Entreq Tellus grounding

Barry, it's possible to ground my Nat audio SE2SE211s SETs the standard way via their xlr input jacks. I'm atm waiting for Fraser to provide w/two xlr-sp Apollos to make use of grounding both monoblocks back to the Silver Tellus which will complete 8 components grounded..
Are you saying this specific application would be grounding IN ADDITION to this, or IN PLACE OF?

Thanks Marc.
This new amplifier grounding should be done additionally and completely separately from any other Entreq grounding.
So earth cables from each of the amplifier's negative speaker terminals, both channels, to two separate Silver Minimus.
Doesn't work using the input jacks of an amplifier or by using an existing ground box being used for other components or Entreq i/cs.
Barry, can you do BOTH?
1/: monoblocks xlr inputs grounded to Silver Tellus
2/: monoblocks spkr -ve terminals, each R and L to separate Silver Minimus'.
OR: do you have to choose 1/ OR 2/?
Hi Marc.
No not both.
Just the second - mono block negative spkr terminals with one earth cable each to a separate Silver Minimus.
There's also abundant evidence the ~40dB CMRR provided by a basic balanced implementation is insufficient for inaudibility in mildly inclement conditions such as not the greatest grounding, mains circuit to mains circuit spans, or not so great audio component implementations. Hence the market for DI boxes and other fix its approaching 100dB CMRR. Usually that much is overkill but maintaining input signal integrity is one reason why the Mod and Parallel, as high end builds, use THAT 1200s.


Balanced cabling is probably one of the easiest ways to improve system CMRR while meticulous system grounding of pieced together components is probably one of the most difficult.

How to improve grounding related s/n with components that are physically large and maybe physically distant also? You are talking about CMRR approaching the s/n of the average 16 bit DAC here, being achieved by a system with huge antenna loops maybe even looped in the wall.

Best way seems balanced or digital, then electrical isolation via transformer/optical/wireless, then look into the grounding if there are still intractable issues.

I am just questioning what the purpose of the big heavy pretty box is. In terms of impedance it appears to serve no purpose and maybe even make things worse.

Amplifier grounding with Entreq.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of demoing a new application of Entreq grounding namely grounding the amplifier (in my case Vitus SIA 025).
...Big improvement virtually immediately noticeable.Sounded like a new recording, Fresher, clearer, better instrumental separation, imaging, dynamics and sound staging. No ifs buts or downsides.

The language does not agree with the potential benefits of better s/n as I understand them. Only perceptible benefits would be from reduction of the noise itself plus reduction of any intermodulation due to the noise. Dynamics should be completely unaffected except in case where the noise is eating up considerable amp capacity.

So earth cables from each of the amplifier's negative speaker terminals, both channels, to two separate Silver Minimus.
Doesn't work using the input jacks of an amplifier...

This seems to make some sense. The speaker grounds are going to have low impedance path directly back to the internal amplifier ground and that internal ground should also have low impedance path to internal star connection between case/earth and signal grounds.

Bridging that speaker terminal to an external system star point via low impedance path could improve s/n, if such benefit were obtainable that way.:confused:

It seems that using a component with metal case installed in a metal rack with the other associated components is a better way to achieve same result, short of that a thick cable attached directly to the star point inside the component might help. Typical consumer probably has no better unambiguous ground reference than the speaker terminal(s).

Grounding to the line input side of an amp could inject common mode noise across higher impedance signal ground connection between line input stage and power output stage. The input stage may also have some cable ground isolation built into it that would be effectively short-circuited.

This new amplifier grounding should be done additionally and completely separately from any other Entreq grounding...Doesn't work...by using an existing ground box being used for other components or Entreq i/cs.

Now I am lost again. Why is another box required, if the important thing we are doing is improving ground impedance between components? The fewer the boxes and the shorter the cabling, the better. More stuff just adds more impedance that interferes with the objective of shunting noise out of the interconnect signal ground.

Is there some ground domain isolation going on, with separate star connections that have different noise signals on them being added in some systematic fashion as 'earth grounds' in all these separate boxes?

If so, how does that improve CMRR? All of these somewhat isolated grounds with electrical potential between them are spanning both ends of the signal path and injecting that electrical potential directly into the signal ground path.:confused:

It is contradictory to both shunt ground noise away from signal interconnect through low impedance case/earth ground while electrically isolating that low impedance ground between the components that share it. Makes no conceptual sense. I would have expected all those speaker terminal grounds to terminate at a single star point on a single earth ground that all the system components share.

