Jeez, that made for painful viewing

LOL! Proof positive that the audio high end will never be as sexy as performance cars, high fashion, travel, jewellery, haute cuisine etc.
Tbh, putting both interviewer and interviewee into an English-language video where neither has English as a first language was always going to be a stilted nightmare

Jap, I believe you have misinterpreted what Per-Olof stated (understandable, I was losing the will to live at this point!). He said "more silver in the sand". What he meant by this was not "the sand we use in the Silver Tellus has a higher silver content than the standard Tellus", which would be impossible, but that "the amount of silver wiring (alongside copper too) we incorporate within the Silver Tellus box w/sand packed around it, is higher than the amount of silver (and copper) we incorporate within the standard Tellus box". Ie not more silver content of the sand, more silver mass that the sand is packed around. It seems as I suspected Entreq Tellus is wooden boxes of densely packed minerals (sand) w/ever increasing Copper plates and silver wiring tightly packed into this mass as you go up the range to Silver Tellus, Atlantis etc.
TBG, as I said I don't doubt Troy uses materials that may be pricier/more suited/extravagant, and may perform better than Entreq (it ought to, at in Europe 2x the cost of Entreq) and you seem to know a lot more than we do, so how about a little more transparency? If you're sworn to secrecy by Miguel and cannot say, then it's mere conjecture saying Troy is better than Entreq based on design/materials. My thoughts are also conjecture, and if you read my words, I say "I suspect" etc, and never try to diss Troy.