 Apollos, first SETs, and next, Straingauge energiser and cdp. So I'm out of terminals, and when it comes to next grounding my Zu sub amps, I'm going to have to consider another box, either a 2nd S. Tellus, or an Olympus.
What do you guys do re the Atlantis leads w/twin spade ends? Obv, you connect to separate Tellus terminals, but is it ok to share a two terminals w/twin spade end Atlantis leads from different components? Does this not negate the +ves of grounding to two terminals for a single component to begin with?

I am inclined to believe that dedicating one Silver Tellus to grounding just the line and phono stage through four Atlantis cables is the right thing to do, so as to have two spades on each binding post, with each component sharing all the posts. Anything else will need a second Silver Tellus.

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