If the grounding box is actually floating the chassis grounds from the mains ground then I could see some potential benefit as long as they are also ensuring a solid star interconnect somewhere else in the system that is independent of the audio interconnects, but that approach presumes low impedance earth/case ground path somewhere between individual components or the signal ground on the audio interconnect has to carry all the current picked up via antenna action.

If through the grounding box then why use separate boxes that increase the impedance of the star connection with physical separation between the earth/case grounds of the components? If not through the grounding box then where?

The contradiction leaves me confused and wondering if I fell down the rabbit hole somewhere.:confused:

Skeptical but willing to be convinced by measurements and theory. If a grounding box actually reduces noise, that effect should be measurable and its benefit explicable by physics.
Thanks Marc.
This new amplifier grounding should be done additionally and completely separately from any other Entreq grounding.
So earth cables from each of the amplifier's negative speaker terminals, both channels, to two separate Silver Minimus.
Doesn't work using the input jacks of an amplifier or by using an existing ground box being used for other components or Entreq i/cs.

The paper linked to below does have something to say about speaker wires and RFI/EMI, but it takes an entirely different approach with twisted pair instead of grounding. It goes so far as to claim that twisted pair is the ideal speaker wire.

Very informative but unfortunately somewhat heavy reading for the layman.

There is also the option of putting filter in-line, although I am not sure it was discussed specifically with speakers, but then I only skimmed.

Another key point in that documentation is that these problems require informed troubleshooting and sometimes measurement equipment to understand and mitigate them. Whether or not twisted pair or filter will make an audible difference depends on what is coming in on the speaker leads and how well the chosen remedy fits the malady.

Hanging a ground lead off the negative speaker terminal, well not so sure that accomplishes anything especially not with one box per lead.

Do all those boxes you are installing on the speaker leads have another port? What else do they connect to? Via what cabling? How long?

This paper is a good start in understanding some of the problems (skip the sections directed to Hams)

"A Ham's Guide to RFI, Ferrites, Baluns, and Audio Interfacing"

by Jim Brown K9YC
Audio Systems Group, Inc.

Chapter 1 – Some Fundamentals
To solve interference problems, we must understand them. So we'll begin by describing the ways
that RF interference is coupled into equipment and detected. There are several principal mechanisms
at work.


About 50 more excellent Jim Brown papers are available at:

Bill Whitlock also has some papers on power line noise.

Great link. Thanks very much for that. Although it merely confirms my bias in this case, at least it helps remind me the underlying physics my bias rests on.
in that link did you find any mention to 0V Reference/signal ground or RCA phono interconnect type cables (only reference I saw was comment about cable shielding was 'no connection to earth (or even circuit
common) is needed for shielding to be effective
' that is not completely applicable in terms of scope and focus-requirements), isolating signal ground from power supply, stray field transformer EMI situation?

Regarding speakers, I do not know if Tannoy is the only one but they provide an earth terminal, subjectively those that have used it seems to suggest that it can help sound quality but yeah that is subjective.

in that link did you find any mention to 0V Reference/signal ground or RCA phono interconnect type cables (only reference I saw was comment about cable shielding was 'no connection to earth (or even circuit
common) is needed for shielding to be effective
' that is not completely applicable in terms of scope and focus-requirements), isolating signal ground from power supply, stray field transformer EMI situation?

Regarding speakers, I do not know if Tannoy is the only one but they provide an earth terminal, subjectively those that have used it seems to suggest that it can help sound quality but yeah that is subjective.


I believe Tidal Assoulata will also know have grounding posts on their speakers. I have spoken to a dealer who does not carry Tannoy but who has heard the Tannoys grounded/ungrounding and he described the sound quality when using the grounding post as removing 'dirt' in the sound that he had not fully appreciated was there until it was gone. He was impressed.
I believe Tidal Assoulata will also know have grounding posts on their speakers. I have spoken to a dealer who does not carry Tannoy but who has heard the Tannoys grounded/ungrounding and he described the sound quality when using the grounding post as removing 'dirt' in the sound that he had not fully appreciated was there until it was gone. He was impressed.

Interesting, thanks Lloyd.
My Zu Definitions 4s spkrs sub amps are going to be grounded next week for the first time. The UK rep says I can add to this the -ve spkr terminals grounding idea mentioned by Barry, so in effect grounding the spkrs and the spkrs' sub amp electronics.
The insanity never ends :eek:!
My Zu Definitions 4s spkrs sub amps are going to be grounded next week for the first time. The UK rep says I can add to this the -ve spkr terminals grounding idea mentioned by Barry, so in effect grounding the spkrs and the spkrs' sub amp electronics.
The insanity never ends :eek:!

