I would agree with this. I believe my Inakustik cables are directional because the shield is terminated at one end.But the arrows are for the shield direction, no? Not for the conductor direction.
I have some genesis interconnect. One end is silver and the other copper. I was told to put the copper at the source and the silver at the load. But I don't know it has anything to do with anything outside being consistent.
Something I have always pondered is this idea a wire burns in and develops a direction. Not sure this is what people mean. When I think of a piece of wire and the crystal boundaries having a grain, I can't conceive of any of that changing over time due to use. Not unless that use resulted in heat. A lot of heat.
I do agree you change the boundaries when you bend a wire. If you bend it back and forth enough times, it will snap in half. So yes you have changed the structure.