Sorry, musical terminology for playing slightly ahead of the beat. It can be a mistake, or a technique. Keith Richards is rather famous for it. Sounds like it might have a similar meaning to the effect you're talking about.
So you're saying an amp that's too fast can actually cause a part of the music/signal to play a bit too soon, accentuating the leading edge of the note? But the entire signal is not played too soon, (which would make it all arrive together, and early or late we wouldn't know the difference), just specific notes? And this phenomenon effects the rest of the note? So the note that arrives too early decays too soon too, ie: the whole note is not present? I've also got to assume, then, that the early arrival and early decay are not equal, because if they were, that would just balance out.
Interesting, and a new one to me. Is there a name for this kind of distortion?
'expectation speed'...or...'bow wave' distortion.
if that phenomina is actually observed, i'll bet it's simply distortion in the initial musical note that smears the leading edge, and not any sort of actual 'ahead of time' thing. like a sort of 'stumble'.