What insanity?
Barry, just a light heated comment that grounding, like any other aspect of upgrading, can go in unexpected directions. I'm sure the true objectivists would use a stronger word.
Cheryl, I really like yr additions to this area. I totally get it doesn't make much/any sense from a technical perspective. Are you ever going to put reasonable skepticism to one side, and just experience the thing? There is no shortage of no quibble trials for Entreq in the US, Asia and Europe.
Now if it really doesn't do anything for you, please tell us - there's no criticism of views from the subjective wing on those who try and remain unconvinced. But just saying it can't and won't help on principle may not match w/personal experience.
Hi Marc.
No not both.
Just the second - mono block negative spkr terminals with one earth cable each to a separate Silver Minimus.

I now realise that I misunderstood Marc's question and confused him and no doubt others so I obviously need to clear it up.
In particular the earthing of amplifiers using the negative speaker terminals IS IN ADDITION to the grounding using a ground cable connected to a Silver Tellus and an unused input.
BUT the grounding using the negative speaker terminals of the amplifier has to be done as previously described.
Apologies for any confusion caused!
Barry, my ramblings are unclear at the best of times. Just ask my GF! And Bonzo75.
Next wk I'm finally going to complete a full loom of component grounding, Apollos to linestage R&L, S'gauge energizer, cdp, monoblocks R&L, and Zu sub amps R&L.
And I'll go on to trial the amp-spkrs -ve terminal grounding to twin S. Minimus'.
Still contemplating Silver Tellus to Olympus Tellus/Apollos to Atlantis' upgrade. Trying to work out if I run 8 Atlantis grnd cables w/dual spades to cover my components, will the Olympus Tellus' 6 ground terminals be sufficient to accommodate the 16 spades? Ie nearly 3 spades per terminal.
That's very good of you Marc.
The upgrade next week looks good.
16 spades to one Olympus doesn't seem optimal but may be ok subject to advice. I would be inclined to share the load with the retention of a Silver Tellus or mini ground boxes and use one of the latter to separate out the Eera CDP
Hope it all goes well!
It is 6 terminal v 4 terminal S. Tellus, so less of a crush. Will talk to Fraser.
Thanks Orb and Lloyd for reminding us of the Tannoy speaker grounding which I had forgotten about.
The principles of that approach must be the same or very similar to the Entreq speaker terminal grounding and Lloyd's report of the Tannoy experience is certainly consistent with my latest experience.
Barry, just a light heated comment that grounding, like any other aspect of upgrading, can go in unexpected directions. I'm sure the true objectivists would use a stronger word.
Cheryl, I really like yr additions to this area. I totally get it doesn't make much/any sense from a technical perspective. Are you ever going to put reasonable skepticism to one side, and just experience the thing? There is no shortage of no quibble trials for Entreq in the US, Asia and Europe.
Now if it really doesn't do anything for you, please tell us - there's no criticism of views from the subjective wing on those who try and remain unconvinced. But just saying it can't and won't help on principle may not match w/personal experience.

I cannot justify the purchase of grounding solution for a system that cost less than the grounding. Ordering them solely so I can convince myself one way or the other would be taking advantage of the return policy for a free education as well as likely a complete waste of everyone's time including my own.

If circumstances were different and I could justify the price I would probably investigate personally if for no other reason than to satisfy my curiosity.

If you know anyone in the SF Bay Area with a pro grounding system I would appreciate a chance to investigate personally.

If there is some technical aspect to this that I am missing, I consider that a personal weakness in my education that needs correcting. That is my true motivation for posting here.

Regarding the subjective nature of any improvement, that is difficult to sell to someone like me unless it truly is a 'night and day' sort of difference. The conflicting statements on this thread by people who have tried these grounding solutions indicate that at the very least the performance is system-dependent if not also person-dependent.

Here is the way I currently perceive any product lacking in objective measurements and theory of operation for its purported benefit:


I basically expect that any claims will either be backed by objective measurement or at least supported by DBT that proves an audible difference can be reliably detected in the absence of psychologically confounding factors, or I will remain skeptical.

I came by this skepticism after being fooled myself a couple of times. Now I usually strive for a known cost-benefit up front.

I now realise that I misunderstood Marc's question and confused him and no doubt others so I obviously need to clear it up.
In particular the earthing of amplifiers using the negative speaker terminals IS IN ADDITION to the grounding using a ground cable connected to a Silver Tellus and an unused input.
BUT the grounding using the negative speaker terminals of the amplifier has to be done as previously described.
Apologies for any confusion caused!

Well now I am even more confused but that is par for the course with these things.

I did see some discussion of large metal plates inside one of the various grounding boxes in a thread somewhere but not sure which box was being described.

