That is my point, why would a manufacturer step outside 'normal' parameters , only if one wanted a product to sound different ,in a comparative evaluation.
Ah but what do you mean "normal" parameters?
Going by your posts on mains cables what Shunyata does must be wrong even though they provide measurements with their scope and focus - so now we have a contradiction unless your saying their measurements and approach has no meaning objectively (but then you need to technically show why they are wrong).
Normal parameters seems to be deliberately vague Keith and tbh there is no such thing as normal parameters that applies to all aspects of audio or home environment that help to identify-analyse in detail and conclusively, and seems you keep ignoring what some of us ask or point out to you.
One example I assume of normal parameters was your post 1423 with the mains supply but that is too simplistic an analysis as signal ground has not relation to the internal power supply.
In post 1425 you said
Purite Audio said:
The point regarding power supplies is that your components should already have properly designed internal regulation.
But then you ignore how I provided clear examples of accepted engineer audio manufacturers that make external PSU to add to their products and even cables including mains, in fact I pointed out that you sell some of those yourself (appreciate in your case it is not mains cables but interconnects/data cable they make) such as with the Weiss or M2Tech

So by your logic you are selling an inferior product that is improved with external supplies and even offer their own cables, and you should not be selling those PSUs or cables unless I am sure you measured them for improvements to the audio component (but that is not possible because the products have properly designed internal regulation/spec you say).
And additionally I assume you would say Naim are poor engineers or scamming because of the benefits their external PSU?
Anyway this is distracting away (especially as Entreq should not necessarily be associated with mains-power supply) from my post that your not being objective and using excuses not to bother testing/auditioning the Entreq in predetermined scenario-setups, while also reaching conclusions on debatable assumptions.
Furthermore using extreme measurement cases as you did with those specific cable manufacturers and then applying it as a conclusive proof is seriously wrong and biased.