Thanks Orb and Lloyd for reminding us of the Tannoy speaker grounding which I had forgotten about.
The principles of that approach must be the same or very similar to the Entreq speaker terminal grounding and Lloyd's report of the Tannoy experience is certainly consistent with my latest experience.

I am wondering exactly what such grounding terminals connect to. My speakers have simple inductive/capacitive/resistive crossovers with no shielding and even though the drivers are magnetically shielded they have plastic molded baskets. The only thing that could be grounded on them is the motor.

Presumably there is more metal inside speaker systems that include a grounding terminal because it makes no sense to tap into the 'negative' terminal on a speaker where the voltage potential at that node is undefined but it could make sense to ground the metal in the drivers under some circumstances.

Regarding the removal of 'mud' from the sound, the closest analogy I can conceptualize in a measurement is the 'jammed' radar in Spaceballs. What does 'mud' look like on an analyzer? Some objective measurements would really help clear up my confusion, even better with schematics. Like I stated before, grounding can be tricky. I have never had much luck debugging grounding issues by applying some set of rote measures.
Cheryl, I don't know what to say. I pretty much tried Entreq on a whim. Tbh, I do believe I had no expectation of a positive effect at the time, in fact I was seriously anti in attitude to begin. I mean, like you, I thought what the Hell can a wooden box full of inert sand/minerals/chemicals/silver and copper plates do? Even worse, not connected to the mains, not in series w/the system, but in parallel, connected to in effect redundant input output jacks. yep, this really was going to be a waste of my valuable time. But i had achieved such brilliant results going to 8kVA balanced power, and I thought maybe addressing power/electrics in a different but related field MIGHT prove fruitful.
I truly send more back more stuff than I buy. So many tube amps, cables, cartridges, isolation supports, loudspeakers do absolutely nothing for me, in fact most are deleterious to good sound imho. I say that to avoid the label of being a sap that one member continually makes.
There was ZERO hard sell, indeed the UK distributor deliberately made no comment until I made mine, not wanting to skew the trial. Even then he didn't add to my comments, kept conversation very low key. But as a Eureka moment took hold, of course we talked enthusiastically about WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!
So there you go, my entry into grounding. And it's effects still show, often thru it's absence when occasional disconnecting is needed.
Btw, I'm an objective/subjective fence sitter/resident of the middle of the road. My work and it's effects as an osteopath cannot be measured in any conventional way, yet most of my patients and I am convinced by the efficacy of my work. Yet I have no time for religion, you cannot convince me of the Divine no matter how hard you try.
Where does your objectivism end and subjectivism start?
sorry to go off topic a bit but just responding to the bit about expectation.
Unfortunately we do suffer a specific bias where when we change something we cannot help but "model" mentally that it will have a causal effect and therefore expect it to influence whatever we change whether system/environment/etc.
This is possibly one example where adding something to a room has a perceivable cognitive effect even if room measurements do not back it up (some of those room improvement products would be a pig to test in a scientific-engineer way that also works comfortably with the listener).
I can relate to this from my experience as an engineer and developing and working on or supporting products (not hi-fi audio), very difficult to overcome and requires a strong and disciplined framework/methodology to subjectively/cognitively overcome.

Orb, so what is going on w/gear that I expect to work and it really doesn't to my ears (many too many to list, but recently, a so called stellar set of horns in the £80k region was such an item, disappointment hit me like a stab to the heart), things that work and then go off the rails (a fair number of amps and carts), stuff that increases in value over time (my current gear, but esp Sablon cables and Westwick 8kVA balanced power), and stuff I expect not to like and hey presto it doesn't (another set of horns in the £35k region).
I can't tell you the number of times I sat back expecting my bias to be satisfied, and gosh, could I not wait to get the said items out of my room/I have to leave the dealer.
My antipathy twds Entreq initially was on the "off the scale" side of things. So if we're saying any vague perceived positive will then get inversely magnified in an item we're antipathetic twds (severe doubt/non expectation > sliver of positive (prob misinterpreting nothing into something) > total mental turnabout due as much as to suprise as anything > rave review on WBF, 150 pages strong > steady emptying of bank account > establishment of comprehensive sap status), then what is the point re talking about any stuff in detail. We all are being fooled, all the time. Pro and anti gear. Measurements won't change that fact.
We should just have lists of loves and hates.
And are the objectivists truly consistent? Do they all turn down stuff that can't be proven to work, if it can't be measured? And are we to invest only in stuff that measures well? I can't imagine a world where we all own Halcro, ATC, Technics tt, Yamaha receivers, Cerwin Vega - this stuff all measure just fine and dandy.
Do we all turn down SETs w/their swathes of 2nd order harmonics distortion?
My Zus measure just lousy, but they continue to give and give.
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